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Posts posted by Moonlover

  1. 36 minutes ago, Almer said:

    This will put money into the economy, if everybody goes out and puts a down payment on a Honda. Wave or it is. Spent on booze, disaster looks. 

    You obviously don't much about this topic.


    'They can’t simply spend the money. The main idea of the digital wallet was to spread the cash evenly across the economy. So the beneficiaries need to spend the money within six months in the area where they are domiciled and they can buy goods from small shops registered under the program. Also, buying alcohol, cigarettes, fuel and online purchases aren’t allowed'. 



  2. 14 hours ago, susanlea said:

    I notice how 90% of responses are people attacking the op. Happens on every topic. Lots of really uptight defensive people. Very strange.

    You've only been on the forum since April @susanlea. After 10 years you'll consider it 'normal'. And in my case, I've been an expat for much of my adult life so I'm quite used to being in the company of malcontents. It seems to come with the plane ticket! 


    It's one of the main reasons why I'm quite happy now living in a small village with few possessions and well away from the 'maddening crowd'.


    I recall my ex brother-in-law. When he married, they bought a nice house which was plenty big enough for them and their 2 planned offspring. And then they filled it with junk, including the garage whilst their  expensive BMW was parked on the drive. (and vulnerable of course)


    They then decided that it wasn't big enough and so they extended the house and inevitably continued to fill it with junk. They then decided to buy a bigger house to accommodate them (and their junk) Now their 2 girls have grown up, found hubbies and moved out, so now they are rattling around in this huge house full of junk.


    Why didn't they simply get rid of the junk in the first place?


    Clinging to stuff achieves nothing in my opinion.

  3. 3 hours ago, newbee2022 said:

    As far as I read previously not every citizen will get the money.

    There are restrictions: only over 18, and only the poor.

    And some others.

    We'll see what will happen and if it will have the "predicted" outcome concerning the GDP. 😇


    'To be eligible, citizens must be 16 years old by September 30. Their monthly income must be lower than 70,000 baht and they must have less than 500,000 baht in their bank accounts'.



  4. 23 minutes ago, Georgealbert said:

    That day, the uncle was also carrying duck eggs, which made him drive more carefully. The cause of the accident remains unclear.

    The question I would be asking is: 'How was he carrying these duck eggs and would it have impeded on his ability to control his motorcycle properly?' I do see some pretty dodgy acts on motorcycles by these rural types.

  5. 17 hours ago, BuddyPish said:

    That's not good at all.
    You must be pissing 50 times a day if all you can pass is an eggcup full.

    Last thing you want is a distended bladder. If it gets too stretched, it loses its ability to contract/empty properly and you'll have to use a catheter every day. Worse still is hydronephrosis which is when urine backs up into the kidneys and effectively waterlogs them. This can seriously damage the kidneys and if left too long, you're talking about kidney failure and dialysis for life or a kidney transplant and immunosuppressants for life.

    Too important to leave to the NHS.
    If you've got the money, throw it at this problem ASAP after a consultation with a competent urologist either here or in the UK.


    This is a very important issue @p414. I reached your stage after being on meds for a few years. I live in the sticks and all the local urologist could offer was surgical removal. No way Jose! I was aware of the risk of kidney damage as described above by @BuddyPish and decided to chance my arm at self catherization in order to relieve the pressure on the bladder and kidneys. 


    That was over a year ago and it's been so successful that I 've continued using this method. I'm no longer 'toilet hunting' whenever we go out anywhere as I can last for up to 4 hours between pees and importantly I only need to visit the loo once during the night so my sleep has greatly improved. Like you I practice intermittent fasting, nothing after 6pm which also helps and I've also come off the meds which were, by now ineffective and giving me nasty side affects, notably weight gain and edema.


    There's a very interesting website right here if you'd like more details and you can PM me if you'd like to discuss further. You should of course also chat with Sheryl about it.

  6. 4 hours ago, Mike Lister said:
    17 hours ago, Moonlover said:

    So sending a portion of my pension income directly to my wife's bank account  as 'housekeeping' and then accepting food in return would be regarded 'benefiting' would it?


    4 hours ago, Mike Lister said:

    Yes, it would

    No problems Mike, it was 'tongue in cheek', but I'm sure some folks would be thinking like that. I'm not concerned about this issue at all. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. 5 hours ago, J Branche said:

    My understanding is you can gift up to 10,000,000 baht to certain people without them paying taxes.  You can Not benefit or receive any of this money in return or it may cause many difficulties you may not want solve.

    So sending a portion of my pension income directly to my wife's bank account  as 'housekeeping' and then accepting food in return would be regarded 'benefiting' would it?

    • Haha 1
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  8. I wish to change my bank details. So I did the same as I always have done and wrote them a letter quoting my Pension Reference Number as required.


    'Sorry' they said in their reply, but for data protection reasons we now require you to provide the following:


               Pension Reference Number

               National Insurance Number

               Service Number

               Date of Birth


    So another letter written and another trip to the post office. I wish these guys would get themselves into digital age and make it possible to do this on line. Many other pension providers have this facility nowadays.


    Anyway I thought I'd let my fellow veterans know so that you don't have make two trips to the post office. My request wasn't time critical, but others might find theirs more urgent.


    Enjoy your day.


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