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Posts posted by Upsidedown1986

  1. Why is everyone sucking up to Sean on Soundcloud and thanking him like they he has saved the day. Have I missed something?

    Personally I like and agree with this comment:

    Jacko111 says at 0:00:

    No reason to thank Sean yet. Yes he made everyone aware of the mafia family – which we would not have known about – but other than that he left the island and we haven’t heard a peep since. Sean – I imagine you are safe now and have the opportunity of police protection – so what are you waiting for? Potentially 2 more innocent people could be killed – you need to speak out and say ANYTHING that you know, even it is just about the mafia family on the island, or AC bar, or ANYTHING!!!!! Put on your big man pants – MAN UP and SPEAK UP and be the friend that David needs you to be. Anything else is just cowardly.

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  2. The guys caught on convenience store - do not seem to be the same people they have arrested (other than maybe one???)

    In Pic One - you can clearly see the guy in the red t-shirt is tallish - definitely not as small as the one they have arrested - they have just put him in the same t-shirt??

    The guy in the ACTWO t-shirt was in the convenience store and I believe he was arrested however he is the one they have claimed went home early and did not commit the crime - (is he thai?)

    As for the little one - I cannot tell.

    In Picture Two - it doesn't even look like the guy in the red t-shirt is on the motorcycle.

    They have just picked some burmese/myanmar at random surely as they can slightly pass as the ones spotted!



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