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Posts posted by georgegeorgia

  1. 1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

    Fatty liver is asymptomatic.


    So does not account for your pain and from the sound of it nothing else was seen on ultrasound that would.


    Likely cause is something orher than liver. 


    I note in your original post you had no pain so apparently this is new. When did it start? And where exactly do you feel it? Is it constant? 



    She the doctor said to me today it was abdominal ultrasound and everything is ok except the fatty liver .

    I told her about the dull pain she said this is normal as my liver would be inflamed ?

    She then fine a touching exam and said felt nothing 


    She said she wants to wait 6 weeks to see the blood results then ?

    Do U think I should get referred to a liver specialist?

    Do you tjink I should wait a few weeks to see if the pain is still there ?

    I have lost 3kg in 2 weeks from staying off protein powder drinks and cutting out chocolates and Ice cream 

  2. I had a ultrasound done in my liver , nothing has come up said the doctor on looking at it ,however said ok there is fat so lose weight!


    But the question remains ,I'm getting pain .not throbbing pain just dull pain which I can live with almost like a brusing pain from the liver nothing sharp just dull sort of pain 


    There is no medication apparently and no cure according to the doctor ,so I just live with the dull pain ? Has anyone here got a fatty liver and gets pain ?


    Also the doctor told me there is another liver test ,she said fibro something,I forget now but she wants to wait 3 months to see how my liver goes on this diet .


    Has anyone had other liver tests other than the blood ones ?this fibro test she was saying today or even a liver biopsy?

    She said oh we don't need to go that far at this stage and here I am dying of fatty liver , these doctors have no idea 

  3. On 3/19/2023 at 8:42 PM, WaveHunter said:

    I know some are squeamish to self-inject but it's not a big deal.  You can use a tiny insulin syringe to inject into belly fat layer (called sub-Q injection) and you won't even feel it go in.


    Absolutely no need to go into a clinic each time you need an injection.  That's just wasting money.


    Pills and patches are highly problematic, not to mention far more expensive.

    Can you inject into the glute ( bum cheek?

  4. Luckily I have been given the all clear in regards to my liver pain,but I wonder about guys that didn't 


    How many of you have lived through a terminal illness ,such as Cancer ?

    How did you cope with this diagnosis and treatment ,and I mean that mentally


    Has your attitude on life changed 

    What about you guys with stage 4 of something eg prostate has your attitude to health changed ?


    Eg Chissoris of the liver ?

    Do you still continue to drink alcohol?


     And even if you have been diagnosed with a "fatty liver" that is not something to not be concerned about ,you can still be terminal later in life 


    Do you take care now much better than before in regards to nutrition and exercise 


    Ironically when I was working as a wardsman/bed pusher in the hospital there used to be a few bodybuilder types come through with prostate cancer as they used a lot of testereone which apparently made them higher cancer risk so I remember the doctor putting them on estrogens and some refused 


    If you were going through the cancer treatment did you become more spiritual?


    Do you now cope with dying much better ?

    Luckily in Australia we now have the legal ability to go with euthanasia


    I hope there is no one going through stage 4 cancer here but if you are please share your experiences



  5. One thing I love about Asia is the cheap massage.


    I go twice a day when I'm in the Philippines or Thailand.


    Compared to Sydney at $80 per hour /2000 baht I can get one in Asia for around 300 baht $15 Australian per hour 


    So anyway let's move on with what I'm saying rather than beat around the bush.


    What don't you like in a massage and I don't want any thing about happy endings ,I'm talking real massage .


    First of all I don't care about attractive of masseurs , I just want a decent massage.and some of my best were old Asian guys 


    Now last week I went to a North"Chinese " massage here in Sydney far far different from any before ,elbow pointy end to liver kidneys etc ,bloody hurt actually.


    End of elbow to the kidneys 


    Another one a few weeks Thai massage walked on my back , crack crack my back 



    I also HATE it when too much talking ,where you from etc 


    Too much noise outside ,I'm out !

    Too much talking ...I'm out !


    I strip down to my underwear ,sometimes they pull my undies down to massage the glutes 


    Do you take it all off ?


    • Confused 2
  6. 7 minutes ago, georgegeorgia said:

    It's hard to avoid people in the workplace , I had a nursing unit manager in the hospital I work in come to me yesterday at 130pm  in the locker room..."can you go urgently go to ward 12 and wheel miss Smith to Radiooncology  " ,( I don't start work until 2pm )


    So I told the feminine Nursing manager , " mate I don't start until 2pm ..it's now 135pm....your  problems are not mine !!!


    These people cannot take the hint of being avoided ,they look for you to put THEIR problem onto you ! 


  7. 3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I never had a problem avoiding such people. Perhaps you need to change the places you go, or even move to a place without farangs, like I did.


    The problem for me was that Thailand was becoming too much like western countries.

    It's hard to avoid people in the workplace , I had a nursing unit manager in the hospital I work in come to me yesterday at 130pm  in the locker room..."can you go urgently go to ward 12 and wheel miss Smith to Radiooncology  " ,( I don't start work until 2pm )


    So I told the feminine Nursing manager , " mate I don't start until 2pm ..it's now 135pm....your  problems are not mine !!!


    These people cannot take the hint of being avoided 

  8. 20 minutes ago, Felton Jarvis said:

    Sounds like a rational way of living. The sexual orientation of others is none of my business unless it involved underage persons or has something to do with sex trafficking.Other types of gossip bore me and make me wonder what the individual says about ME when I'm not around. Minding one's own business is incredibly easy.

    Very good points ,if they start gossip about others to you ,then what are they saying about you ?

  9. Between December & this test I was taking only Cialis 5 mg a day 

    Horny goat weed & Tribulas 


    But I just noticed I had a low testosterone score as well !?!!


    Could the low test be contributing to the liver ???


    I'm 63yo this year 

    Now the strange thing is I have no liver pain ..


    Today I feel so energetic,o will go to the gym and lift weights,I luv doing powerlifting at the gym every week but I'm muscle fat , so this blood tests are not consistent,unless it all hits me suddenly.





  10. I just googled there seems to be no medication for fatty liver .


    What's the treatment plan if I go back to see the doctor ,she seems more concerned about sending me to a dietitian rather than a liver specialist.


    I need to see a liver specialist immediately she doesnt obviously know about stuff like this 


    • Haha 2
  11. 4 minutes ago, still kicking said:

    I had a fatty liver for about 30 years I am still alive at 75 

    Well I would never had known if I didn't get a blood test every 3 months , I mean there's no pain .


    I will pay to get a ultrasound but she said lose weight asap.

    I look on Google it says we both have a 7 year survival rate 

    I don't drink so no idea why .


    I will have to go back see her next week,is there any medication?


    You better lose weight asap too 

  12. Recently had a full blood test like I do every 3 months  ,the doctor called me in this time though .


    She pointed to the AST 57 

     ALT. 68 

    Previous month's they were 17 & 29

    She asked me have you been drinking a lot ? No ,I don't drink 


    I have no liver pain .but she has sent me for a liver ultrasound? 


    I said it could be cancer ?

    She said no more like fatty liver ,she sent me to a dietitian..I'm only about 20kg overweight 


    What has caused this? 

    How did the scores of the AST & ALT go up so quick ?


    I feel fine though 

    Should I bother with the liver ultrasound?

    Will the scores of the AST & Alt go down if I lose weight ?




    • Haha 1
  13. 5 hours ago, Rumpelstilskin said:

    What happened to empathy?  Isn't it a saving grace ? Friends are people who help you move house or bring home-made food to your pot-luck.  Everyone else is an aquaintence.


    Very true , 

    But if I was one of your work colleagues and say you had like 50 work colleagues and one you saw regularly started approaching you thinking he is a friend telling you or gossiping you about another work colleague then he thinks he is not a aquaitance 

  14. 3 hours ago, terryofcrete said:

    Too many health issues as one gets older and these are treated free at home. The older you get the the more you pay for insurance, or are refused. It doesn't take me long to get tired of the heat, the food, the ladies and the broken or non existent footpaths, not in any particular order. Once I start losing tolerance on any given day it's time for me to go home , usually a month at a time is good but now with the expensive flights it's looking like less time in LOS  . 

    Your in Crete??

    Not a country you hear a lot about ,I bet many of you don't even know where it is ????

    • Sad 2
  15. As this is now a Asian based forum rather than just Thailand, I want to know what keeps you in the country your in .(except Thailand)


    You guys retired in the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia etc what keeps you there? Why ?


    Granted this question is mostly for older guys over 60


    You guys in other Asian countries,what keeps you there ,better life,work,cheap ?

    Whatever , where are you and what keeps you there ?


    What about you guys who have no intention of living in Asia ,the answer is why ?

    What keeps you in Oz ,UK or America ? 


    I mean there is some guys over 70 who prefer to Stay in the Western countries ,the question is why ?


    • Like 1
  16. Well lo & behold just said hello to a new neighbour in my building only to have him start complaining to me about everything,city noise , young people etc etc , I felt like saying Dilligaf and moving on but here I was showing empathy ,until he said he walked past some young people drinking alcohol in the rooftop area of the condo  who were laughing, "what can we do about it ? He asked me 


    Bloody join them ! I shouted back before walking off "join them and live bloody life especially at your age !


    Reminds me a few years ago sitting in a bar in Soi bukhao in Pattaya ,a miserable old did wanted to talk to me and tell me he thought it was shocking these tourists were coming here to pick up 18uo girls , "30 years old girls I can understand he said but these old guys picking up 18 yo girls he said miserably whilst taking another dip on his gin .


    "Shouldn't be allowed ! He exclaimed 

    • Haha 1
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