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Posts posted by WorldTravellerMUC

  1. Hmm let's see what is next? While I agree that it may be annoying that some of the sidewalks are blocked in Sukhumvit or Silom, in Khao San Road this is not the case. And yes I believe also that the markets on the sidewalks are a tourist attraction!


    To answer my intial question? Next? Prevent Thai food to be sold to Tourists, for safety and to avoid upsetting foreign stomachs every visitor should only eat the food-type of their country while visiting..... :cheesy:

  2. If I understand this correctly the thief got a new SIM with the old phone number. Then went to the bank and asked them to sent the Log-On poassword to his phone since he had forgotten that.


    With this information (he surely did now the name & account number) then he could access the internet banking. BUT NOW: This would ONLY allow him to transfer funds to another 3rd party account and this is traceable? So why are the transfers not traced? Was it send abroad? Anyhow something does not add up here.....

  3. 11 hours ago, Hawk said:


    Firstly the stories were plastered all over the newspapers a while back. The government backtracked at the time after public opinion turned against them. Again ideas temporarily shelved.


    And secondly the government ONLY received approx. 26% support from a nation of 60+million people.




    And in addition to the fact that only 26% did approve in reality, there was no criticism on the charta allowed. I am not sure how to call this without using un-approved words. For sure not a free vote....

  4. 4 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


    It takes me about 4 before one will agree to use a meter.


    I thought this was resolved a year ago.


    Recently I was lucky and only had to ask 1 or 2 until they agreed to use a meter. But then they are the crazy ones and ask for 300 THB for a destination which costs by meter maximum 65 THB.... If tourists don't knnow they will be ripped-off. But I guess this happens in many countries....

  5. These are lunatics and the lax German Government Rules for the refugees did actually make this possible and yes I believe too, there will be more.

    However what really disturbs me is that the Moslems always say that this is not the Religion and it is pieceful. BUT if something like this happens noone from the Muslim Society condems this officially. Or am I missing these statements?

    BUT try to say something against Mohammed and you know how that will end.....

  6. Complaining at the restaurant may be interesting in Thailand.

    I did once order a T-Bone steak in a rather higher priced restaurant which caters to expats and then got something not looking anything like a T-Bone Steak. I did ask what it was and they did say "T-Bone Steak". The manager told me then since I did insist it was not T-Bone easily identified by no "T-Bone" or any bone being present in the meat: Sometimes it has bone sometimes not!

    So this is lobster! Sometimes it smell fresh - sometimes not!

    Welcome to Thailand...


  7. To me urgently in school from grade one and in society moral values are to be tought.

    I found a nice description in the internet: "Moral values refer to a set of principles that guide an individual on how to evaluate right versus wrong. People generally apply moral values to justify decisions, intentions and actions, and it also defines the personal character of a person. An individual with high moral values typically displays characteristics of integrity, courage, respect, fairness, honesty and compassion".

    If Rescpect, Fairness, Honesty and Integrity are placed higher than "saving face" then maybe this society can change.

    And please start to change the contents Soaps on TV! Guns, Knives, Ghosts, Fighting..... if you watch this every day it may look "normal". Then you may think it is normal too to attack a handicpped person with swords.

  8. With all the murders I read about and some of the comments on different posts such as "does this not exist in your come countries" or similar, I was wondering if it is the media just reporting differently or if the rate really is high.

    Wikipedia had a good statistics based on data from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Bottom Line is: Yes, murder exists also in other countries but the rate is much lower. If we look at the lowest 5 countries: Liechtenstein, Monaco, Singapore, Japan and Iceland, the highest rate (murders per 100,000 inhabitants) is 0.4.

    Thailand is 5, but the information is from 2011 and I believe by now could be higher and it would be interesting to see current figures, since I have the feeling it badly increased in the last 2 years or so!

    This IMO really should be a focus of the government and education system to get this rate and crimes down?

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