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Posts posted by Joebuzz

  1. 22 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

    Ok, so the two sewage treatment plants are not real ?


    Image result for wastewater treatment plant pattaya

    Pattaya’s 1.8 billion baht wastewater treatment plant is up and running

    Yeah, that will treat about 1/100th of all Pattaya's and outlying areas sewage.  Read an earlier article where the authorities admit that if it was running at 100% efficiency it would treat 20%.   Have a nice swim and watch for those antibiotics coupons.

  2. I have met the value for money men.  They walk out of the station on Beach Road and pull over every farang, helmet or not, and check for int'l drivers licenses while letting ALL the Thai people go, even after stopping them with two old ladies and a 10 year old girl, none with helmets.  Thailand is a trap for foreigners money, nothing more.  The police ARE dependable.... You can depend on them to pull you over every chance they get.  

  3. On 5/31/2017 at 6:05 AM, 55Jay said:

    So a female Thai spirit lives in or on the log but has the typical Thai absence of foresight, apparently, as being covered with meters of Earth would take quite a long time.  So this daft, female Thai spirit waits, who knows how long, until she's completely buried, then decides to showcase her mystical powers by appearing in the town drunk's dream and asking for help. 


    So Somchai digs this ting tong lady spirit out of the ground, and she's apparently OK with being trapped again, this time as a cheesy attraction for dolts, in a shitty town just outside Sin City.


    This Thai spirit doesn't sound like the sharpest knife in the drawer, certainly not one I would want to get lotto number from. 


    But the monks running the Wat are willing to go along with pretty much anything, long as the stream of idiots leave a few coins in the tray for them.  ฿   :ermm:

    If they lose, they must run out and get 5 lines of superstition tattooed on their back and return in two weeks.

  4. On 5/31/2017 at 8:45 PM, Toshiba66 said:

    There must be more than one Pattaya in Thailand because the one I was in over the last 2 weeks is as dead as I've seen it.


    No Russians in droves.

    No Chinese in droves.

    Nothing in droves except droves of empty Hotel Rooms.



    I believe, thanks to"real" social media, the truth about Pattaya, Puhket, etc. are becoming more informational than the "pie-in-the-sky travelblogs and that " quality" tourists now realize the reality is that these destinations are NOT quality, in the normal sense of the word.  

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  5. On 5/30/2017 at 6:09 AM, Pdaz said:

    Hate to say it but some of the blame lays with the parents. Did they never warn their daughters about rape ? Why would they remove their clothes for a complete stranger ? Why were the parents so trusting ? Why allow a teenage girl to be alone with a stranger ?


    The rapist should suffer a suitable punishment.. Hopefully others will learn from these naive (and possibly greedy) parents before exposing their daughters to similar risk..

    Why?  Because they are stupid and greedy.  Sums it up.

  6. On 5/29/2017 at 8:17 AM, wakeupplease said:

    Quality Tourists Do Exactly that and no longer lower their standards by visiting here

    I did go home and will never return.  I'm just "calling back" to let you know that the shithole I left, after 3 years, isn't what it's advertised to be.  I would NEVER bring children there and would never attempt to retire there in the LOS (land of the LIARS OF SIAM).  What a crooked, corrupt society.  I do enjoy women for rent but Thailand isn't special in that arena and the women CANNOT be trusted!

  7. Honestly.....what other reason to be there?  The raw sewage in the ocean?  The farang police pulling you over twice a week?  The girl that says "I love you" and forgets to say "short time"?  The dishonest barmaids (whores) that all lie for each other AND rip you off?  The sleazy condo owner that changes the lease terms AND rips you off?  The back stabbing farang?  The street vendor that charges you 200 baht for some fruit and then charges a Thai 25% of what you paid for the same thing.  Nope!  It IS ONLY the slit.  Nothing else there is of any value.

  8. On 5/25/2017 at 2:35 PM, Moonmoon said:

    There do not need to be a government spy. maybe someone that holds a grudge or is jealous of you or eyeing your fortune, is enough to do damage to you.

    Always be mindful who you speak to about politics and taboo matters in this country.

    Like my/your ex-girlfriend?  Trust me, it's better to rent than it is to own.

  9. On 5/4/2017 at 1:19 AM, Patanawet said:

    What a load of juvenile rubbish is written here by people who never go to the beach.Please try to understand this: if the 'people' did not want the vendors there, then they would not open !

    For those who want 'happiness to the people' there are kilometres upon kilometres of uninhabited beach along the coast.

    I can only speak about Jomtien and not Pattaya beach (do you see what I did there? --- speaking only from personal experience).

    For those I mentioned above, let me give you some information --- the beaches ARE cleaned daily after operation AND early morning by the vendors.

    No food or rubbish is thrown into the sea.

    Each table is provided with a small table and rubbish bin and as, mentioned before, ashtrays if required.

    Now a challenge to all those who object so vociferously about tourists relaxing on the beaches --- please venture out from behind you keyboard on a Wednesday and provide us with photographic evidence of the municipality cleaning the beaches on any Wednesday.

    I can speak for Jomtien also.  You wouldn't get me in the water unless I was already dead and you had to drag me into the raw sewage dumped every night, as in 80,000 gallons or more.  A bit of research tells you there is NO SEWAGE TREATMENT.  Need a video of the effluent flow heading north-west from Chaiyaphruek?  What day would you like?  It outfalls about 300 meters out.  Get up high enough and you can see it well up from the outlet.  When you see the water in the afternoon and it looks whiter than the water offshore, it's not the sand, it's what was for dinner last night..  What kills me, besides swimming in sewage, is that the officials never post that it's polluted, sickeningly polluted, and just let the tourists swim in it.  Count the Thai people in the water on a non-Thai holiday week.  You'll find no locals in the water.  The educated one's I know would NEVER swim in it.  Same in Pattaya.  So, considering There are really no beaches here, I see no reason to stay.  Bars & Whores.  Which are ok for a while but they're everywhere in the world.  One visit is enough.  Below is 12-29-16 showing the flow a few hundred meters offshore.



    12-29-16_Jomtien Sewage Flow.jpg

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