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Posts posted by candide

  1. 4 hours ago, charmonman said:

    Obama in 2014 :

    There may and likely will come a time in which we have both an airborne disease that is deadly. And in order for us to deal with that effectively, we have to put in place an infrastructure -- not just here at home, but globally -- that allows us to see it quickly, isolate it quickly, respond to it quickly. And it also requires us to continue the same path of basic research that is being done here at NIH that Nancy is a great example of. So that if and when a new strain of flu, like the Spanish flu, crops up five years from now or a decade from now, we've made the investment and we're further along to be able to catch it. It is a smart investment for us to make. It's not just insurance; it is knowing that down the road we're going to continue to have problems like this -- particularly in a globalized world where you move from one side of the world to the other in a day.



    This is when he was trying to convince Republicans, who then controlled both houses of congress to make an investment in pandemic preparedness.


    Back when the US has a President with a functioning brain.

    Come on! It is what it is! ????

    • Haha 1
  2. 9 minutes ago, OZinPattaya said:

    Why is this a China vs. US issue? Where is Britain and the EU where China is concerned? Nowhere, that's where. While all you liberal Brits and Euros bitch about the Orange Man, the fact remains he's the only leader in the West doing a damn thing about China. No? I'm wrong? Then please enlighten me as to what Britain and the entirety of Europe has done in the last decade about the China threat.


    The fact is China laughs in the face of Britain and Europe because, even combined, it's an utterly spineless group of nations, that probably couldn't even manage to intimidate a tribe of pigmies in the hinterland of South America.

    China is laughing much more about Trump (Ok, they will soon laugh about UK. Nothing personal about UK, it will just be too small to have any significant weight). He's only posturing for his electorate and did not achieve anything re China.


    A rational leader would have sought to find some common position on China, instead of starting a tariff war with the EU and insulting European leaders. A rational leader would also have not aborted the TPP and would have proposed an alternative to the Belt and Road initiative.


    On top of it, Trump has no credibility in Europe, except maybe for the current Polish and Hungarian proto-dictators. Any sensible government following Trump? Are you kidding?

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  3. 40 minutes ago, Opl said:

    "Two thirds of registered American voters oppose delaying the Nov. 3 presidential election due to the coronavirus pandemic, and more than half think President Donald Trump floated the idea of postponing it last week to help himself politically, according to Reuters/Ipsos polling released on Wednesday."


    Obviously, very few people still trust what Trump says.

    Quotes from your link

    "Asked why they thought Trump wanted to postpone the election, 54% of registered voters suggested they thought Trump was trying to help himself get re-elected. Some 42% said Trump “thinks he will have a better chance of winning if the election is postponed” and 12% said the president “wants to distract the country from the pandemic and the economy.”


    Another remark, is that some are even more stupid than the other stupid people.

    "Another 21% said they thought Trump was concerned about voter fraud, and 10% said Trump “wants to protect Americans from the spread of coronavirus at polling locations.”

  4. 5 hours ago, rabas said:

    Thank you China, more COVID-19. A recent study analysed the pandemic and concluded that air travel was a major cause of the virus spreading world wide.




    Amazing, since China/WHO also suggested is was not very contagious until they had to, as China was buying the world's supply of masks. The daily infection rate is about to hit 300,000 confirmed cases per day. 


    How  and when did WHO suggest it was not very contagious?

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  5. 9 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

    UK's performance nothing like as bad as portrayed in most of the print and broadcasting media. Numbers of deaths from covid 19 have been vastly over-stated by the inclusion of people previously infected by the virus but actually dying from other causes.

    Complete B.S.! 

    45,000 official covid 19 deaths and 65,000 excess deaths! Covid-19 death in UK are largely underestimated.



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  6. 2 hours ago, RayC said:

    99% of economists and their models point to both the UK and the EU losing economically as a result of Brexit (Patrick Mumford is the only outlier who springs to mind, and outlier is definitely the operative word). Of that 99%, almost all believe that the UK will suffer the greatest hit. Example: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.euronews.com/amp/2019/03/21/brexit-will-cost-the-eu-40-billion-annually-study-founds

    Even in the unlikely event that the EU suffers more than the UK, this in itself seems to be an economic sado-masochistic justification (We will suffer pain but your's will be greater). 


    The only rational argument for leaving the EU rests on the notion of sovereignty. Yes by leaving the EU Westminster, rather than Brussels, will be sovereign. But what does that mean in practice? 


    "Since 1999, when legislative records became available to the public for the first time in an accessible format, the UK has voted “no” to legislation on 57 occasions. It has voted “yes” 2,474 times and abstained from voting 70 times. This translates into the UK opposing 2% of legislation" (Source: https://ukandeu.ac.uk/fact-figures/how-often-is-the-uk-outvoted-in-brussels/#).


    So, 4 years of wrangling, likely future depressed economic growth plus (probably) upteen millions of future manhours in unnecessary trade related work, all for the sake of claiming back 2% more sovereignty. Worth it? Not in my book. 


    PS. Will we really be any more sovereign? In the absence of a deal with the EU, the UK will be even more desperate for a trade deal with the US. The likely price? Amongst other things, a lowering of animal welfare standards requiring a change in UK law. Sovereignty and choice indeed!

    Come on! Don't be nasty! The UK will be sovereign again for setting the amount of E154 allowed for tainting kippers!

    • Haha 1
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