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Posts posted by Tennisduck

  1. I don't understand either. I had my wifes daughter come to visit us in in Australia. She was going to university and asked me to check

    some of her English assignments. I told her that her English work was that of a year 2/3 class in primary - serious it was terrible.

    She told me that she had been studying English for 6 years in Primary and then another 6 years in High school and 2 years In University.

    I was what the hell - when I spoke to her in English her mum tod me she didn't understand - I said I need a stiff drink.

    her mum - my wife could speak and understand English soo much better then her daughter and she hadn't even taken any English classes.

    Yes the system is weird and it benefits no one that they pass people who are no worthy to be passed- and the irony of it all is that if we fail

    them then they blame the English teacher - haha very funny

    If anyone can educate me then im all ears

  2. I have a Thai wife I took back to Aust and yes it was a nite mare when we went out to clubs that had pokies.

    She got addicted to them and wanted to play no stop- but I put a stop to that and said ok yes you can play

    BUT there will be a time to stop - you give them a limit on how much to spend and when they have a win

    then its time to leave - and you must supervise them otherwise you will have problems.

    I no of other thai/philopino ladies who used to go to the clubs and stay there all nite and go there 6-7 days a week

    and spend huge sums of money as in 000,s - they told husbands lies that they were visiting friends - yes at the clubs

    Be careful

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  3. Why do can people who don't understand anything about drugs just bloody leave it alone

    people who dob others in IMO are scum and will never be friends of mine

    you can get yourself into more dramas then its worth - if you don't like drugs then that's fine

    its people that get involved with stuff and activity that doesn't concern them that get themselves killed

    stay away - simple listen to your thai lady

  4. do not rent a motor bike and ride like its a grand Prix - I have personally seen young guys fall and damage bikes and have been threatened with

    huge bills up to 15 grand or else - ride like you are relaxing and ride to the road conditions - simple

    If you were going to go to Thailand - book a room for a day then go 4 a walk in - you can get better deals easy - I have been known to get rooms with spars kitchens 3 rooms for $20 or 500-600 baht in almost high season 2014

    going site seeing on the water - hard to say - but for me I go straight to the harbour and deal with the locals

    what do you get - a boat of your own - a driver who takes you where you want to go for as long as you want and for prices that run rings

    around the operators in town and you go when you are ready not spend all day getting there and then get back at 8pm

    Good luck

  5. Well it all depends - on 1/ what our thai wife is like - my thai wife will in all situations if she is not happy tell who ever she is dealing with to fix the

    problem then and there - if the thai who has stuffed up is not there she will call them back and tell them to fix the problem - so if you have a communication problem - 1st let your wife deal with it - if she cant or wont then she not a strong minded or willed lady - my wife is a lady who simply wont take shit - BUT you have to know how to deal with the situation tactfully - remember thai people don't like conflict - they will walk away and not come back if you deal with any problem the wrong way

    2/ As for speaking the language - it again depends - I have been told by some that the Thai people don't like you understand what they are saying- yes because they like to talk about you behind your back - its amazing how may Thai ladies say they don't care about the looks of foreigners but deep down what they are talking amongst each other about you is NOT flattering - ie they are mocking you big time

    3/ Then theres the time when you think you know all this thai and in fact its not the right dialect and apart from your wife no one can understand you - your sounds that you have been practising for ages are still not 100% right and if you don't get it 100% right the Thai people are soo medieval work out what we are saying - when they talk English to me and its what the hell are you trying to say - I work out what it might be

    4/ when you finally do get it right they go off talking at a million miles an hr with a reply and you cant understand what they are saying

    5/ my way of dealing with it - - let your wife do the talking but learn the basics of talking thai and learn the basics of listening to the thai people

    and the rest forget it as like the previous responses said they talk a lot of mundanethat shit that is a waste if time trying to work out what is said

    just look at their expressions and faces to see their reactions

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  6. It simply really - it all depends on the experience and skill of the rider

    Who cares what speed other riders travel at anyway - if you can handle your bike at 180 ks and the road can handle that

    speed then fine

    if you have little experience then go at 80ks and if the roads are pothole bad then slow down

    Different strokes for different folks I say

    Whatever speed it doesn't matter unless you are in Australia haha

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