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Posts posted by Krenjai


    Where is Nomsod? Did he take that plane to Syndney?

    Where is the toxicology report on Hannah?

    Where is Sean?

    Where is the Speedboat Little Duck & who owns it?

    Why did this case make a U-turn after Sep 23rd?

    Why did David had one sock on?

    Why did Sean not wash off the blood of his guitar for 1 week?

    Did they find bullet fragments in Hannah skull?

    Did the university students really claim Nomsod was late and had injuries?

    Did they interview all Speedboat drivers?

    Did they check the CCTV of the AC bar?

    Did they check the CCTV of the Nakornsithammarat airport?

    Did they check when the Timber table was removed at the Nomsod condo in BKK?

    How come the Burmese came clear on the first DNA round?

    How come they had the results within 24 hours?

    How come they only produced one CCTV picture of Nomsod in BKK?

    My God, I could go on for hours.........

    I sincerely hope we will get some answers here during the trial, or do you think the trial will go like this:

    "mai mee no have yes DNA same same guilty"

  2. Jpeg

    There is no evidence of a gun being used in these crimes

    There is no evidence of that, well........maybe they did find something in the UK?

    On this note, this has been discussed at length already on the 30th of September on Thai Visa, a possible gun was used! The hoe damage came later! Must have missed that threat but now that this pops up again it suddenly makes sense to me.

  3. Has anyone else seen the gun shot report on CSI LA ? It's on page 1 and makes a lot of sense to the question of the amount of damage supposedly caused by a garden tool !

    Yes, I posted this a few days ago. I also noted that sometime back there was a photo of a gun shown by police that was supposedly found in a search at the burmese home.

    I immediately thought that was odd...and thought ...Oh no, they have plan B hatched. With this info I did many searches and believe this is what happened to hanna.

    Those boys need to be released now. This is a living nightmare.

    Don't know about plan B, but IF the post-mortem would show this, it is likely they will find this gun in the bushes with some Burmese DNA / Fingerprints on it. I also agree it might be true that she was shot (bullet will identity gun and possible owner) so they had to get the bullet and "hopefully" leave no trace.

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  4. JTJ

    Toxicology would indicate the presence of gun power/ bullet fragments in Hanna's wounds, also Date Rape Drugs in her blood..........

    WOW, the smoking gun....quite literally!

    Makes sense, I always wondered why on earth would somebody leave such wounds on a person unless you had to get the bullet to avoid identification.

    As much as I would like to believe it's true, my realist head tells me that the subsequent UK post-mortem (if not also the Thai one) would have identified a bullet wound to the head. If factual, draw your own inferences as to why that 'evidence' was not revealed.

    Agreed, but...........I assume you have seen the unedited pictures and will agree the damage was very likely done by the hoe. No bullet (unless dumdum) would leave such wounds, so in fact if she was shot and you quickly wanted the bullet, what do you? And maybe the UK-post-mortem DID identify this....

    I just feel the net is getting tighter and is closing in on the suspects and I hope it is juts a matter of time before somebody cracks! We can't be far off.

    • Like 2
  5. Burmese are 100% innocent if this is true

    According to CSILA, Hannah was shot in the head before she was hit by the hoe. He claims he already knew this but didn't want to talk about it because the graphic nature of the image. Apparently a forensic experts told CSILA that Hannah's head looked like was suffered from a bullet wound and this is why the killer(s) used the hoe as a cover up.

    I don't know it this is true, this even adds more fuel to the fire the Burmese are totally innocent because I really don't think these Burmese boys carried around a gun did they? I may add I saw the unedited picture, which I do not recommend anybody to look at, but it does makes sense to me.

  6. Any more news on the son of the mafia guy?

    You won't hear much about him, the village headman I'm sure has paid handsomely for his not being in the news. The person I want to know about is the bloody pommy, I think friend of the murdered couple, who fled the island in a big hurry and was leaving Thailand also, but remember he had the pants with blood on them, stashed in a bag, as not to be found by the cops or anyone else, did they ever do DNA on that blood, they said they interrogated him again, and he had major flaws in his testimony, Where is he now????coffee1.gif

    He is uploading songs on YouTube, his rebuttal actually made me change my mind on his involvement, still the cut on his arm....from a Motorbike accident? C'mon!

    On the other hand WHY did the AC bar not release the footage when he was covered in blood (on that night as they stated) and was cleaned by an AC employee to help him wash it off. Rather strange, also why did it take him so long to wash off the blood on his guitar? And why was he allowed to leave so quickly?

    Krenjai and Pundi6446, you guys are confusing issues. Pundi - i guess you haven't followed the news - The friend, the blood stained pants - the pants were stained with mud, the pants were put in his bag by a cop, and they never said anything about flaws in his testimony, he had wounds on him that were seen in pictures alongside David days before the murder. This was all cleared up weeks ago.

    Krenjai, the guy you are talking about is Sean Mcanna, different guy, although he is highly suspicious, in that the police sent him packing quickly.

    OK! You are right on this one!

  7. Any more news on the son of the mafia guy?

    You won't hear much about him, the village headman I'm sure has paid handsomely for his not being in the news. The person I want to know about is the bloody pommy, I think friend of the murdered couple, who fled the island in a big hurry and was leaving Thailand also, but remember he had the pants with blood on them, stashed in a bag, as not to be found by the cops or anyone else, did they ever do DNA on that blood, they said they interrogated him again, and he had major flaws in his testimony, Where is he now????coffee1.gif

    He is uploading songs on YouTube, his rebuttal actually made me change my mind on his involvement, still the cut on his arm....from a Motorbike accident? C'mon!

    On the other hand WHY did the AC bar not release the footage when he was covered in blood (on that night as they stated) and was cleaned by an AC employee to help him wash it off. Rather strange, also why did it take him so long to wash off the blood on his guitar? And why was he allowed to leave so quickly?

    • Like 1
  8. Everything revolves around the DNA : 2 sets of semen. If it matches the Myanmar guys' DNA that's it, end of story! If it does not they should be released or charged with lesser crime. This is the only way to solve this - The DNA EVIDENCE is king here.

    Agreed, and I bet you it will be a match...... it will either be swabbed samples, contaminated samples, planted samples......or whatever! I think they urgently need the OJ Dream Team to get them of the hook.

    Don't forget the two accused did give a DNA sample two times, first time, when they were among the lot of other people a sample was taken off (except the few ones who mattered...?) there was clearly no match for any of both, the second time, when they were singled out, and had a finger pointed at by anyone wearing a brown or green uniform with a lot of brass on the shoulders in the land (...!), look here, it was a perfect match, delivered at the speed of light also... One might have divergent personal opinions about the culpability of these two Myanmarese, but wouldn't you say, in any case, they should have the benefit of the doubt? Or don't you have any doubt about how this (erm...) 'investigation' was done?

    Agreed, again, personally I am not a 100% convinced the Burmese are not guilty, I am a 1000% convinced they have nothing to do with this crime. I followed the whole thing from the beginning and for me it is obvious who did it together with a few buddies. The RTP was initially on the right track but got stopped! Period! Everything after this is a ludicrous charade and people should be deeply ashamed they are willing to destroy the lives of these innocent Burmese. I also believe the hoe was used "later" by the cover up uncles.

    I can only hope this thing will NOT go away, even after their conviction! The damage to the RTP gets bigger each day this drags on IMHO!

  9. Everything revolves around the DNA : 2 sets of semen. If it matches the Myanmar guys' DNA that's it, end of story! If it does not they should be released or charged with lesser crime. This is the only way to solve this - The DNA EVIDENCE is king here.

    Agreed, and I bet you it will be a match...... it will either be swabbed samples, contaminated samples, planted samples......or whatever! I think they urgently need the OJ Dream Team to get them of the hook.

  10. Ok, once again one of my crazy theories....

    1) "You know who" raped Hannah with a view buddies

    2) David may have come to the rescue (heard or saw something) but was killed in the fight (3 or 4 Thais versus 1 Falang), explains his knife wounds

    3) Now she is a witness and needs to shut up forever

    4) "You know who" panics and runs to "You know who-senior" saying something bad happened.

    5) "You know who-senior" tells him to get the hell off the island to BKK on the next boat/plane

    6) "You know who-senior" runs to his brother for help (first CCTV footage (running)

    7) "You know who-senior" & brother contaminate crime scene beyond any logic, strip David, and use a hoe on Hannah

    8) "You know who-senior" walks back at home ((second CCTV footage (walking))

    Just MHO

    9) Police initially looking in the right direction but they were hit by a truck filled with dosh!

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  11. I bet the RTP are considering bumping off the visiting UK detectives, as that is how they like to make problems disappear. Doubtful it would work in this case, however.

    If the RTP were really that stupid to 'bump' off the UK detectives, the next thing you will see would be a nuclear submarine popping up in the Gulf of Thailand coffee1.gifcoffee1.gif

    I consider that a silly chauvinistic Rambo comment

  12. There won't even be such featherball Q's & A's. There are going to be heaps of things that UK 'observers' won't be able to broach. They'll learn in minutes not to press on the DNA trail. Similarly, no discussion will be allowed about the headman's family possible involvement.

    A typical conversation will go something like this:

    UK: "Have you taken a close look at.... (fill in the blanks)?"

    THAI: "We've already looked at that. Here's what we found."

    UK: "Ok, thanks, but there might be some other people worth questioning." OR "perhaps we could do a test for.... (fill in the blanks)"

    THAI: "No need for that, because we already looked in to it."

    UK: "OK, sorry for doubting you."

    .....ad nauseum. As you can see, UK agents will get very stymied and frustrated within days, if not hours. Thais couldn't be happier, even if the UK agents pull out in a huff.

    I agree it will probably go along these lines, and don't forget the UK investigators are now observers only, so they can only observe, they do not investigate. For example, the CCTV tapes from Bangkok will be shown, and as soon as the observers observe (or question) something out of the ordinary the RTP will brush it away as mentioned above.

    I am convinced however this will make things worse for the RTP as we will hear all about it all over the Social Media which will Rock the RTP House. They will find this unpleasant, however, time will kill this, people will eventually lose interest, apart from a few maybe, but these will not be noticed over time. As soon has the Burmese have been convicted or committed suicide facing life in prison or death this will slowly die out and for Nomsod & The Gang the party can go on!

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  13. There might be hope left still... If the investigators are not hindered in their efforts. A lot of evidence been tampered with already, though.

    I don't think it will go like this, or....?

    British Officer: We would like to interview the persons who refused to give a DNA sample.

    RTP: Why? No need.

    British Officer: Yes, but we still would like to do that.

    RTP: Same same, no need.

    British Officer: Can we also see all CCTV footage you have, including the Bangkok tapes?

    RTP: No have.

    British Officer: You don't have them anymore?

    RTP: Yes.

    British Officer: Ok, can we see them?

    RTP: No have, all same same, no need.

    If so, what will happen on Social Media? They have no choice and MUST collaborate IMHO.

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  14. Very good news. Good Luck to the British Police.

    Have any of you read this translation regarding the primary witness Maung Maung, friend of the accussed ? I found this on the facebook page. I find his account of the time that he found his room mates asleep very interesting as the CCTV camera that captures the runner shows the time as 5:41.

    MC Ko Myo Ko RFA : Where are you now ,Ko Mg Mg ?

    KMM(Ko Mg Mg) : I am now Sou....(not clear)

    RFA : hello . . hello . .(over the phone)

    KMM : There were polices at least two or three to guard me .But last night there was no police at Sa... bangalow .So I think I am not safe and went to embassy .

    RFA : What did the ask you at pre-trail yesterday ?

    KMM : They asked me how much I know about the case.I answered I know what I know and I don't know what I don't know .I don't tell anything that I am not sure and tell everything what I know surely.I think they satisfied with me and accepted what I told them are truth.

    RFA : why did they order you to appear as a witness and how much do you know about the case?

    KMM : Because Win and Zaw are my friends and I drank beer with them near the crime scene that night.I went to my girlfriend after I finished beer .It was around 2AM .They stayed there. When I came back to my room about 5:40 ,they were sleeping. I did not know anything about the crime that night .Even in the next morning I didn't know what was happening although I saw many polices when I went to work and thought it was not my business . Polices said my hair style is like the running man on CCTV and asked me to run in front of CCTV .They released me then saying it is not me. At 1st October ,two police came to call me .I went along with them with no worries as I didn't do any wrong. Later I become a witness as I am friends of Win and Zaw and drank beer together with them.

    RFA : While you were detained , were you beaten?

    KMM : Yes.I was beaten three times. And I was given only two meal , a box of milk and two pieces of chaquay in three day while I was detained in Koh Tao.

    RFA : How do you think about the translator when you were detained ? Can you please tell how he is?

    KMM : I told him "I know I will be killed if somebody want ,but I will tell you what I know and I can't tell what I don't known.",at the very first.So, he did not threaten me and do nothing although polices beat me.

    RFA : Now Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Tun are arrested for the murder .How do you think of them?

    KMM : I don't believe they kill .Yesterday at court too ,I did not tell anything that is not true although they confessed at first .I don't believe they kill a human .And ,if you compare them with the two victims,they are a lot weaker in everything than the victims.

    RFA : How do you feel about this case when your two friends are arrested and you were also detained ?

    KMM : We asked Myanmars who are not concern with the case to go away before they arrest because me and many Myanmar nationals are arrested and torture by police.It is worst if you don't have a passport ,especially to Myanmars who run when they see a police as they don't have any legal documents .I have tried hard at my work,but now nothing of my hope for my life happens.

    RFA : Now what do you plan to do and do you have a contact with your family?

    KMM : I have determined to go back to Myanmar.My father ,mother and family are also willing me to come back and want to see me.I will go back to my village.

    RFA : Where were you born ,Ko Mg Mg?

    KMM : I am from Yathay Taung ,Rakhine State.

    RFA : Thank you ,Ko Mg Mg for telling us .


    What is there left to say about the treatment of these lads.

    "KMM : Because Win and Zaw are my friends and I drank beer with them near the crime scene that night.I went to my girlfriend after I finished beer .It was around 2AM .They stayed there. When I came back to my room about 5:40 ,they were sleeping."

    EXACTLY, you brutally kill someone and then you go to sleep like a baby with no scratches, no bruises, no blood trail like OJ, nothing! Right yes?

    Of course all posts on this forum are pure speculation what exactly the British officers can or are allowed to do on Koh Tao. but one thing I am convinced of: some people must be scared sh*tless they are coming. If the RTP obstruct them I am sure we will here ALL about it and that means this will not go away until justice has been served.


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