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Posts posted by waza46

  1. 2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    The Australian Government has guaranteed deposits up to $250,000 in Authorised Deposit-taking Institutions (ADIs) such as your bank, building society or credit union. ... Some ADIs operate multiple brands or may offer deposit accounts under more than one brand name. However, they are still part of the same ADI.May 10, 2018


    Here's your sandpaper:

    Image result for picture of sandpaper on a toilet roll


    Australia doesn't have a government, it has a bunch if pissants stabbing each other in the back on both sides of the political spectrum with the minor party kiddies wondering who to suck up to to best feather their nests.

    If you think the money they print to support that guarantee will by worth any more than Venezuelan moment good luck.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, dotpoom said:

    More and more I am convinced that "social media" is causing people to lose the ability to "think for themselves".

      I come across daily, questions on how to do common everyday stuff ....stuff that most people used to figure out themselves.....

      I remember someone commenting in a discussion one time on how some people seemed to have the gift of "mental telepathy". He reckoned that we all had this ability in the distant past (like the ability to "sense" when a loved one was in danger no matter where they were..stuff like that) but since modern ways of communicating with each other devoleped more and more...we ceased using this function/ability and eventually lost it. Things like mail delivery, phones, telegraphs and of course ...now the computer.

       It leads me to ask....where will mankind be in another 50 or 100 years concerning our ability to "think for ourselves" if we continue making the progress we are making in development at this lightening pace.

      Will we be asking ..."How does one use a bum gun"?....Ohh!, sorry,.. we have reached that point already (I remember someone asking it on here last year).

    Have a look at a movie called Idiocracy it is scary how true this is becoming

  3. 2 hours ago, Time Traveller said:

    Yes the  "service" at the Aussie embassy is a complete joke. It doesn't exist.


    I was surprised as I just found out the embassy had moved location and when I arrived there last friday was told that the Embassy changed their consular policy 2 days before and now everyone requires appointments. (Is it too difficult for them to just be at work during regular hours or something? )  Fortunately, someone cancelled their scheduled appt at the same time and I managed to get to see them the same day. 


    From what I can tell, the only reason the Australian Embassy exists is to provide employment for Thais. Did not see a single Aussie person. But dozens of Thai admin and security people. Seriously, where does the freaking money go on these high fees we pay for? Even the American embassy manages to hire American citizens (and their fees are much less than the Aussie Embassy).


    Just like physical Australia then 

    • Like 2
  4. 2 hours ago, Ulic said:

    I am quite convinced there is a huge market around the world for bonafide certified

    indoor air filtration equipment. Not the BS air circulation crap but genuine equipment

    that filters the sub 2.5-micron particulate. China, India, and South East Asia would be

    huge markets with their levels of air pollution.

    There is, it is called a HEPA filter and is commonly available.

  5. 7 minutes ago, SunsetT said:

    If it clumps it is overcooked; the last thing u need with white rice as there is little enough nutritional value and taste in it anyway. The Thais have got it right eating rice with a spoon  rather than  a knife and fork. Trying to balance a mouthfull of rice on a fork is ridiculous! My missus cooks brown and rice mixed. It has always puzzled me how the rice cooker copes with that but it seems to.

    Thats right, makes me laugh, in Australia you see people asking for chopsticks in thai restaurants. Spoon and fork is definitely the way to  eat.

  6. 1 hour ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    To Australia NO. Unless it is in a security tamper-evident bag (STEB), with the invoice attached on the outside.


    If if it isn't it will be confiscated in Singapore as it contravenes Australian regulations.


    You may be able to buy it in Singapore in that kind of bag and it may be delivered to the plane as well.


    AFIK this is a unique Australian rule.

    The joys of nanny state Australia

  7. On 22/09/2017 at 9:33 PM, thaisail said:

    Where is the best hotel near the airport BKK? Budget around 500 baht must include transfer to and from the airport. Any ideas?

    Can't think of anywhere I have ever been where you could get hotel near airport with transfers included for USD 15. Maybe try Africa I have never been there.

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