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Posts posted by bruceybonus

  1. Hi, my daughter was born here in Thailand, has a thai birth certificate. I am the registered father but I was never married to the mother and she is out of the equation. My daughter has a Thai passport.

    I want to take her back to the UK.

    When I get back to the UK, can I get her a UK passport easily? The mother will not be travelling to the UK with us. Do I need any docs re daughter's mother??


  2. Interpol is an International cooperative agency, wherein police forces from many world countries act in force together.

    As far as I understand it, what Prayuth has been saying for the last, coming up to a year I there add, is that Thailand does not need internationally democratic systems nor international help of any kind.

    Sod off then. Go find him yourselves, Thai democrat experts. Two-faced irony at its best....in that for five minutes we don't need you and one minute we do, one week we don't need you then one day we do - as demonstrated by all the beurocratic generals of this modern concept of ... errrm... a new junta led democracy? facepalm.gif

    Cannot express my feelings enough about this need and no need, then need and no need, repetitively spewed by this junta week in and week out.

    10 months already & the only thing that has improved is his bank a/c

    Ah, but not like that grand fantastic 450% growth in family fortunes achieved by Shin Family plc whilst PTP were in office. And they achieved that without even one Bruce'y Bonus.

    (The intended pun here is reference to a one time popular British TV quiz show hosted by Bruce Forsyth - my apologies to all non Brits who probably don't know of it).

    Yawn! Why is everything compared to the Shins. There were more than a DOZEN coups before Thaksin was even in the reckoning. I assume in your eyes all was fine and dandy then too!!

  3. Interpol is an International cooperative agency, wherein police forces from many world countries act in force together.

    As far as I understand it, what Prayuth has been saying for the last, coming up to a year I there add, is that Thailand does not need internationally democratic systems nor international help of any kind.

    Sod off then. Go find him yourselves, Thai democrat experts. Two-faced irony at its best....in that for five minutes we don't need you and one minute we do, one week we don't need you then one day we do - as demonstrated by all the beurocratic generals of this modern concept of ... errrm... a new junta led democracy? facepalm.gif

    Cannot express my feelings enough about this need and no need, then need and no need, repetitively spewed by this junta week in and week out.

    10 months already & the only thing that has improved is his bank a/c

  4. He's just being honest...refreshing from a politician.

    You mean, true to his character? As the head of government, he is expected to maintain a level of decorum and to conduct himself appropriately.

    I think he was just having a bad day. It happens. We all snap at someone sometimes. The General doesn't have that allowance for misbehaviour as he is a senior military officer and the current head of government. He screwed up. Maybe he'll learn his lesson, or more likely than not, he will continue to slowly unravel as he discovers that being the big boss isn't what he expected it to be.

    I think it also shows the sycophantic nature of the army towards generals etc. He must be of had so many "yes" men minions that he can't physically take any type of questioning whatsoever! It's obvious he has been the only person asking questions for the last 20 years or so. I find him morally & physically repugnant. That horrific, constant smug look makes me feel nauseous. ANY western person who sides/apologises for the junta's actions should be hunted down by their respective governments and have their passports revoked

    • Like 2
  5. Where were the parents? Did they not question where she was getting money for a phone and other things?

    There is a security guard in my neighborhood grabbing every baby and youngster in the crotch, dragging down the pants touching their butts and kissing them, while the parents and other neighbors are watching. Nobody ever dared to say a word about it! This is going on for years!

    Where I grew up parents and neighbors would beat the (deleted) out of him. That’s when I would turn my back to the scene.

    where on earth do you live????

  6. Israeli has no faith in the complex negotiations under way between Iran and the US (along with its five partners) to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. It pushes for greater sanctions on Iran knowing that—as Secretary of State John Kerry has said—additional sanctions would threaten the diplomatic path. If the nuclear talks fail, the violence that has engulfed the Middle East will only get worse and will put the US on a dangerous path to more war.

    You think bombing Iran would lessen the violence huh?

    I don't think they need to be bombed. I think sanctions should be tough until they allow international inspectors.

    I DO think that if the West allows Iran to get a nuke, the Israel will know it an hit a first strike before it actually happens.

    Israel could level Iran. That could start a real war and...

    Obama apparently doesn't know or care about negotiating from a position of strength.

    No greater sanctions than the oil price, which the Saudis to a certain extent control. Probably why the US sits in bed with the Saudis to be honest!

  7. Thai don't give a dime if they kill some-one in traffic or not. They know they'll get away with it. Motorbikes are even lower then soidogs which they will avoid.

    Also the roadsigns are very crappy, roads full of holes, taxi-bus drivers very selfish ars&&oles.

    Here in Bangkok i can easy find 10 people driving against traffic within 10 minutes time, very dangerous and selfish behaviour. They even do it in the dark without carrying any light on their vehicle. Punish that with 1 year in jail and sure it will stop the problem.

    Then the usage of indicators, is it really to hard for a Thai to use them properly? Then they all must have down syndrome and not allowed to drive a vehicle.

    They don't want to wear out the bulbs as they can't afford to replace them!

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