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Posts posted by Joebuzz

  1. On 4/26/2017 at 9:24 PM, Destiny1990 said:

    Since u be moving out soon why are u complaining  about not been able to own stuff?By the way u can own many things sorry u seem the be joking around.

    Not complaining about "not" being able to own anything.  I'm stating that I refused to OWN anything.  I rented everything once I realized that even the women weren't worth OWNING.  Most are for RENT.  Now, I'm gone but I've got things to say about my wasted 3 years.  And please, learn to use whole words.  Your grammar is childish.

  2. 19 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

    Mate stop talking about usa.u could not even locate Thailand on a map under ur nose.Thailand also has civil courts duh!

    Sorry Matey, but I have to admit that after 3 years being an AMERICAN doing my best to retire in Thailand, I said <deleted> It.  I wouldn't even buy a scooter and found that the only way to have ANYTHING was to RENT EVERYTHING.  I found nothing worth OWNING.  At this point, I wish I wouldn't have wasted 3 years of my life.

  3. That's really odd.  I saw a baht bus stop on Beach Road in Jomtien around 1pm one afternoon, step up to the wall around Soi 9, start pissing on the wall as a tourist, his wife and two children were walking down the sidewalk towards him.  You'd think he'd at least have waited until they walked by...nope, just keep on pissing away on the wall letting it run across the sidewalk.  He was also the only vehicle parked within 30 meters in either direction making it a total spectacle.  Opps, I guess it was the tourists that would've been beaten up for saying anything.

  4. Long ago social scientists stated that the world could only support, indefinately, about 2.5 to 3 billion people.  They should have started aerial spraying birth control 30 years ago.  Fortunately, I won't live much longer and when I reincarnate I'm going to a different place because this one is hell for a better one and I'm pretty sure that one is hell for an even better one.  Yep, I'm upwardly mobile.

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