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Posts posted by DJVillain

  1. i wouldnt want unqualified teachers teaching me either, whats the problem?

    not fair for those who actually went through school to learn proper ways to teach.

    In any other country it is illegal for people to work without work permits, its almost like white people think they have carte blanche to do whatever the hell it is they want to do, and feel as if they are being targeted specifically.

    Wake up and open your farang eyes, you are nothing special in the global neighborhood...play by the same rules as everyone else, your not special and dont deserve any special rights, English is not a skill just because you can speak it - get a real job.

    kudos to those who have actually had training to teach and have proper work permits.

    Ooooh... That was a barbed comment in more than one way...

    Got a problem against white people? or people who have done a TEFL and are teaching by chance?

  2. Yes, of course, physically challenged people can have expensive cars too, what a silly question but doubt that four or five of them at the same time parked in those spaces at Suvarnabhumi?

    Some of the people here are clearly missing the point: Is it really essential that there is a law or stickers for people to be able to 'legally' park in those spots (forget the idea of stickers anyway, copies would become available overnight for Baht 100)? Should it not just be 'human decency" not to park there, it able-bodied? I have seen tuktuks parked in those spaces, motorbikes, bikes, coffee stands, the lot (including a display of new motorbikes). Either, Thais do not give a hoot about these parking spots or dont understand why they are there for? Maybe, education is important, as would be in regards to Ambulances, that people actually give way when they have their sirens going...

    On the other hand, I have seen drivers with these permits in other countries, parking in those reserved spots and then happily spending quite some time on their feet in a supermarket...

    On the subject of your final point, I too have seen this... However, it doesn't mean the driver is so disabled that they cant walk... For instance, a friend of my father had a stroke about 7 years back... He can walk but has problems reacting quickly to situations, the need to take his time especially when using his hands is necessary... Its not his mobility that he has problems with, its his dexterity more than anything... Getting into and out of the car is also a struggle...

    There are loads of different ways somebody can be classed as disabled... but the fact remains is no matter which way, those parking spaces are there for those people to make stuff like going to the shops etc that we 'able bodied' people take for granted, easier... Not for jumped up tossers in lambos to use because they have an overriding sense of self importance...

  3. Yes , that is terrible indeed and no one of us will ever here forgot that horrible act of violence.

    My comment was only aimed to all death island and boycot koh tao posters who here just commenting for laughts .

    I was very worried how all Bs written here and newspaper about all this affects our every day life here as shure u understand we all have to still go work,live here and moove on eventually.

    Thats how life goes.

    yeah, commenting 'for laughs'...

    Not because we have principles or anything like that

    • Like 1
  4. Looking at the general age of the respondents I think it's less to do with having a "military profession" and more to do with having access to things that go bang bang or explode.

    I seem to recall when I was about that age my careers of choice were either lion tamer, stuntman or Star Wars X-Wing pilot.

    lol. Yeah, I wanted to be a Formula One driver, an astronaut or a professional footballer.

    Although I did have an Action Man and a tank for him to ride in. I have an early childhood memory from a neighbour's barbecue of the little girl next door playing with Barbie and Crystal Ken in her Barbie House. Guided by my good self, Action Man crashed into the garden in his tank, jumped out of the tank, Action Man then pulled Ken out of Barbie's living room and beat the living sh.. out of him and left him dangling in a tree (in front of Barbie), then sat in Ken's chair and got Barbie to wait on him all afternoon (bringing those little cups of tea and stuff).

    And that is probably one of the funniest posts I have ever read on this forum! Good job!

    • Like 1
  5. Police:

    Grow a pair and Tow them.

    Here's a shot of an attendant safely guiding in an arrogant cretin. wai2.gifwai.gif

    The middle picture with the Merc straddling two bays portrays the bastard drivers pure arrogance...

    'Look at my fancy car, I can do what I like'

    What axxxxxxxx.. Hope they crash and ends up losing the use of their legs... Now wouldn't that be sweet irony if they really did need to use that bay and someone else was taking it up for no reason...

  6. Weirdest thing is,as i been trying to just tell my views from island and cut down the wings from gossip here but allways been labeled as apogylist and a troll.

    Just read past 5 pages down on this thread and its moustly just boring off topic arguments and moustly gossiping/speculating just for fun.

    I must ad one is true what been said about me , i live in Koh tao and have vested interest as form of busines.

    And i can share a litle secret Koh tao is at mo busiest we ever seen , i been asking around and moust busines owners here have break all records,boats are full from both ways all the time,only awailable rooms are high end resorts or far awAy from main beach.

    As someone mentioned while we discussed these horrid times to our home wich is Koh tao ,murder island as meny of you likes to call it.

    He put it well, no one knew where Koh tao is before and now everyone does.

    So please continue to make up stories, it has actually worked even bad as it sounds islands benefit.

    Ill be heading next to the beach and enjoy the sun,have a nice day everyone.

    So what your saying is in your pigeon English is that murder is good for tourism?

    No i dont think murders are not good for enything. Hope enough clear English to you.

    So... you think murders are good for Enything...

    Who is this sicko Enything and what makes murders good for him?!?

  7. In your Farang countries you would probably say "case closed = good police job".

    Why different in Thailand?

    Oh sorry, I forgot: Dead Farang smells like a God was killed.

    First and foremost; Thanks for recognising that us farang smell like Gods when we are killed... However, our aromas are far more sweet when we aren't being butchered with impunity by the natives of a country when we are on holiday.

    Secondly; I will be using the British police and Scotland Yard as the rule of thumb in this example, but take it as you will... The difference between our 'farang countries' police forces (yeah, there are quite a few countries that are run by 'farang'... Care to narrow it down *just a touch*) and the so-called 'Land of Smiles' Boys in Blue is that our police tend to actually try and do their job and uncover all the possibilities of a crime until it is beyond all doubt... Not just try and sweep things under the rug, come up with the easiest excuse or squeeze a few thousand baht out of people for the 'best answer'...

    The British police aren't famous for providing alibis for the rich and famous when crimes have been committed... The British police don't have a reputation for taking bribes, covering up and generally not giving a rats backside when crimes are committed against people who are not from Britain...

    Its not because the farang is dead that people don't think the police of Thailand haven't done a good job...

    Its because the police of Thailand havent done a good job that people think they havent done a good job

    • Like 1
  8. Thais will curry favor with any nation that will have them. They consider it a success. Soon the Thais will shift from the "German" model of parliament to the "North Korea" model.


    They will curry favour with any nation that won't question what they are doing, the way they act politically and their blasé attitude to blatant corruption...

    For instance, if they tried to curry favour with the Western pigdogs, those respective nations are more likely to take issue with some of Thailands shadier business practices...

    Making friends with the North Koreans essentially makes Thailand look like the Archangel Gabriel by comparison...

  9. Interestingly enough it is not uncommon for people to tie their hands behind their back before hanging themselves -- some also tape or cover their mouths. It is a way to make sure they go through with the act and don't try to free themselves or scream out.

    Would you be able to give some reference links to support this claim ?

    He *might have* heard it from the Royal Thai Police....

    Ergo... It MUST be 100% factually accurate... because they never lie and work so, so hard...

  10. Lol, it is amazing to see people calling Koh Tao "Island of death", or even suggesting nuking the place. I'm pretty sure most of those people are backpacker hating Pattaya resident sexpats, or probably spent a lot of time at Pattaya at some part of their lifes. Pattaya, which is famous for murders happening on a weekly basis. Pattaya, which has not only the local mafia, but also mafias from around the world, like Russian mafia, Arab mafia, Turkish mafia etc. And yet you never hear those backpacker hating sexpats bashing Pattaya.

    The murders at Koh Tao was big news, because it is so rare. Murders at Pattaya aren't big news, because it happens so much that it doesn't have a news value. You want to nuke a place, fine, then go for Pattaya. An incredible amount of scum would be wiped out of earth and Thailand's murder rates would drop instantly.

    Couldn't agree more with this....

    Backpackers do my head in but so do bloated, drooling, pervert sexpats... and Pattaya is a dive...

    Flick the switch...

  11. Hopefully this is a warning to those thinking of retiring in Thailand. Its a violent place and not as safe as you may think. Needless to say i have personally known at least 10 people who have died unnaturally in this country.

    Most retirees need not worry as they most likely will not be operating a beer bar, nor making income from bar fines.

    I suggest you do some research on the Models 59 Bar and find out exactly the type of bar it was and its recent history. You can do your own search and read the delightful stories.

    And yes indeed it is reported that the owner's "right hand man" has been arrested and accused of the murder.

    What a disgraceful post! I knew it'd just be a matter of time before the Thaier-than-Thai apologists stunk up the thread by somehow blaming the victim. After all, they can't have such accusations of murder pointed at their beloved Thais without some kind of response to deflect the blame.

    You see the same posters pop up every time an expat or tourist is slaughtered.

    Suzuki GSX-R1000 L3 182 hp in-line 4 Superbike

    Not sure he was being an "apologist" rather pointing out that some businesses may carry some inherent risk.

    Sent from my GT-S7562 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Agreed... I saw no apologist style slant in what he said...

  12. Making Bomb Threats and Released without charge!!!<deleted>!!! What if it was a different Nationality?

    I'm confused. So the tourists forced the plane to come back to Thailand and then were released and deported the next day without charge? What is wrong with the Thai authorities? Don't they realise a crime has been committed? I applaud the Chinese authorities for vowing to punish these offenders, but why does China need to do Thailand's dirty work?

    As far as Thailand is concerned, they committed a crime in Thailand because 1) the incident occurred on a Thai registered aircraft; 2) it occurred over Thai airspace and 3) the aircraft subsequently returned to Don Muang as a result.

    So what does one actually have to do, in order for an incident like this to be considered a crime in Thailand?

    Not have any money to pay the police...

    • Like 1
  13. Why aren't the powerful local families offering up millions in reward money? 50,000 Baht is an insult.

    Why should they? Would you?

    It depends...

    If it was hurting my business, the means to feed and keep a roof over my families head.... Yes... I would chip in to find justice and to help bring the good times back...

    If money was no object to me and my family, I knew it was my son that butchered the poor souls but 'they are only Farang' and my little munchikin doesnt deserve a stretch inside because 'his family is too rich for that type of nonsense' and 'I can buy him out of trouble'.... Then I probably wouldnt...

  14. I disagree. Unforuantly, there are bad people everywhere. There are stories all the time about preditors in school in every country.

    Thailand seems to be very well represented with western pedophiles caught.

    The tip of the proverbial Ice berg perhaps .

    I think men with 18 year old girls who are in their 40s - 50s - 60s reflect badly also

    Couldn't agree more...

    Old enough to be the grandfather or father of a girl who you are trying to poke...

    Alarm bells always ring...

    Perverts, enough said...

  15. You are taking the piss I hope??

    Now, I'm not a fan of the Pattaya/Phuket dirty old sexpat brigade... but at least they try it on with people that can say no, fight back and, on a good day, sometimes rob them blind and make them never want to come back to Thailand again...

    The fact that you compare this filthy nonce to my grandmothers is laughable...

    Case and point...

    One of my grandmothers suffered a stroke before she died... However, her having a stroke never robbed any children of their innocence or destroyed any childrens lives...

    My other grandmother has senile dementia... She doesnt remember any of us when she sees us until we show her photos and whatnot and kickstart her memory... Once again... Never robbed any children of their innocence, youth or destroyed their lives...

    Yeah, you're right, these people are sick... Sick and twisted

    Your comparison is pathetic... You're just a nonce-apologist... and that is almost (ALMOST) as bad as fiddling with children yourself...

    String him up, waterboard him and never let him see the light of day again...

    They certainly didn't teach their grand-kids ho to develop compassion. I presume they weren't Buddhist?

    Oh I am compassionate... To those that are deserving...

    But child molesters show no compassion to those they abuse; those who can't defend themselves, those who are threatened into silence etc... When the shoe is on the other foot, why should they be shown compassion?

    Criminals go to prison...

    Animals get put down...

    You have to understand a little more about psychology to get a grasp. The shoe is often from the same foot, but not worn in the next pair of shoes - as you put it.

    Most child molestors have been shown no compassion in their youth, when they were abused too, and thus never learnt about such. I am certainly not condoning abuse, but there are psychological reasons that are not always 'excuses' for such actions. You can label them paedophiles all you like, until the cows come home, but that doesn't justify binning them or mean they themselves are not deserving of treatment. Wouldn't you agree.... or you'd just hang them all?

    I don't believe they can be treated...

    Just like they can put the mask on to make them appear to be human to everyone else; they can put the same mask on to say they are 'cured' and 'no longer a threat to society'...

    Can't put on a mask if you've been removed altogether...

  16. Dirty nonce, hope the BIB give him a good shoeing and send him on his way!!

    extrajudicial beatings are wrong.

    pedos or anyone else. Weird thing is it is usially the pervert sexpats that point the finger, offer no compassion and shout cut his gonads off.

    These poeople are sick , treat them with the same compassion you would your sick grandmother.

    You are taking the piss I hope??

    Now, I'm not a fan of the Pattaya/Phuket dirty old sexpat brigade... but at least they try it on with people that can say no, fight back and, on a good day, sometimes rob them blind and make them never want to come back to Thailand again...

    The fact that you compare this filthy nonce to my grandmothers is laughable...

    Case and point...

    One of my grandmothers suffered a stroke before she died... However, her having a stroke never robbed any children of their innocence or destroyed any childrens lives...

    My other grandmother has senile dementia... She doesnt remember any of us when she sees us until we show her photos and whatnot and kickstart her memory... Once again... Never robbed any children of their innocence, youth or destroyed their lives...

    Yeah, you're right, these people are sick... Sick and twisted

    Your comparison is pathetic... You're just a nonce-apologist... and that is almost (ALMOST) as bad as fiddling with children yourself...

    String him up, waterboard him and never let him see the light of day again...

    They certainly didn't teach their grand-kids ho to develop compassion. I presume they weren't Buddhist?

    Oh I am compassionate... To those that are deserving...

    But child molesters show no compassion to those they abuse; those who can't defend themselves, those who are threatened into silence etc... When the shoe is on the other foot, why should they be shown compassion?

    Criminals go to prison...

    Animals get put down...

  17. Dirty nonce, hope the BIB give him a good shoeing and send him on his way!!

    extrajudicial beatings are wrong.

    pedos or anyone else. Weird thing is it is usially the pervert sexpats that point the finger, offer no compassion and shout cut his gonads off.

    These poeople are sick , treat them with the same compassion you would your sick grandmother.

    You are taking the piss I hope??

    Now, I'm not a fan of the Pattaya/Phuket dirty old sexpat brigade... but at least they try it on with people that can say no, fight back and, on a good day, sometimes rob them blind and make them never want to come back to Thailand again...

    The fact that you compare this filthy nonce to my grandmothers is laughable...

    Case and point...

    One of my grandmothers suffered a stroke before she died... However, her having a stroke never robbed any children of their innocence or destroyed any childrens lives...

    My other grandmother has senile dementia... She doesnt remember any of us when she sees us until we show her photos and whatnot and kickstart her memory... Once again... Never robbed any children of their innocence, youth or destroyed their lives...

    Yeah, you're right, these people are sick... Sick and twisted

    Your comparison is pathetic... You're just a nonce-apologist... and that is almost (ALMOST) as bad as fiddling with children yourself...

    String him up, waterboard him and never let him see the light of day again...

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