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Posts posted by halloween

  1. 14 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

    If there is an outcome that affects the standing of any ministerial decision such that they are invalid, this will be a nightmare and will have huge significance. It has been a common practice for members and senators in Aust to have dual-citizenship, going right back to when the Commonwealth was started.  I just cant see anything being over-turned, as it would mean over-turning every decision by anyone with dual-citizenship going back to ........ ??

    The current line is that decisions were made by cabinet and carried out by ministers. Pesticides and Vet Medicine likely to challenge move to Armidale from Canberra.

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  2. 6 minutes ago, YetAnother said:

    according to wikipedia ('royal thai armed forces')

    "The Thai military has more than 1,750 flag officers (generals and admirals), a bloated number for a military of its size."

    common chatter has the number of generals at about 1200;

    leaving 550 admirals; why in the world does thailand need 550 admirals ?!

    If you read it again, there is also an Air Force, Marines, Border Police and other paramilitary groups which will have flag level officers. Still massively top heavy though.

  3. On 10/28/2017 at 2:38 PM, bazza73 said:

    I would love to see that too; however, I don't think it is going to happen.

    The ruling was that they had no legal right to nominate for a parliament seat, so they have NO accumulated pension until re-elected. They are now discussing whether any ministerial decisions have any standing.

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  4. 1 minute ago, jayboy said:

    Do you think you strengthen or weaken your argument by the reference to "little red thought" ? Does it suggest you have a reasoned sober approach or the opposite?


    You seem to be saying Thaksin will be extradited.Or perhaps you are just saying there is sufficient evidence for Thaksin to be extradited.What do you think is the practical likelihood of Thaksin being returned to Thailand against his will? What do you think will be the reaction of countries being asked to extradite Thaksin and what weight do you think will be placed on political considerations? Do you think a more positive response might have been elicited when Thailand had a legitimate democratic government rather than a military Junta which seized power by force.Do you think the demand for extradition is political theatre or a genuine initiative? Could there be a case that the authorities really prefer Thaksin to be in exile?


    What about Yingluck? Do you think from a foreign perspective she is seen as being guilty of anything at all? What opinion do you think foreign governments have about the Thai justice system - ie its even handedness and lack of political direction?


    Do you think at any serious level about these issues at all? Or are you just content to screech "little red thought" or "Shin lover" at anybody who questions your Manichaean vision?

    I stated that there is at least one clearly criminal case against Thaksin, rather than political, sufficient for extradition. Denial of his criminality both in and out of office is common amongst his supporters.

    Whether his political history or wealth could be used to make other countries comply is a different subject to that which I posted, as is Yingluk, and the current political position in the country. Why you would ask the  opinion of anyone else is incomprehensible, as any opinion other than your own you regard as inferior, as you have so often pointed out.

  5. 2 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

    You will get the one I think and hope, but carry on dreaming on the other two as persecution in a political case is not liked in the Free World.


    How's it Go


    Immmmmmm Dreaming of?

    The problem with that little red thought is that several of the cases against Thaksin are clearly criminal. The B9.9 billion KTB fraud case should be ample for extradition.

  6. 14 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

    I only diverted to address your   but,but,but...Thaksin stance. 


    No more Junta from me if we have a deal that you stay on topic and leave TS out of it. This is about PTP searching for a new leader now the ex-Pm has been forced into exile by the Army.

    Ignore the man who bribes MPs and sets policy to his own benefit? should we leave JC out of Easter?

  7. 10 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:


    Sure  he was no angel but nothing more 'criminal' than illegally taking a WHOLE country eh? 

    Nobody is " taking a WHOLE country", that is just another puerile red exaggeration. The junta has taken control of the country from those busy moving its resources into their own accounts. When you have proof of billions of baht being wasted on fraudulent scams, bring it to our attention.

  8. 16 hours ago, LannaGuy said:


    nah.. number one was the Junta getting THEIR amnesty but likely you 'forgot' about that so I thought I'd jog that convenient memory for you

    Is the one equivalent to the other? A simple question, what is democratic about a career criminal buying politicians to absolve his crimes, and those of his co-conspirators?

  9. 8 hours ago, LannaGuy said:

    Nonsense post derived of acceptance of Junta 'spin'. My advice is to grow up and DYOR outside of your Thai bubble.

    And this from the man whose political philosophy is based on "junta bad" and endorses every action of what was clearly a criminal conspiracy posing as a "democratic" government.

  10. 2 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

    The question was not about him and what he did, it was about Yingluck, did she arrange for him to be involved, and what evidence has been brought to the table to prove this beyond a reasonable doubt, not forgetting that she was convicted for her failure to stop the fake rice deals. She was not convicted for anything else..

    As he was heavily involved in the fake rice deals, for which he received the 48 year sentence, his actions and his access to government deals is very much relevant. She didn't stop the deals which netted him even more profits, profits that I strongly suggest were shared with the Shin family in return for preferential access.

    If it could be proved she didn't stop the deals for personal/family gain, then she should be sharing sentences with Boonsong and Apichart. My hope is one or the other will give evidence in return for leniency.

  11. 4 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

    And the proof that Yingluck did do what you claim was presented at the court ? Does that evidence even exist ? Both people you mentioned were not sentenced to five years in prison YIngluck was. 


    The way I read the actual conviction, she was NOT convicted for negligence, as that was not proven (and is of course very difficult to prove) she was convicted for her failure to stop the rice deals, even though she did sack the responsible minister. Wondering exactly what evidence was brought to table to prove that. 


    Surely it's not merely a photo or alleged connection as Rob seems to claim. 

    Yes the evidence exists, he was the (unnecessary) dealer in the 300,000t G2G sale to Indonesia that netted him B900 million, which I have linked to many times. He was also the dealer in the G2G deal with Iran where he stole the rice and the money. HE was sentenced on multiple counts and is serving more than 48 years, Thaksin avoids charges by being absent.

    Any reasonable due diligence would have eliminated him from dealings with government. That he wasn't reeks of corruption.


  12. 1 minute ago, sjaak327 said:

    But merely accepting Thaksin's friendship as proof of wrongdoing by Yingluck is of course no proof. Thus the notion that this was rigged is just further enforced. according to the verdict of this judge they did not follow the law. And if the connection as you claim is the major proof, the only judge that was clear minded is the one that we are discussing here. But I understand, your hatred for anything bearing the name Shinawatra is more important than a fair and transparent trial.



    Apichart was given preferential treatment by both in government rice deals. Yingluk gave him preferential access to closed door rice deals netting hundreds of millions AFTER his company went bankrupt owing the government and banks billions.

    That is not just photos, or friendship, it is preferential business dealings with a man proven to be totally corrupt - Apichart and Thaksin.

  13. 3 hours ago, tomta said:

    Yes, he did, and he should have been expelled without a degree. He was not charged or failed because he was the son of an important man. And also I do remember that the rector of Ramkamhemg shamefully said "THis is normal. It happens a lot". He should have been fired. Now Oak is being charged with all sorts of things because he is the son of an important man. Other associated people are not being charged.None of these things should happen for these reasons.. And certainly what we are seeing and what many commentators on this thread endorse is that being a Shin means being guilty. Backtrack through the thread and you will see "The Shins this"> "The Shins that" as though they are not and can not be individuals. They are just criminals because they are "Shins". Where can this lead?

    He is being charged because he was in possession of B10 million illegally obtained. Sons of 'important' men DO NOT get a free pass.


    If you wish to read today's BP you will notice how he was able to evade billions in taxes by obtaining a favourable ruling. The person who made that decision and others involved now get to pay for his crimes.

  14. 26 minutes ago, rwdrwdrwd said:

    He created one of the most successful telecoms companies in the country.

    What's the salary of a senior army official these days - they seem to do pretty well on it.

    If we're taking tax evasion by rich Thais into account then I think we're going to run out of internet if we properly delve into whether or not this particular family are being abnormally targeted.

    Which part of the word 'monopoly' don't you understand?

  15. 15 minutes ago, Thian said:

    Nattawut and Chayakorn were among eight police cadets who participated in the Mar. 31, 2014, training exercise over Phetchaburi province. Families of the cadets were present to watch from the ground.

    The sling failed to snap open the cadets’ canopies. While the six other trainees managed to open emergency parachutes and land unharmed, Nattawut and Chayakorn fell to their deaths, to the horror of those watching.


    Thai aviation was very lucky that 6 young police cadets knew how to operate the emergency parachutes....


    Imagine you are a parent watching your son doing the parajump...then the cord fails and they all fall down without parachute...then 2 of them fall to their death, i bet the parents didn't know at that moment if it was their son falling to death or not. Must have been a very painfull moment for all of them to not know if they had seen their son dying infront of their eyes. 


    What a shame of a story, all caused by corrupt employees who embezzled the money given to them to buy a real good foreignmade sling. I hope the general also reads this story, they sure deserve jailtime imo.

    AFAIK each cadet had an individual sling and 2 broke. The other 6 cadets chutes opened normally.

  16. 3 hours ago, Gregster said:

    Have I got this right (for a single OAP living in Thailand ):

    1/ the max allowable annual income to keep the FULL OAP is only $4,368 per year?

    2/ Centrelink deem assets @ 3.25% ?

    3/ if yes to above, the full OAP payment rate therefore starts to decrease once your assets reach approx $135,000?

     $250 income is allowed per fortnight, and you lose 50c of pension for every dollar above that. BUT any allowance not used accumulates up to one year, so after a year, you could earn $6500 without pension loss if no other income during the year.

  17. 29 minutes ago, Gregster said:


    Copy all that - thanks mate...but after obtaining the OAP I am not sure why I have to tell CL I’m going O/S albeit for a holiday or to live.

    For some reason I thought that once you have obtained the OAP and you have done your 2 year penance immediately PRIOR TO obtaining OAP, you have portability?

    That is how I understand it as well. When I asked C/L about it, explaining I have been a resident for 6 months each year for 4 years before OAP age, they said no problems with portability.

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