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Posts posted by WorldTravellerMUC

  1. We all could argue about the case and if this "small" incident of a foreigner leading a tourist group is worth being detained by the police or not, however then this is Thailand and as stated many times in the discussions the country tries to be as protective as it can be in certain areas to protect the job of their citicens.

    This we all know who have gone through the exercise to get a work permit.

    So if you break the law then you have to face the consequences and this is what did happen to the poor fellow. Also he was quite naive to give the answer to the police that ge gave. Maybe he should have been coached before to answer: That he is here traveling with a group of old friends and move on....


  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Any reason that this was road rage and not, for example, a paid hit? Looked very calm and professional to me. As they say here, a business conflict in an unpaid debt?

    Some other news channels say they was racing each other on the motorbikes before this tragically murder took place!

    I agree. Getting VERY calmly back on the motorbike and driving away.....

  3. Too many emotions on many sides here. I really hope the facts can start talking, but then again where to get real "facts" from. Independent investigation of a multi-national team would be the only chance I guess.

    Unfortunately it will not happen.

    So the only chance is that they 2 young kids get a good lawyer-team! With all the doubt there is and all open questions to if they are really guilty or not. It should be a walk in the park to create reasonable doubt.....

  4. Surely as always, there are 2 sides to this topic. A few (very few, both local and internationally) are happy with the investigation the "sound" evidences and everyting surrounding the case. Then there are MANY that are not, these are the facts also resulting a British officials summoning Thai representatives, more than 100,000 signatures in an on-line petition; (...).

    Anyhow as with any doubt in any scenario be it privately, in business or public is it not logic that you show the doubting opponent that he is wrong? Even more if it is very easy?

    Easy in this case means: Have the DNA-Match of the suscpects independently verified!

    Not hard at all - right?

    To me the categoric refusal to do so tells a lot!

    I hope the lawyer the suspects is strong and connected enough to dare to make this request! However my hope goes to the Social Media and the British observers to get this finally done.

    So keep posting and let's spread the word wherever possible!

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