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Posts posted by candide

  1. 8 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

    Interesting recent poll numbers. I suspected the burning, looting and rioting would not impress voters. I was right. I suspected candidate Biden hiding in a basement and badly mangling his teleprompter feeds while looking bewildered would not install confidence in the electorate. I was right. Trump is polling much better than Obama was at the same stage.


    "President Trump ended the polling week with a daily job approval of 53%.

    Three-out-of-four voters who’ve had violent anti-police protests in their community rate those protests important to their vote in the presidential election. Among these voters, a sizable majority like the job President Trump is doing."



     What will be interesting, is whether Reuters or Rasmussen's prediction was closer. Which is more credible? We will soon see.

    Lol! You conveniently picked up the only polling organisation which systematically gives higher scores to Trump than other organisations.




    No particular improvement for Trump in all other polls. 


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  2. 48 minutes ago, MajarTheLion said:

    Of course. And do you think for a moment if it were a Democrat in Trump's shoes that they would be calling for delaying the pick until after the election?


    Remember the words of one of the left's most brilliant politicians ever: "elections have consequences".

    I agree with you. I was commenting on a post claiming that a  made up "McConnell rule" should be respected.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Mick501 said:

    The comment re business people etc was more aimed at WeChat.  Only got to look at Hilary to see how blind many are to the threat of state based cyber theft, and WeChat remains in wide use.  Easy to imagine Biden accidentally sending any amount of information, and with his China First policies, there's no way he would have taken this step.

    Most people who use WeChat are either Chinese, or communicating with Chinese friends/relatives, or doing business with China. In any case they are usually quite aware about how it works in China and surely know they need to be cautious. Nobody uses it for communicating between non-Chinese.

    Additionally, what is the "China first" policy of Biden?

    • Like 1
  4. 16 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    Relevant intelligence agencies are unlikely to provide support by confirming their intelligence material. That's possibly tipping off the Iranians they have spies in their camp. If Trump says it's a bad deal, it's just dismissed by them as his usual erratic conduct.

    Trump is a sociopath, narcissistic, and vindictive. However, I don't think I've ever called him stupid.

    Iran is controllled by the IAEA, which has intrusive investigation power. The US could have discretely leaked information and told them where to investigate.

    If there was really some intelligence material, it could also have been given to some of the other signatories. Not to Russia, of course, but I guess to countries such as the UK, which is already more or less integrated in the US intelligence system.


    None of it happened. Only Trump's word.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 26 minutes ago, Geoffggi said:

    You have to admire them, only our friends the Americans can be one of the instigators in such a situation, {Some people really are their own worst enemy} If only some government workers would work as hard at working for the country as opposed to working against the incumbent government (No matter who they are) the population as a whole benefit & progress in leaps and bounds .....!!!!!

    So, for an intelligence organisation, dealing with intelligence issues is not "working for the country"?  Lol!

  6. 4 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    His party, the Democrats, control Congress, and it is Congress who hold the Constitutional authority to enact trade deals.


    The United States has already demanded and been granted a U-Turn on UK plans to tax online businesses - ie is dictating the bounds of U.K. tax laws. I suggest Brexiteers learn to like it.




    Brexit will mean FRINO to a large extent!

  7. On 9/14/2020 at 11:44 AM, Megasin1 said:

    All these countries around the world squabbling about ocean rights with the big aggressive countries, basically doing what they want unchecked. Soon after we have left the EU, Turkey will be admitted by the sops that run the EU and will then no doubt use their position within the EU to leverage a lot more ocean grabbing. As the worlds resources dwindle the squabbling and military activity will increase. There is absolutely no need at all to go to Mars, pretty soon you will be able to see it all here, barren and red.....what a crazy, crazy world our poor kids will inherit. I wonder if the Chinese will also apply to join the EU???

    In case you didn't notice, the " sops that run the EU" are the elected governments of its member States.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Poet said:

    Okay. What action did they take in 1989, and what actions are they threatening to take now?

    Before making inaccurate statements, it's worth spending 5 minutes on Google search.....

    They decided an embargo on arms.

    Over the years, there have been several complaints made to the WTO, special tariffs imposed, some cases are still ongoing (transfer of technology, for example).

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, CorpusChristie said:

    Good news, North Korea and the USA are not actually at war .

    Dont  think they ever have been  .

    The was previous hostilities between USA and NK , that had been going on for 50 odd years .

    Trump has managed to pacify NK , he did that whereas all previous POTUS had failed .

    NK was/is a rogue state , Trump quietened him down a bit 

    Well, technically, it's still only a truce.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, DaftToPutRealName said:

     Many of his most vocal critics around the Chinese Flu are the same ones which called him racist earlier in the year for suggesting that they close flights to China and which said the WHO showed no evidence of it being dangerous....

    Unfortunately these days they will find literally any reason to blame him for something - regardless of the facts. When the media gets their weekly buzzword it's a sight to behold how coordinated each and every outlet seems to be with stuffing it in every key sentence, and then it's just a matter of repeating it over and over again to make it truth.

    Which is exactly what you are doing (repeating it over and over again to make it truth).

    You will not find any quote from Pelosi or Biden mentioning the CHINA travel ban, nor saying that the WHO showed no evidence etc....

    BTW are you aware that it's Trump who downplayed the epidemic, stating that Dems were creating panic?

    • Thanks 2
  11. 5 hours ago, 3NUMBAS said:

    10.15am update: Donald Trump confronts Merkel with damning verdict on EU

    Donald Trump told Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel the EU was "worse than China only smaller" and treats the US "horribly" during a tense meeting, a former senior Whitehouse official has said.

    John Bolton, who was the President's National Security Advisor until last year when he left his post in acrimonious circumstances, makes the startling revelation in his new book The Room Where It Happened.

    Mr Bolton also reveals the President's contempt for former European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, whom Mr Trump regarded as "vicious" and full of "hatred" for the US.



    I guess they have felt flattered! ????

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