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Posts posted by Rangsitreppin

  1. I bet you, you are a presentable man with a good job and some money in the bank, but you are trying to project an image of a bum.

    Good gimmick in my opinion........but again......I could be wrong........usually am........whistling.gif

    what is a job ? And where can i find one? most of the things i know are found in the bottom of a bottle .

    • Like 1
  2. I have a feeling the mods might just give you a lot more free time soon!

    i have a feeling that nobody cares if you got a feeling
    I feel I have a feeling I feel I'm going to feel when I feel a feeling I feel I've never felt before. You ever felt a feeling like that?

    Im gonna live in a pattaya bar and drink myself into oblivion.

    is that ok With you geronimo ? Or do u disagree?

  3. OP ... where can I buy some snow ski's in bangkok .. ?

    In your wifeS snatch

    I had a look and there's none there ... so your not so good at giving advice are you .. ?

    or have you been hitting the bottle pretty hard again .. hmmm ?

    Look harder they are attached to the giant genital wart on her anus

    your just a fake .... probably just woken up from some park bench somewhere ?

    ok then ... tonight we want to go out for dinner, where's a good restaurant that serves Himalayan deep fried arctic snow scallops .... ?

    Steve your not sure are you .

    Why dont you look up her snatch for scollops im sure it stinks like scollops up there

    fake ... fake ... fake .... fake ..... you know nothing about thailand ... your a fake ..

    Think what u want im gettin on the next flight and bangin whatever i can get my hands on you however are losing the battle hard brosef

  4. OP ... where can I buy some snow ski's in bangkok .. ?

    In your wifeS snatch

    I had a look and there's none there ... so your not so good at giving advice are you .. ?

    or have you been hitting the bottle pretty hard again .. hmmm ?

    Look harder they are attached to the giant genital wart on her anus

    your just a fake .... probably just woken up from some park bench somewhere ?

    ok then ... tonight we want to go out for dinner, where's a good restaurant that serves Himalayan deep fried arctic snow scallops .... ?

    Steve your not sure are you .

    Why dont you look up her snatch for scollops im sure it stinks like scollops up there

  5. Drinks are getting to western prices In thailand i payed 39 baht for a Can of leo the other day .why is is getting so expensive? i mean the beer is cheaper in china these days and the wages are 5 times those of thailand. Plus the chinese are highly respectful of farangs.

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