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Posts posted by DLock

  1. Yingluck said a committee would be formed to follow up on immediate and long-range plans closely to ease the crowding

    I wonder if Yingluck's committee will mention that Yingluck's brother caused most of the serious runway problems we are seeing today, with his nepotistic and corrupt carelessness and grand-larceny.

    Not really, but don't let the facts get in your way.

    Why don't you start with the principal contractors. Wonderful Italian-Thai consortium with 2 major japanese construction firms. Those contractors controlled the construction and the site inspection.They were responsible for quality assurance. ITD is a public company, so you can go and look up the major shareholders.

    Do you realize that there is a quasi monopoly on cement in Thailand? I suggest you read up on who controled the primary cement suppliers for the runways.

    I am always amazed when people mouth off on the subject, but don't make an effort to see who was involved. And here's a tip: Public criticism of one involved party would land you in jail.

    You know not of what you speak.

  2. I have known many Thai women who had took up with farangs in Thailand, being lead to believe that these guys were single, had no other commitments, were sincere and committed to these women. Then after a period of having a free girlfriend and bed partner during their stay in Thailand, held together by deceit and lies, the guys suddenly disappeared off the scene leaving these women emotionally hurt and bewildered.

    Lies, cheating and deceit can work both ways. Perhaps she was just a decent lady that has been scorned and hurt? And has good cause to be angry.

    So far we have only heard a brief account of one side of the story, as our herpes100 seems to have taken a powder and gone silent.

    The difference between Hermes and Herpes couldn't be more different.

    Herpes is usually given from free and is the gift that keeps on giving.

    Hermes...not so much.

  3. I have the 2.8 Colorado LTZ 71 4x4.

    It's a fairly hefty pickup, but it goes ok. Plenty of power when you put your foot down, but rather sedate at low revs.

    Because it is hefty and low road noise, speed can be deceiving. Easy to be going way faster than you think.

    Brakes are a little on the spongy side.

    Interior is leather (light brown) and nice enough.

    Stereo is good and lots of storage space.

    I didn't really negotiate for extras. I paid the deposit and had the car in 2 or 3 weeks. Got free tinting and bed liner.

    I preferred the 3.2 Wildtrak, but they quoted 2013. All the current trucks are decent. For me it came down to who could deliver - Ford, Chevy or Isuzu and Chevy won.

  4. I like Chuwit. He is Chinese/Thai and got a masters in the US. He can't be all bad. Plus my old girlfriend used to work for him. She was a clean woman. Always smelled like she just stepped out of the shower.

    You obviously have good taste in women, she was probably so clean and sweet smelling because he provided daily soapy bubble baths to all his employees. He's a caring and conscientious guy.rolleyes.gif

    Chuwit is not Thai/Chinese.

    He is 100% pure Chinese (both parents are 100% pure Chinese).

    So are his wives.

    So all her children are also 100% pure Chinese.

    You are wrong on all counts.

    You have no credibility.

    Your assertion that the Casino is no longer operating has no merit.

    That is all.

  5. This latest crash takes the focus away from the Australian murdered...

    Which took the focus from the 2 girls who died on Phi Phi...

    Which took away the focus...on some other tragic that I can't even remember...

    Just like the last tragedy, this one will soon fade as another takes it's place as "Tragedy de Jour".

    This place will never change. It's not held to the same standards and laws as "the West". No one is accountable.

    Demanding and voting with your feet changes nothing...

    • Like 2
  6. Rob, we crashed last year into a tree at about 70-80km...wife was trying to avoid a dog. Dog lived.

    We both were not wearing seat belts. Airbags definitely saved our lives.

    I busted my head open, 4 broken ribs, wrist and ankle.

    She broke her collarbone (clean break) that required surgery. It took about 2 months to heal.

    However, the bigger problem was that she suffered a tear in her aorta, that was only detected because of very high blood pressure and I insisted on an MRI. Turns out her aorta had dissected and blocked her renal arteries. Her kidneys were failing and she needed major surgery to run the veins from her legs up through her body to her kidneys. She is still on a lot of medication but is slowly recovering. If that tear had ruptured she would have bled out and died on the spot.

    My point is, be very aware that she (or you) may have more internal problems. Worth getting checkups for the next few weeks to make sure everything is functioning correctly. The hospitals are pretty quick to send you home. They did not even detect the broken collar bone until 3 days after the crash.

    Good Luck.

  7. Controversially!!!!!..............I agree for now.................however!!!!.................complacency will undo Thailand.

    In the medium to long term Burma will build the infrastructure required to damage Thai tourism, that will take time though. Thailand should be using that time to ensure that they are giving better customer service and a better product to tourists, in preparation for certain competition.

    We know that's what they should be doing, we also know there is no chance of Thailand doing that. There will be trouble ahead.

    In addition to that, in the short/medium time frame, will be for Burma to offer relatively "raw" nature instead of the commercial holiday destinations that Thailand now offer. Over priced and over rated!

    How appealing will that be for tourists? It is after all how Thailand started (American R&R excluded)...........wink.png

    True.........and a very good point.

    Can I just point out that comparing Thailand with Burma is totally wrong. Burma will easily attract a different class of tourist.

    Burma is not Thailand, it never has been, and it never will be. It will never have the sleaze image, the Ladyboy cliche, the Thai wife image, and the stench of child exploitation that Thailand has attached to it.

    Burma is a totally different proposition, it's reputation as a country is legendary in the collective memory, and the fact that it is a former member of the British empire is a fantastic advantage compared to Thailand. You will easily get ABC demographic tourists to visit Burma with no hesitation as soon as the infrastructure is in place.

    I'm already seeing AB category tourists being advertised to in the British press such as The Times, being offered the Burma experience on cruise ships, etc. This country will attract a demographic that Thailand finds hard to attract, and they will attract them easily, as soon as the infrastructure is built.

    You will never see a Pattaya in Burma.

    I agree Blether.

    Whilst Thailand will always have a place for the sex-tourists, Burma will quickly bite into the tourists that want culture, temples, truly world class beaches, diving and unspoiled nature. What % that is of the total tourists to Thailand I have no idea, but it is significant enough to hurt Thailand's tourist market quicker than they can react.

    It's not a single country that will take Thailand's mantle as the tourist destination of Asia....it is the combined countries of SEA that will slowly eat away at Thailand's tourism, and I'm not sure there is much Thailand can do. It's best days are behind it. The other countries have their best days ahead.

    • Like 1
  8. Terrible tragedy indeed ... nobody should die in that way ..if the police were less busy trying to get money from corruption they would perhaps be more visible to those criminals, I never seen any police patrol in those very touristic areas.. I might be wrong of course .Well Thailand is not safe anymore that for sure.

    I still think Thailand is one of the safest countries in the world, every country has bad bastards like the two involved in this tragedy, but I feel much safer in Bangkok or even Pattaya than I do in Glasgow, or would feel in any city in the UK.

    You may well FEEL safer but there are no grounds to assert that Thailand IS safer. Even with the Thai's manipulation of the stats, Glasgow & Scotland are much safer places than Bangkok & Thailand. For Thais Thailand has always been a dangerous place but they never used to harm the goose that lays the golden egg to such an extent.

    I don't agree with you Jimmu, Bangkok is much safer per head of population that Glasgow is.

    How many tourists go to Glasgow again?

  9. I think we are aware she was doing it for money. Many people are desperate and will do anything to help their family survive. A deeper understanding of the problem would be in everyone's best interests.

    Sent from my GT-N7000B using Thaivisa Connect App

    No, quite the opposite.

    A few bullets to the head of these Traffickers may show the rest of the donkeys that Thailand is serious.

    No understanding necessary.

  10. Given your post heading "Tattoo Palour"...you may want to get a spell check if you plan to get lettering done...

    Is Joy back from Singapore? She had been gone a long time and Jimmy is random with his working hours and appointments.

  11. The former "beloved" was a go-go boy the OP picked up in Sunee Plaza 3 years ago. I'm amazed it took him this long to wake up to the realities of "love" and all the excess baggage that goes with it.

    And you went to all the trouble to register a second ID to post this? Why?

    What is interesting is that go-go or barworker's are universally lazy and good for very little.

    Who would have thunk it?

  12. Kind of gives a different perspective on the whole Bo and Luke Duke analogy.

    And I had never really given any thought to whether a Thai guy would be as lazy as a Thai girl when they found a meal ticket. I'm actually surprised.

    Does it change my opinion. Yes. Leave less money...I figure a guy will be much more resourceful, and probably have more friends in more places.

    To the person who "outed" you...weak effort fool.

  13. Lots of replies, and everyone is assuming he is referring to a girlfriend.

    Maybe the OP should come out and tell the truth that it is a gay relationship he is talking about wink.png

    That shouldnt make too much difference... personally I dont see where your comment would be leading!

    I know it should not make any difference, but I am sure a lot of posters replies would have been different if they knew in the beginning that it was a boyfriend, not a girlfriend, that he was thinking of leaving.

    Say it isn't so...

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