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lil fluffy clouds

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Posts posted by lil fluffy clouds

  1. U.S. War Against Russia Is Now Against Hungary Too

    According to German Economic News (GEN), on December 25th, Hungary Will Not Take Part in the Cold War Against Russia. They report that, Hungarys Prime Minister Viktor Orban takes his distance from the EU, and accuses the US government of trying to instigate a new Cold War against Russia.

    GEN also links to an earlier, October 19th, GEN article, which had reported that, After Russia, Hungary is now apparently also being targeted by Americans: the United States is hitting senior Hungarian government officials and businessmen with entry bans. The Americans throw corruption-charges against the Hungarians.


    Sounds about right.

    The US has such a large debt to china it probably figures the only way to pay it off is to continue bullying other countries.

    War has always been a big money spinner for the states and now it's desperate to come up with the goods.

    They are bugdeting bigger on their war machine now in the hope that their "investments" will pay off...

    • Like 1
  2. The only thing this bloke should be allowed to open is a can of coke.

    Bike lanes for the south nothing but rhetoric and martial law for the north.

    Nice one general the poor are surely to be thankful for such a genourus gift from you.

    Guess unimportant stuff like health education welfare etc can take a backseat while the elite can play with their new toy.

    Priorities right up there with Indian wedding planning!

    "Bike lanes for the south"

    Actually, as the OP makes clear ("around Rattanakosin Island in the capital"), this island is in Bangkok. whistling.gif

    "martial law for the north"

    Actually it was, and remains, for the whole country, not just the north as you suggest. wink.png

    I'd also say, it's nice to see a PM who wears a helmet, when out on his two-wheeled transport, unlike a previous bad-example ! rolleyes.gif

    So wearing a helmet is some sort of morality statement to you. I can just see tarzan wearing his helmet while swinging through the trees. Get real!

    Not at all, you totally missed that reference, although many longer-serving members will recall, what you clearly don't ...

    Once upon a time, a decade or so ago, there was a Prime Minister & Cabinet of Thailand, who showed their one-ness with the ordinary people by touring Isaan on their flash motorbikes, Harleys and the like.

    But although the law said, even back then, that helmets should be worn, and photos of the Great-Biker & his gang showed, they felt they were all above-the-law, or that the helmets might destroy the value of the photo-opp, as they wore none.

    This was the subject of a certain amount of gentle hilarity, amongst farangs & TV-posters, at the time. All the Bibs saluting a group of people who were clearly breaking the law as they rode past.

    Which also therefore explains the smilie, after the last line of my post.

    No "some sort of morality statement" after all, but humour, of a sort. wai2.gif

    Ok, apologies, now I understand.

    • Like 1
  3. While I don't agree with what Costas2008 said about racism, I think the negativity is getting a bit out of hand on this thread.

    Yes it's a bizarre tourist promotion idea, but to be honest there have been worse ones.

    Sorry Blues but - there have been worse ones - is a weak point to justify this clownery
    I'm not justifying it.

    I agree with you, in that I think it's a stupid idea.

    However, that doesn't justify the level of negativity this thread seems to have reached.

    I moan as much as most but there are limits.

    Whose limits would they be?

    • Like 1
  4. Reading the posts up to now, I do believe that the racists in this country are NOT the Thais but the farangs posting this kind of rubbish.

    Keep it up members, you are showing your real selves.

    "Real self" is better than "no real self" whether it's giving praise to a job well done or critising for deliberate inadequacies.
    • Like 2
  5. The only thing this bloke should be allowed to open is a can of coke.

    Bike lanes for the south nothing but rhetoric and martial law for the north.

    Nice one general the poor are surely to be thankful for such a genourus gift from you.

    Guess unimportant stuff like health education welfare etc can take a backseat while the elite can play with their new toy.

    Priorities right up there with Indian wedding planning!

    "Bike lanes for the south"

    Actually, as the OP makes clear ("around Rattanakosin Island in the capital"), this island is in Bangkok. whistling.gif

    "martial law for the north"

    Actually it was, and remains, for the whole country, not just the north as you suggest. wink.png

    I'd also say, it's nice to see a PM who wears a helmet, when out on his two-wheeled transport, unlike a previous bad-example ! rolleyes.gif

    So wearing a helmet is some sort of morality statement to you. I can just see tarzan wearing his helmet while swinging through the trees. Get real!

  6. That video will keep me in nightmares for a long time to come.

    For the first time in my life, I am starting to get seriously spooked about air travel. Does anyone else feel the same way or is my imagination in overdrive because of the recent tragedies?

    The older i get the more scared i get about flying.

    I took an Air Asia flight at 2pm today and it was not easy. I had to keep reminding myself that travelling by road is much more dangerous. I have a fear of heights which adds to my fears.

    I am not at the point yet where i will not fly anymore and travel by road. I keep reminding myself that if i stay off the roads i will live longer.

    It doesn't scare me at all. As said, it's the safest way to travel. It's just big news when it happens. There were thousands of planes in the air, day after day before this happened. I'm more afraid to walk in a crosswalk.

    I'm relieved when that plane takes off and I know I don't have anything to do until we get there, unlike driving or riding a scooter. I usually fall asleep.

    Ask a doctor for a beta blocker. It's a heart medicine that won't hurt you but it blocks the body's ability to release adrenaline. You'll stay calm without feeling tranquilized. I'm a musician (pianist) and I once developed a horrible case of stage fright. I couldn't play due to mental and physical reactions. My doctor gave me a beta blocker and all of those symptoms disappeared. I needed the med only a few times until I regained confidence.

    Emotion is what I want see at a gig, not some zombie pumping out tunes on beta blockers. Same everywhere, even in the air.

  7. Some one knows what's going on around here, plane's dont just disapear with the radar and satelite equipment in operation today. Many modern cars have webcams on dashes, although not transmited to a base in real time, it couod be done on aircraft for avery small cost, why is it not?

    Besides how many innocent people are dying in afganistan, iraq, ukrane, mexican massacure of 100's of school children, etc I rarely see much sentiment expressed about these atrocites or the concern about how many more to come.

    Many posters here seem to express concern only for the possibility that it really could be them.

    Affluent jetsetters appear to be given more value than hundreds of thousand people dying in poor countries, why is that?

  8. "Thaksin sends Christmas greetings on LINE"

    Can somebody remind this idiot that farangs can't vote for him or his muppets?

    A little like your hero!!

    Except that nobody Thai or farang can vote for him!!

    Google: Self appointed.

    It's better "my hero" as you put it, governing this country than a common criminal on self exile.

    Don't worry, elections will come back, when the country is ready................if ever..............

    He wasn't always considered a criminal and he wasn't always in exile, it was an eventuation....

  9. The point he may be making is that some journalists see their role as wall-to-wall criticism. Some journalists make an art of negativity and do not mention/stress/point out the positive things. Constructive criticism is obviously important but destructive criticism is a bit weary. I think it may have something to do with journalists trying to be noticed, trying to be more radical than their colleagues, trying to be holier than thou or simply trying too hard. Perhaps they're trying to build a career in which case truth, honesty and intelligence takes a back seat. I have some sympathy for dear leader.

    You may or may not have noticed but that goes for many posters on here, in fact more so in some cases.

    Was that a criticism?

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