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Posts posted by Moonlover

  1. 18 hours ago, steven100 said:


    yes,  but it doesn't say in Bangkok, Phuket or where ....  it also mentions he wasn't ill or sick at all and there was nothing wrong with him,  many questions unanswered .....   

    It would be apparent that Simon Brown died of natural causes, otherwise the RTP would have had a lot more to say on the matter. It's not possible to ascertain the exact cause without a full autopsy and I recall Sheryl saying that it can be a month before the results are known. Besides, what business is it of ours anyway?


    47 is a bit young to simply drop dead of natural causes but it is not unknown. I've had a number of friends and colleagues in this age group who unexpectedly past away. One was a really good buddy of mine who had a stroke at this same age.

    • Thanks 2
  2. 8 hours ago, soi3eddie said:

    Bangkok is sinking slowly. Same as Jakarta and many other places. Are sea levels really rising? Maybe the Thai government want to move the capital for other reasons?


    Yes there is plenty of factual and scientific evidence that the sea levels are rising.



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  3. 11 minutes ago, alien365 said:

    I expect what people want is for the reports to be clear. I don't think that's too much to ask in journalism. I read this current news and the words end up taking over the story rather than having the reader focusing on the meaning. It's poor AI. 


    I understood it perfectly. True the language is somewhat flowery but it still portrays the situation as it is on the streets of Khon Kaen. AI is not yet perfect and I doubt that it ever will be, but you're going to have to get used to it, because this is the 'new normal' whether you like it or not.


    What distracts from the story far more than the flowery AI language is people like you moaning and groaning about it, which is, I should point out off topic. 


  4. 21 hours ago, proton said:

    Not to be encouraged I get enough of idiots looking for the phone, logging in them struggling to pay on their phones in other shops.

    And I wonder how many times I've been stood behind customers whilst they fumble around trying to root out small change from their pockets or the bottom of their bag. Or waiting whilst the cashier replenishes their till with small change.


    The boot can just as easily be placed on the other foot!

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  5. 15 minutes ago, Upnotover said:

    Encouraged by your reply I've applied again, I actually did the same as suggested the previous 3 times.  Would be nice even if they reject the application if they could be bothered to send the SMS, perhaps even saying what is wrong.

    I am very puzzled. I tried many times before I finally cracked it, however every time I tried and failed I received an SMS to let me know. They didn't explain why my request failed, but at least I knew it had. I had to figure that out myself. (with a bit of help from this forum)


    So as I said, I'm very puzzled as to why you're not receiving the notifications. Have you tried their call centre on  02-700-8855? I've read that they can be quite helpful. 


    See it as a challenge and keep at it. You'll get there.

  6. 16 minutes ago, n00dle said:
    3 hours ago, Moonlover said:

    Anyone who has any doubts about the negative impact that cannabis might have on mental and physical health of users, especially the young, should read this article.


    Cannabis legalization has led to a boom in potent forms of the drug that present new hazards for adolescents


    16 minutes ago, n00dle said:


    adolescents cannot legally purchase cannabis.


    That seems to be a minor detail in this, as in most countries. The same is true for alcohol an tobacco is is not?

    • Confused 1
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  7. 1 hour ago, HighPriority said:
    9 hours ago, Moonlover said:

    Did you bother to even take a glimpse at Dr. Li's website before making this comment? Perhaps you should, he seems to be a very interesting gentleman.




    1 hour ago, HighPriority said:

    I take my cardiology advice from my acupuncturist 👍🏼


    A very good choice and in that regard we're on the same page. I practice Qigong twice a day, Qigong being a very close cousin of acupuncture. When I practice my exercises I am stimulating the self same meridians as your acupuncturist does when inserting the needles. I much prefer Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to the western, big pharma lead modality.


    I haven't seen the inside of a hospital for many years, which perhaps is just as well because I have a fear of them. I'm even jittery when I visit someone.



  8. 40 minutes ago, AreYouGerman said:


    Oh, I thought you had it and can give some review about if it's actually true what is written on the product details. Nevermind, I forget it's a spiteful boomer forum.


    Everything that you need to know about the product is on Lazada's web site. A lot more than I have the time to repeat. Go to the product page and scroll down. It's all there for you to read. I have one and it works exactly as described.


    Ultra-sonic anti bark device.




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  9. Yes these games and puzzles are fun and I'll accept that they can play a part in keeping the grey matter active. I partake a few of them myself, especially Sudoku and Kakuro. But don't get too hooked on them. Most of us have come across the new  phrase “sitting is the new smoking” and it's very true.


    I like to imagine that pension providers love it when retirees get themselves a big comfy armchair and a big screen TV, or the 'home office of course'. To my mind it's a slow death, both mentally and physically. Humans evolved to move and most of us need to do a lot more of it. (and not just lifting a beer glass either!)


    I like to walk at least 3 miles (6 to 7,000 steps) per day and I wear a smart watch to ensure that I do so. That same watch also gives me an hourly 'get up and move' alarm to remind me do just that. I also practice Qigong (similar to Tai Chi) twice daily. I'm 78 years young, fit, healthy and medication free. 


    Mens sana in corpore sano. Juvenal got that one right.

    • Like 1
  10. 10 hours ago, AreYouGerman said:


    That's pretty awesome. But does it make a sound we humans can hear? I need to be very diplomatic with the neighbor and his dogs and don't want him to find out that I am torturing his dogs for torturing me with barking 24/7.


    Read the product details. That should answer all your questions.

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