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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. The place where you will spend a reasonably large chunk of time is on the roads (unless a hermit) . Feel safer there in Thailand than in European countries,do you ?
  2. Some might argue there’s a more widespread and insidious "grooming" via the education system and social conditioning.
  3. You’re fretting about entry restrictions in 13 months time ?? There might not even be a Europe! ????
  4. They’re like a child knowing they have to eat their vegetables ,but first push it around on the plate for several minutes ,eventually putting it to their mouth then back down again ,all the while sulking. They need to be ushered to the naughty step! ????
  5. There’ll be no legitimate function allowed to vote for a significant change in direction- we all know how that works. The question is will the average Joe here cast aside his apathy ,or even inform himself properly to understand the noose is tightening. Not the sharpest tools in the shed nor sufficiently educated/aware of the world outside Thailand. Will those that do be sufficient to create the necessary momentum?
  6. The main problem,and a much bigger one, would be were your second test to be positive.
  7. Hanlon’s Razor indeed. I jokingly invented the "Thai Thick Gene" to explain much of this,but it increasingly seems a reality! ???? Compounding this is the prevalence within officials of the Dunning- Kruger effect.
  8. We bow to your greater experience of having been "caught out " by a fair number of them.
  9. Ah,you’re a "chubby chaser" who prefers a smack of the thigh and to ride in on the ripple ? ????
  10. Then you need to understand better what is really safer rather than the illusion of preventing something that is already here and is not particularly harmful to most. Assuming you can grasp that then perhaps to understand the damage done and economic costs associated with keeping closed vital industries- because that’s a heavy toll ,just ask tourist industry. It’s not like the no cost precaution of wearing a seat belt.
  11. Careful about Cambodia, the government is introducing effective censorship of the internet with a government controlled gateway.
  12. As dense as those in charge are,a sad reminder that there are even stupider people in the background. The "Thai thick gene " abounds ????
  13. What always strikes me is the simple minded ,childish mentality exampled in this pathetic ,transparent attempt at self aggrandizement and that they imagine far more intelligent Westerners will swallow. Tantamount to a previously naughty child now showing their dinner plate with the greens earnestly eaten and now expecting praise. Just how thick are these people? ????
  14. Surely cheaper and more convenient to purchase the commercial soft wear to enable your tax returns to be done on line.?
  15. In SE Asia the abundance of urchins are a pest and removal is helpful
  16. I got to an advanced state with a very attractive lady but on reaching downstairs I felt the old "three piece suite" ????. "You’re a man!" I exclaimed. "Yes,I am ,what do you want to do now ?" he enquired. "Don’t stop sucking until I’ve made up my mind!" I bellowed..
  17. I let one feel me for ages…still couldn’t tell.. ????‍♂️
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