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Posts posted by moonoi

  1. I saw that my company was setting up a new group in BKK and needed experienced staff to move here on local contracts. I was sick of Paris and ready to quit so thought that I would apply and give it a go.

    Needless to say I got the transfer :D

    Had never been here or to SE Asia before, and I love the place......don't ever want to leave (and I'm not into the "BG" scene so thats not the reason :o ).

    Been here 1 year now

  2. Great, only one problem

    The holiday on 3rd of Jan was cancelled and replaced with 19th April

    "The Bank of Thailand have recently announced that the public holiday that was originally planned for 3 January has now been replaced by a holiday on 19 April for the Senate Election Day."

    Can the calender be updated to reflect this?

    Cheers :-)

  3. Hello again,

    Excuses for the limited information i have given.

    I own a company here and have a multiple entry non immigrant B Visa. All my papers and company papers are correct. I do pay tax, my company pay tax and I do meet all requirements to get a new visa and new workpermit.

    Both my multiple entry non-im B visa and workpermit expire on the 17th of january. I have stamped around 90 days ago so i need to extent my visa and my workpermit again on the 4th of january.

    Normally that is for 90 days but as both my visa and my workpermit will expire on the 17th of january an extention for 90 days is impossible.

    I am wondering right now what to do...

    I could get a new businessvisa but i don't think it is possible to do that before the 4th because I think the immigration office at Soi Suan Plu will be closed on the 3rd of january.

    Advice is very welcome and if things are unclear please ask.



    I think you mean you have to do your 90 report to immigration and not extend your visa on 4th.

    You should do that as normal and then arrange to renew your work permit and visa afterwards.

    Theres a one stop service center for visa and work permits nr suttisan MRT station that can help you with the renewal.

  4. Hi all just find it a bit strange I got stamped that WP and my visa are now valid untill 31 December 2007!!!!

    I see here that everybody gets a 1 year extension.

    So did they make a mistake and if so is it better to go back and let them correct?

    Or just leave it like it is?

    Kind regards



    My work permit is also for 2 years not 1, it depends on the representations made to the BoT and immigration by your company.

    All farang employees at my company working on the same project as me and on local contract got a 2 year WP

    Don't think you have anything to worry about, but doesn't hurt to double check

  5. Has anyone bought the PSP's selling in Pantip or MBK?  Wondering if they an only play Japanese games or can they be modded to play games purchased in the US as well.  I also download a lot of movies and MP3's do they use proprietary formats like ACC in order to play?

    PSP games are not region encoded (at least for the moment), just the movies have region coding.

    So to answer your question yes it will play US, European and Japanese games. It will play MP3 and MPEG movies fine, there are plenty of utilities available on the net to assist you in transferring and reformating movies to fit the display etc etc.

  6. According to today's BK Post per January 1st, 2006 the so called International Internet Gateway services will be liberalised, and not be under control of the state-owned CAT anymore.

    IF this will really happen (you never know here), it will be the best news for all internet users.

    Prices of DSL will most lilkely drop, and speeds will (hopefully) be more "real".

    If you read all of the article though it says that the IIG gateway will still be maintained by CAT, so although companies can negotiate directly with international providers they still have to pay for use of CATs' IIG infrastructure.

    Don't think there will be much change in prices until the cat 3 licenses mentioned in the article become available and over providers can build there own IIG infrastructure and cut CAT out of the loop

  7. Have a look here, to find out which office:


    and this may seem like a silly question I hold dual nationality so if I get a letter from an embassy does it have to be from the embassy of the country for which I have my non-B visa or can it be from the consulate/embassy of my other nationality? :D

    Just that one I'd have to spend a fare bit of time as its busy and the other....no one goes there very often so its a pleasure to deal with them...in and out in 20min :o

  8. Hi Everybody,

    I am waiting on my new Toyota Prerunner, and I am thinking that getting a reversing sensor might be a good idea.

    People tend to back into parking places here, and since I am from the US, this is something that I am not used to.

    Is this something Toyota could provide?  Its not listed under their accessories.  Where can I have one installed?  What is a good price for this?  Is it worth the money?

    Thanks for your help TVers!


    Definately worth it.

    Don't know the cost though, with all my cars bought in thailand I've always had the parking sensor thown in as a non-cost extra. I'm sure the toyota dealer can sort it out for you.

  9. Your question is a kind of big one.  I think you should get to a good bookstore (like Kinokuniya) and buy a nice beginner's TEFL conversation book (the yellow Interchange is an example) and use that as a starting point for lessons- remember that the materials in the book are exercises and that you can extend them as necessary.

    And as a general rule- assume that the guy speaks about as much English as you do Swahili.  You may find that when he gets used to your accent/teaching he picks things up more quickly, or maybe not.  Use gestures, sign language, pictures, and modelling to explain things rather than verbal explanations or instructions (which will be 90% gibberish to your student).  Assume a much lower functioning level than you even think possible until you've assessed just how much he understands.

    Then come back and ask some more specific questions!  :o

    Cheers thanks for the pointer, I'll take a look. I know he is in the top 5 in his class at highschool (its also the only subject he is interested in other than sports) so that should make things easier I guess!


  10. Hi All

    I've agreed to help teach my gfs' brother english. He is currently studying at high school.

    My problem is I've never taught english to anyone before, so I'd appreciate any hints and tips you can give me (lesson planning etc etc) :o I know its not going to be an easy task, but I want to try and to do it properly!

    thanks in advance


  11. I saw the Mazda 3 in last Auto show and was impressed, especially with iner design. The 4 door version in red/white or black look gorgeous. Anyone bought this car recently? Please share your experince starting from financing and to performance, thanks in advance.


    I just bought a 4 door Mazda 3 R S/R (2.0) in blue (best colour in my opinion..very racy :o )from Mazda City Lumpini. I got it on finance 50% down through GE Capital, no need for thai guarantor. Placed order 2nd week of November, car arrived 2nd week december after some pushing for confirmed delivery date etc etc.

    Overall service pretty good, better than expected.......just have to keep on there backs for the delivery date. Quite hard to get lots of extras thrown in for free though.....and impossible for discount (tried at 3 differant garages before settling to buy from lumpini).

  12. My rather old protable CD player was finally packed up and I am thinking aboot placig it with an MP3 player.  What are the respective advantages of an iPod or Creative Zen.

    How easy is it to transfer my CD collection to an MP3 player.  I have a laptop with Cd drive, Windows 2000 and AMD Athlon 4 processor

    Well it also depends on how bothered about audio quality you are. The apple iPod products playback at far higher quality than any of the the creative or iRiver products. Although I do rate iRiver over creative.

    Comes down to quality at the end of the day :o

    btw I have a G3 iPod the quality of which is still better than the latest creative stuff.....I really wish apple competitors would concentrate more on the audio quality rather than just larger and larger capacity.......don't want to store my entire collection on one of these devices if it sounds awful when I play it back

  13. Interest rates is misleading. 11% over for 4 years, you need to annualize it to get the exact annual interest rates. Divided by 4 is not the right method.

    Still cheap enough though.

    Hi I am not sure what you mean but as I pay 30% at delivery of car (350.000) the balance to be paid is 750.000 baht and Honda has said I will have to pay 17.368 per month for 48 months or 83.644 of interrest for the 4 years.

    I am not smart enough to calculate the real rate but I know what I have to pay and I though it was quite a good deal

    Have to be careful though, if your name is not in the book then you have no legal right to the car. Even if your paying the finance.

    I got financing from Mazda (50% deposit) without thai guarantor and my own name in the registration book. So it is possible

    I realize that the car is not in my name.

    Did you have to show proof of employment or income ?

    Can you name the finance company ?


    I showed my Work Permit and a letter from my company along with 6 monhs bank history and my latest payslip.

    The finance company is GE Capital and after some negotiation I got the same interest rate as offered to thai nationals 2.9%...at first they wanted 3.25%

  14. Interest rates is misleading. 11% over for 4 years, you need to annualize it to get the exact annual interest rates. Divided by 4 is not the right method.

    Still cheap enough though.

    Hi I am not sure what you mean but as I pay 30% at delivery of car (350.000) the balance to be paid is 750.000 baht and Honda has said I will have to pay 17.368 per month for 48 months or 83.644 of interrest for the 4 years.

    I am not smart enough to calculate the real rate but I know what I have to pay and I though it was quite a good deal

    Have to be careful though, if your name is not in the book then you have no legal right to the car. Even if your paying the finance.

    I got financing from Mazda (50% deposit) without thai guarantor and my own name in the registration book. So it is possible

  15. No one has driven it yet? No comments?? :D

    ...Any bought this Mitsubishi and would like to share their experience...?

    I took a 4wd 2500cc GLX for a spin a couple of months back. Not bad at all. I like the interior a lot and the ride quality was pretty good. Only one gripe and thats the steering was a little too light with not much feedback.

    I did put a deposit on the 3.2 with full options but in the end decided a pickup was too big for city driving so opted for a Mazda3 instead. :D (have to say that the Mitsu dealer wasn't very happy that I cancelled as the truck was due to arrive the day I cancelled....I think its still in the showroom on Sathorn now :o )

  16. There are Dozens of Xbox 360s in MBK this afternoon - All Japanese ones of course! Microsoft's new console sounds like it has been a big flop over in Japan

    Price seemed to be around 30k with 2 games

    They told me they have just got a region chip which lets you switch from Japanese to US and are fitting this right now.

    I will probably go back to MBK tonight and see if this is indeed true. I'll get them to test it in front of me with games I know to be region encoded (Gotham 3, Perfect Dark 2 etc)

    Let us know how you get on......I'm very interested in getting one of these :o Do you happen to know which pack they sell? With or without the HDD?


  17. Hi

    Does anyone know what the configuration for TOT ADSL is in Bangkok? I just rented a house and the owner left the broadband internet connected for me, but the previous occupants left with the adsl filters and modem/router settings.

    I manage to get the adsl filter sorted, but still need those connection settings for my ADSL router :o

  18. I'm one who is in Thai gov. university. I don't care what you try to present urself like a prof. and showoff ur educated thai wife(Mostly farang try to up their gf's status. i CAN SAY THIS BCOZ i CAN CHECK FROM dbs SYSTEM THAT WHO IS YOUR GF)

    Go to my point, if you don't like us. I am asking you "Why do you stay in my country?

    If you think that Thailand country " all it bad, girl need just money, liar, poor laws and regulations, take an advantage from your white skin...etc.

    Easyway to go to the airport and leave from Thailand. Ride on bus no.95,34,59 or by taxi.



    I thought this thread was about driving standards!!!!!! Not about farang wanting to increase the status of there thai gf/wife (which I very much doubt happens anyway)

    I like thai people and thailand, however I think there is place for constructive critism....no one is perfect.

    I think the biggest problem for most people is a lack of awareness of what is going on around them.....they just concentrate on the road ahead (admittedly sometimes not even the road) and don't use mirrors for what they are supposed to be for etc etc. Also it would be nice if people were a little more courteous.....letting me out of a side road in front of you isn't going to make you any latter arriving at your destination....perhaps this selfishness contributes to the traffic issues.........although thai police don't help much either :D wonder if they'll ever implement a proper traffic management system :D

    EDIT: Forgot to add that the thai road law is also not the problem, its not that disimilar to western europe.....the problem is lack of enforcement here too,.... :o

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