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Posts posted by Moonlover

  1. 1 hour ago, cnx355 said:

    THai Passport Office use EMS to send passport.  Canadian Embassy also use EMS tto send passport after renewal.



    Just saying .

    I've used the Thai postal service for many years and found them to be extremely reliable. When Brits use an agent to have their passports renewed they all use the EMS service. 

    • Like 1
  2. 22 hours ago, jaywalker2 said:

    Actually, wine prices have been falling in Europe, due to the decrease in wine drinking because of studies claiming that no amount of alcohol is safe to drink. I remember reading a while back that the average price paid by Germans for table wine was $1.89. Well, we can only dream about that here.

    Europe, especially France has been accused of overproduction of wine for decades. But nothing has ever been done about it. So now they're feeling the pinch. C'EST LA VIE.

  3. 5 hours ago, BigStar said:


    "Go" bag reflects noob naivete.


    For decades, long before WW3 fears, our shrewdest members have known that the real problem is the Thais. All the xenophobia, mistreatment, changing visa rules, price gouging, scamming, no smiling, indifferent sales clerks, hostile banks, confiscatory taxes, and insulting haircuts that show they don't want us here. In general, it's just that incomprehensible lack of love towards the poor farang just for showing up and being their lovable fat selves in cargo shorts, looking for cheap beer and pussy. It's all about money!!! NAKED DISGUSTING GREED for which life among the benevolent populace in the UK never prepared us.


    So you never know what more nasty surprises THEY have in store for us! Be ready to RUN.




    ANOTHER pothole targeted at farangs? Thais! How much more???


    What we're looking for here is the classic, shrewd, street-smart ANF Poster Three Primal Laws Of Survival In Thailand, distilled over many years from the sage advice of our most knowledgeable members. Here ya go:


    1. Never invest in anything you aren't ready to lose;

    2. Never own more than you can carry with you or leave behind;

    3. Keep your suitcase packed at all times.


    There. All any foreigner needs. Now, enjoy!


    Quoting one or more of the Laws gives you ten (+10) instant points of ANF posting cred from the peanut gallery.


    What a load of xenophobic drivel!

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  4. 16 hours ago, JeffersLos said:

    Products with opened boxes are returned to the company to be repackaged without loss of stock to the vendor!

    Where on earth did you get that nonsense from? It's a standard policy in the retail sector that if products such as this show any signs of having been tampered with, it is automatically destroyed. 


    That is why the staff in 7-11 stopped you from opening the cartons and quite rightly so.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, OJAS said:


    I strongly suspect that there are quite a few of us on here who are envious of your blissful ignorance of the existence of Mr Drury!

    Indeed so. For me, when it come to footie, ignorance is indeed bliss!

  6. 16 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Its incredible how within one day of signing up to this forum he's managed to out himself as one of the most overwhelmingly disagreeable and dislikable characters on here... 


    Its astonishing that anyone is actually acknowledging his trolling.... 

    Actually he has scored a 'first' with me. He is the first poster has joined the forum and was placed on my 'ignore user' list within 48 hours of doing so. Congratulations  @Mekmong MICK

  7. 2 hours ago, OJAS said:


    A rather excitable football commentator! A few of his "gems" are on the following YouTube video:



    Thank you. Now I know why I've never heard of him.



    • Haha 1
  8. 11 hours ago, Mekmong MICK said:

    Lol, women are bad drivers no matter where you are in the world.


    I'm looking for 18-20yo, not many on the roads within this bracket unfortunately friend

    Ah, amongst his many negative attributes we can now add male chauvinist pig.

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