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lj cm

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Posts posted by lj cm

  1. Wow, out of curiosity, I just checked the online queue a 9:10AM and found March 9 still had 3 slots open and March 10, had 6 open. It looks like it's quite easy to get an online time slot during burning season. wink.png

    Well, it least with the 5K you saved not getting an agent, you can go down South a get a 4 to 8 days free get-away (depending of your life style).

    At 7.10am there were 6 slots available. The previous day, for 9th at 7am there were 8 slots available.

    That's very good to hear. I was starting to get nervous, that I had to be ready at midnight multiple nights.

  2. The 'Energy Reform" system cost 27,000 Baht (in Chiang Mai) with a 58 litre tank.

    Be aware, that many new cars are with 'Direct Fuel Injection' engines, and they can not be converted to LPG (or NGV).

    Of course they can, more nonsense info.. They use a piggy back ECU and an electrical cutoff to the fuel function of the vehicle ECU and install new injectors into the manifold..

    You are right; but your explanation is just a nice mix of buzzwords.

    Here is the real story:


    Nice mix of buzz words?? Oh sorry I used words to summarize the operation and process of the system and that wasn't complicated enough for you? w00t.giffacepalm.gif But yet you said it wasn't possible to install at all? whistling.gif Oh my giddy aunt........cheesy.gif

    Your answer is just beautiful. I was really LOL. But; the Direct Fuel Injections sits directly in the cylinders and can not be turned off because then they will "burn".

  3. The 'Energy Reform" system cost 27,000 Baht (in Chiang Mai) with a 58 litre tank.

    Be aware, that many new cars are with 'Direct Fuel Injection' engines, and they can not be converted to LPG (or NGV).

    Of course they can, more nonsense info.. They use a piggy back ECU and an electrical cutoff to the fuel function of the vehicle ECU and install new injectors into the manifold..

    You are right; but your explanation is just a nice mix of buzzwords.

    Here is the real story:


  4. If these systems ar so great then why Not New Car Companys installing this?

    They do; but only cars/pickups running on CNG. PTT is producing natural gas at their fields in the south. LPG is mainly imported.

    The problem is, that PTT has not been building the number of CNG stations, as they promised; and that's why, you see car queues at CNG stations.

    • Like 1
  5. I can absolutely recommend it. I have driven 70,000 km on LPG without any problems (and saved 300,000 Baht)

    Nice try. Unless LPG is free, it not likely you would have saved anywhere near that amount.

    Using 10km/L as a reference point. 70,000km would need 7000 L of fuel. Gas at the moment is around 34Bt/L

    So total cost would be 238,000 Bt......less than the amount you claimed to save !!!

    It's installed on my old Benz SUV (3.2 litre, 6 cylinder); and it drives 5-6 km/l in mixed driving. A real "gas guzzler".

    And it does not like gasohol!

    OK; I have to subtract the 42,000 Baht the system cost me. Sorry!.

  6. I can absolutely recommend it. I have driven 70,000 km on LPG without any problems (and saved 300,000 Baht)

    The power of the engine is the same with the fuel-injection systems. If it's not, go back to the shop and say: I want power, not economy.

    The subsidy of LPG is almost gone, so the price will stay, more or less, the same as now.

    I will recommend the brand 'Energy Reform'.

    • Like 2
  7. When we renovated our house and they took down the ceilings, it revealed a total spider web of electric wires. A total mess; and they were not installed in plastic tubes. And this is a Land & House project. We got some "real" electricians to do it correctly, but still had to inspect, what they were doing, because they also tried to do some "shortcuts".

    PS!. The most important thing, to install in a house, is a Circuit Breaker.

  8. A friend bought the 2011 model Cruze and she have had many problems with it.

    The first 1 1/2 year it was for repair 10 times. Mainly gearbox problems and oil leak, but also electrical malfunction. Every time it was repaired, the problems returned after a month or so.

    She tried to sell it after 2 years, but no used car dealer wanted to buy it.

    The Chevrolet dealer has now extended the guaranty from 3 to 4 years.

  9. 5 hundred baht is very reasonable to pay, a while back they stopped preforming this service and you had to go to your consulate cost 50dollars at the US consulate. Nice drive for those without a consulate service

    Absolutely correct. The important thing is to know, you can get it and where to get it. That's why I wrote the post.

    If you get it for free, good for you; but it doesn't really matter, if you have to pay 100-500 Baht.

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