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Posts posted by speedthrills

  1. just finiching night shift freesing cold stillagain brrrrr waited more for me new R3 till maybe april delivered late now ?? not care as for the cold too much for riding ice i thanks for you informing of trial breaking i thought was about the riding off of roads like on motorcross bike but i learn from you now an i can soon be practised this on me R3

    Are you drunk?

    Give the kid a break....you busted his arse before not not using spell checker..it's clear english is not his native tongue...

    I had forgotten about that. My apologies speedthrills. I wasn't picking on your language skills. I will try to decipher again what you had written:

    "Just finishing work, it's still freezing cold again. Have to wait till April before my new R3 will be delivered, if not later. Don't care too much as it's too cold to ride and besides, roads are still icy. Thanks for posting about trail braking. I initially thought it was about riding off roads like on a motorcross bike (trials, breaking trails?) but I see now that this is about road riding. I will soon be able to practice this on my R3."

    I guess this is the gist of it.

    Not sure of your skill level speedthrills but this is an advanced braking technique and should ideally be restricted to the track. There's no need for it during normal day to day road riding. Trail braking (when done wrongly) sometimes starts a chain reaction that ends up with a high side.

    i am rider of other bike fore 5 year now all together not drunk never yes R3 is too came late now sad.png

  2. The fork legs are designed to shear off in such a high speed accident , in order to save the main bike frame. Almost like a crumple zone. Good bit of design there , unlike some bikes , where the frame bends , and rights the complete bike off .

    hwhat you say are you kidding. that is totally madeup from you i hope .like joking. crazyness crumpole zone on motorcyc???w00t.gif

  3. I agree but there are certain people who simply don't care about themselves or their kids. Otherwise they would wear a helmet. Embracing death seems to be of utmost importance to some. Let them be.

    let them be fore sure!! not up too you or otheres to choose. many people like to life on the edge and not scare too much. scared too much about what if somethings happening all the time???? maybe for many people nothing bad happens in lifetime, so much worrying for nothing. i think you think too much man.

  4. From my more or less neutral point of view.

    LL2 can be aggressive with his replies, he can also be a bit annoying as a Honda fanboy, but no harm here, I just ignore those posts.

    However I noticed speedtrills once he attacked LL2 helmets comment, that attack was totally unjustified. Ever since then speedtrills was pocking on LL.

    Note, I'm not taking sides with anyone, it was only my observation.

    thanks gweilo spellchecker is underrstood now good stuff, Shurup ,possibility youre right man.a bull to the redflag i can be. but please this is not alone to me and ii2 he has been on insulting many many others but unlike myself they just stopped postings and went away and left ll2 no-one to attack and this is why this thread was opened more civil as a resalt of ll2 not been able to attack .i will stand up to bulls like him everytime! thats as i am taut to do by my good dad!

  5. In the short time that you have been a member of this forum, you have had disagreements with no less than 4 or 5 posters. Most of your posts are veiled baits and insults. I put it to you that you are indeed a troll and that you absolutely hate it when someone disagrees with you and you take every opportunity to hit back.

    Your contribution to this forum is minimal at best, at this point in time. LL2, in spite of his abrasive and aggressive replies, has given tons of good information to other members of this forum, in particular, related to gear and accessories. Can't say the same for you though.

    abslute claptrap gweilo.grow up man! its simply that you and you're verbal"buddies"" [yes the 4 or 5 you spaek off] seem to believe that this forums all about you "buddies'' and no one else can have aveiwpoint! so i have had issues with a few of you..look back and see who kicked it off thouhj!! .yes ll2 has given info but has destroed many many threads by his as you eloqently speak of his"" abrasive and aggressive replies," which is exactly what this shit is all abou t do your really beleive that this shit from him is acctable? BS!! its not man! as you are ''buddies"' i get it that you all stickit together and defend him.but you all must admit he is a majer turn off to many posters outsude of you're ''buddies club"' and not just i said this. . as for "vieled threats from me??/show me.

    Thanks for your compliment on my age. Sadly though, I'm afraid I'm probably a lot older than you.

    Those of us who know ll2 would agree that he's a really decent guy but at the same time, concede that tactful communication is not his forte and his posts makes him come across as a bit of a rowdy kind of person. However, in you, I think we may have found a genuine contender to knock him off his perch. You might want to reread your own posts to see what I mean.

    As for veiled threats, I don't make any.

    so, you condone ll2 abrasive and aggressive replies? yes of coarse you all do.all you bumbuddies together. but what if you were noobie like so many ohers who have been targeted by hims abrasive and aggressive replies? many noobs have just given up and leaft here after coping a dose of his abrasive and aggressive replies! [ a bit of a rowdy as you asay! } Youre defencing the undefencible man!

    you Gweiloman,whose comes across as an argumensive ,padantic old guy would not be pist off and countre strike to his obnociousness?? i call BS on that! also as on another tread running now youre and he go hand on hand attaching others who differ in views!! right pair of sad ol fools!

  6. LL2

    tannin, I understand and accept the trolls as a nature of all forums:)

    but I never understand the a...s...s kissers of a troll writing in troll language!

    sorry abouy as you sayu troll langage man .it is just but big fat fingers on small keyborads a problem as for some gramma errers well i'am not as eductaed as you mayby. to bad.a as for all posters who speak against you and like comments. well thats is just as it is man.its all true.you alone are respondable to more problems anf fights here and thread closings than any othere people!!!FACT! we pointing out this does;not make us trolls..grow up . man. accept that you aren not perfect by far. ciao for now

    In the short time that you have been a member of this forum, you have had disagreements with no less than 4 or 5 posters. Most of your posts are veiled baits and insults. I put it to you that you are indeed a troll and that you absolutely hate it when someone disagrees with you and you take every opportunity to hit back.

    Your contribution to this forum is minimal at best, at this point in time. LL2, in spite of his abrasive and aggressive replies, has given tons of good information to other members of this forum, in particular, related to gear and accessories. Can't say the same for you though.

    abslute claptrap gweilo.grow up man! its simply that you and you're verbal"buddies"" [yes the 4 or 5 you spaek off] seem to believe that this forums all about you "buddies'' and no one else can have aveiwpoint! so i have had issues with a few of you..look back and see who kicked it off thouhj!! .yes ll2 has given info but has destroed many many threads by his as you eloqently speak of his"" abrasive and aggressive replies," which is exactly what this shit is all abou t do your really beleive that this shit from him is acctable? BS!! its not man! as you are ''buddies"' i get it that you all stickit together and defend him.but you all must admit he is a majer turn off to many posters outsude of you're ''buddies club"' and not just i said this. . as for "vieled threats from me??/show me.

  7. LL2

    tannin, I understand and accept the trolls as a nature of all forums:)

    but I never understand the a...s...s kissers of a troll writing in troll language!

    sorry abouy as you sayu troll langage man .it is just but big fat fingers on small keyborads a problem as for some gramma errers well i'am not as eductaed as you mayby. to bad.a as for all posters who speak against you and like comments. well thats is just as it is man.its all true.you alone are respondable to more problems anf fights here and thread closings than any othere people!!!FACT! we pointing out this does;not make us trolls..grow up . man. accept that you aren not perfect by far. ciao for now

  8. ^^

    huh??? new google acount????you'have lots the plot man makes you the looser cuckoo!! w00t.gif EDIT again ''HUH""???? sudenly you'have made it less civi l here agin.well done

    PPS i get it thta as one of the buddies i mentoned yabove you dont like to be spoken of but to turn around and made crazy accusation agin me is way weird man.

    • Like 1
  9. After posters sitting in their beautiful but fragile ivory towers accusing people as fan boys got quiet, problems are over.

    We had some soul and character problems. It looks like it is over as well.

    Grammar nazis got over their habit.

    Jealous attackers have gone guiet too.

    People start to respect others's ideas a bit more.

    And of course many forums around but nothing is as local and real as this one. Easy to meet with new people as well unlike a forum in usa and have many friends here so I like this forum.

    oh the irony ll2. the primo reason thise forum has gotten more civil is because all the members who you and a handful of other "buddies' have fun in groop attacking anyting at all that one or other of yours donnot agree with have just given up in disgust and stoped posting on here. !!! you particulary bring great tensions to this forum in your manner of often crude and ataganising comments and then jim and rob and others all jumpin boots and all and like thai boys become a 6 to 1 fight against others who are not in your ''buddies club" i wouls say that you,ll2 has been the main instigater in starting bad mouthing others that ends in shit fights and see a thread closed more often than no!!.. you willof coarse deny deny thgis but man its all here in history of multple threads forall to see. you "buddies'' are vberry unnaccepting of others views if not shared by you all.so in sommery yes it may well be civil, but boring as heell now as you can see. bah.gif

    Quite a few good posters have left, and the ones that remain just post less frequently. We are left with a plethora of posts like the one above yours. Hence the lack of interest in the forum.

    yes exactly rite.and as i pionted out that the "buddies" who feel the nead to rule this foums are the only ones mostly posting now, god luck to them they can have it! most of the more interestrd posters have indeed left~one noticable excetion is from papa who achieved agreat journey kudo to him. well done man! he alone went out and did it and not one word of support from any of the "buddies"..so much for ''weare all bikers on here" i did notice that a few "buddies" went for a ride and h saw how different the story was. asking for advices and what to do and where to sleep and route and like children. papa just got on his bike and did it and reported what he had acheived after the fact..he is the real achiever.

  10. the only ridiculouse conclusion is that byou saw the scoot earlier in the vidoe and of coarse that has no bearing on truck enconter duuh.look at the 1.33 point and think about whose ridiculous.yes thoough the video is weell done.we can agreement to that.

    Try not to loose the plot Mr. Thrills!! Ridiculous conclusions: 1. That I am a "riding buddy" of the guy in the video; and 2. That I condone his pace in that video; 3. That the proximity of the bike to the scooter earlier in the video somehow affects the situation between the bike and the truck. Those would be the definition of 'ridiculous conclusions' without basis in fact.

    Regardless of how the rider got himself in that situation, do you have any comment, that actually relates to my post, on what, if anything, the rider could (or should) have done differently once he was in that position?

    donnot get off a youre bike, mike.calm down.point [3] you say That the proximity of the bike to the scooter earlier in the video somehow affects the situation between the bike and the truck..look at 1.33 not earliey in the vid as you keep mistakenly drawing attenshen to but look at ONE MINUTE andTHIRTY THREE and you can inform me that this crazy outa control jo- doe didnot near take out the scooter when he at the last moments LUCKILY swerved around the pickup..are you kidden or blind he was just so LUCKY to miss the pickup and not hit the scooter.he was inches awy from that rider at a breakneck speed.LUCKY again.PS sorry for imsinuating youre a riding buddy,i would also deny knowing someone so out of control.other than that no much else to say isthere

  11. ^^ ^^

    no doubting you also are a ridding buddy of the guy as are rsd and hiwayguy,defending his stupitity by saing his skill saved him whatabout the poor guy on scooter fe also near cleaned up?

    here a video promotion for car drivers to be aware in this case this thread the rider was 100 per cent wrong on so many levels!!many crashes are the bikerideres fault!

    Cliff Clark - Look Twice | Facebook

    You did, of course, note that I made no comment or conclusion as to whether I believe the rider in the video (I have no idea who he is) was travelling at a reasonable pace (I do not). Also, his proximity to the scooter earlier in the video has no bearing on the encounter with the truck. My sole comment was that once he was in that situation he did everything right which, to me, points to experience, not luck.

    But feel free to draw more ridiculous conclusions without fact...

    EDIT: BTW - I love the video! Very well done.

    the only ridiculouse conclusion is that byou saw the scoot earlier in the vidoe and of coarse that has no bearing on truck enconter duuh.look at the 1.33 point and think about whose ridiculous.yes thoough the video is weell done.we can agreement to that.

  12. ^^ ^^

    no doubting you also are a ridding buddy of the guy as are rsd and hiwayguy,defending his stupitity by saing his skill saved him whatabout the poor guy on scooter fe also near cleaned up?

    here a video promotion for car drivers to be aware wich is always good to see. but in this case this thread the rider was 100 per cent wrong on so many levels!!many crashes are the bikerideres fault! we all need to to aware when on road on any choioce of transport

    Cliff Clark - Look Twice | Facebook

  13. ^

    Errr, i know some members here who do this in Thailand. But it doesnt need 250 to kill yourself. Imo everything above 200 is a death wish in Thailand.

    The rider in this video has balls. Not because he is going at such speeds, but for sharing this video with the public wai.gif

    And your opinion counts for squat.

    The rider in the video, who's a riding buddy, made a mistake. But does he continually need to be bashed over the head with it? Especially by some halfwit on a scooter who doesn't have the desire, ability, skill or yes, balls, to ride a big bike here.

    some people of course ride their bikes for years and years....and learn nothing!

    And some people never ride.

    yes for sure he made amistake as it is he up big time by such a hugge errer of crazy speeding and neely took out the other bike as well as himselve with the truck but the best errer was having put it up on yourtube for all the people to see.so yes H1w4yR1da,he deserves to be continually bashed over the head with it

  14. I forget to say about my long ago quest about perscent of fullface helmits in the world.It was asked for on behalfe of a friends friend who is doing a paper for a uni thesis thing for a thought of retofit safety aid to go on fullfaces HUD i think.aanyways a big group of uni peoples sent quests to many sights around the world and got a good baseline fiure now give or take .The perscent using these fullfaces was surprising to be fare.

  15. For a low cost decent helmet I would say look at REAL branded helmets. Wife has had her open face one now 2.5 years no problems at all!

    No one really has any problem with any helmet until they need it the most. Let's hope she never crashes on her face.

    Better a helmet that she will wear than one that she won't!

    She likes it because it's light, she has good vision both ahead and peripheral. And most important she does wear it every time she rides the bike, even does the strap up!

    She's on a Wave 110i not a Ducati.

    I totally agree mate. Any helmet is better than nothing. I was merely commenting on your choice of words, saying you had no problems with the helmet, as major problems only occur when in an accident.

    I couldn't care a less, if either you or your wife wore a helmet or not, as it's your decision. Obviously for safety, it's better to wear one and a full face is better than an open face, but sometimes even I don't wear a helmet, so I'm not on that bandwagon of wear a helmet at all times.

    @wantan:@garryjohns: Your agreed thinking is odd.'A helmets purpose is mainly to protect the brain and skull, not to protect the face.' If this were true then what is the purpose of a full face helmet, if not to also protect the face? Your brain and skull are clearly vital to life but to seemingly disregard your face as unimportant seems backward thinking to me.

    and you dont think that at the times when youre not wearing youre fullface asy ou said here is not even more backwards thinking byyou abit hyercritical arent you

  16. ok wanted to post this in the other thread about helmets ,but mods closed that thread due to bickering so will post it here ,this is why you shouldn't ride with half face helmets...


    realey? i do wear a fullface but because i want to not because you or anyone else thinks that i should.as for this incident,shit ive seen worse injuies than that on a pushbike fall or on the rugby game playing field.

  17. i can get as to what you say 1000 percent but no relevants to the query wich is about wheelsizing alone. an MSX (small, fatter wheel and tire) or a Wave (larger wheel diameter, skinnier tire), or something in between like a PCX? but thanks for sharing youre patronizing knowlidge

    Wheel size will make little difference for such small bikes at such low speeds. My response was to his part of the post below, which if you would note mentions nothing about wheel size (which comes later on in his post).

    My question is, if I enjoy going around corners (even at intersections) and getting good lean angles, dragging foot pegs, etc., am I better off with an MSX (small, fatter wheel and tire) or a Wave (larger wheel diameter, skinnier tire), or something in between like a PCX?

    God I have reading comprehension problems today....

    Yes its appearing that way but atleast you man up to youre errers.thanking you thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7pbAk

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