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Posts posted by georgegeorgia

  1. On 6/22/2024 at 4:14 PM, WDSmart said:

    I also stay away from Bangkok and any other large city. I prefer to live out in the country, in the mountains where there are only small villages. Three are a few katoeys here, but they are not aggressive or troublesome. 

    I'm not sure in Thailand but rural areas are high crime in Australia and I think the Philippines 


    I'm a City boy, I once drove in the country area in Australia and was petrified of the trees and grass not to mention wild animals kangaroos etc laying dead 

    • Sad 1
  2. 1 minute ago, worgeordie said:

    On a Thai website there's some Thai gangsters  posting ,we have just moved

    into a house in a a relatively affluent area, and we are been freaked 

    out by this crazy Farang , he is always giving us a nasty look everytime we pass

    on our motorbikes , what shall we do ?


    regards Worgeordie

    I know this may sound a bit weird ,but I get the bus frequently to work.


    I was sitting at a bus stop next to a weird middle aged guy who was talking to himself.


    A bus came in ,he got up spoke to the driver and found it wasn't his bus 

    As the bus was pulling out to leave he noticed 2 elderly ladies staring and laughing at him from the bus window .

    All of a sudden without any warning he pulled down his pants and flashed his erect penis at them.

    And shouted "Get a load of this ladies !!!!

    I looked up to the bus window to see the old ladies that were laughing at him now in a state of shock😮😮


    !I'm not saying do that 

    • Confused 2
    • Sad 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Lacessit said:

    Unfortunately, there are too many examples where innocent people have been executed. Perhaps the leading example is Timothy Evans in the UK. The real murderer, Christie, was the leading witness in Evans's trial.


    I agree with the death penalty only if the evidence is overwhelming and incontrovertible, with a unanimous jury verdict.


    Proponents for the death penalty should read John Grisham's only non-fiction book, " An Innocent Man".


    Officers of the law who perpetrated that injustice with fabricated confessions had their careers left unscathed.

    Yes he was my mother's cousin 

    My extended family in the UK 

    • Confused 1
  4. 2 hours ago, FolkGuitar said:

    The death penalty is not punishment. It's release. The criminal might not like the idea of dying, but once it's over, it's finished and the criminal no longer pays for his crime. He doesn't even know about it.

    Instead, let the convicted felons do hard time. Rock piles, shoveling gravel from morning till night. Or civil construction work, stoop labor, chain-gang work.
    No TV, no movies, no music. Nothing but three meals a day and hard labor.

    That's punishment.

    Oh your a absolutely sadist 

    How dare you 

    Rehabilitation, counselling, re-education,not sadistic punishment 

    • Haha 1
  5. 17 minutes ago, Irish star said:

    I go to him too Dr Olivier  , you need to be checked immediately, please don’t fool around, I heard there’s pain in Upper abdominal region , I think that goes for Thyroid also , it’s very hard to diagnose in early stage , but if they find it , you can Live a long Life,  But it’s very hard to detect , Good Luck  and keep us updated Please 

    Yes thankyou 

    Yes now I come to think of it I think there is pain in the upper abdominal area 

    How long do I need to have this before a doctor takes it seriously!!!!!

  6. 7 minutes ago, Irish star said:

    If it’s not caught early and they never do catch it early Deadly 

    This is why I need an immediate Endoscopy!

    I have been getting reflux the last few weeks ,the doctor saying take Nexium tablets 

    I need immediate Endoscopy,but the doctor says he won't give me a referral ,says he believes nothing is wrong with me and if I want to go another doctor!


    I went for a throat check earlier this year at a hospital they put a camera in my nose to my throat found nothing they said 


    I also got a ultrasound of liver kidneys 



    I believe it may be something in my pancreas 

    I may have to wait until I get back to Thailand to see Dr Olivier ,that's if I last that long 


    I will get a full health check including heart etc


    • Love It 1
  7. Thanks for asking this question 


    I have a lot of experience with GP's in Pattaya and have seen most of them including the Thai doctors 


    Dr Olivier is the best in my opinion 

    He has  given me numerous tests and blood tests 

    On my last visit he remembered me !😂

    As he called my name "George !

    He was stunned as I walked up and said "it's you again ! 


    I will be going back to see him next month 


  8. 4 hours ago, newbee2022 said:

    As one and only test it's not enough.

    See a gastro-enterologist. 

    I saw a gastro earlier this year for my colonoscopy 

    He couldn't find any problem including the ultrasound of my liver and kidneys that I got done and put the kidney pain down to my gym training 


    I have been getting reflux lately, someone privately messaged me to say this could be due to the pancreas ????


    My doctor says I don't need a endoscopy and said the blood tests are normal ?

    He tells me keep taking the Nexium tablets  !! 

    Why should I ?



    The doctor had been very nasty to me lately telling me no more blood tests until 3 months has passed and not to come every week 


    Strange these people ,they are not trained to get diseases before it happens,they seem to want to wait...wait until something happens.


    I will find another doctor again it seems and can't wait until I get back to Thailand to get the Full health check 

    • Haha 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, kimothai said:

    You don't mention if you have health insurance that can be used in Thailand.  My go to hospital is Bumrungrad in Bangkok which is at the higher end of costs.  I live in Pattaya, but I have a trust issue with some of the hospitals in Pattaya which is off topic.  I consider the extra expense (transportation and hotel) is well worth it.  My insurance will pay (100%) for a "comprehensive physical".  I believe this will cover all the tests you describe with the exception of artery exam and the colonoscopy. if you do decide to do a colonoscopy at Bumrungrad I recommend Dr. Charkaphan Osangthamnont.  Good luck  

    I had a colonoscopy already in April it was clear 

    I need to go for a endoscopy because my reflux but my Australian doctor is getting sick of me he told me 

    So I will wait until I go back to Thailand soon to see Dr Olivier 

    • Haha 1
  10. 34 minutes ago, Celsius said:

    The best thing you can do is go on threadmil, set the speed to 7 and let us know how you feel after 5 minutes.

    I'm on the treadmill everyday in the gym 

    I stay in for 30 minutes 

    Is that meaning my heart is good?

    I have had EKG and echocardiography nothing found except mild pericarditis 


    But I believe I could have something so I need to check more 

  11. 32 minutes ago, Upnotover said:

    Don't book a holiday for next summer.

    I'm opposite I'm booking it immediately so I can see proper doctors who actually care and order proper tests !!!!

    My normal doctor in Pattaya is one of the best 

    • Sad 1
    • Haha 1
  12. I have just received the results of my latest blood test by email which I get monthly 

    I have been worried sick the latest one

    It's says 

    Lipase test -which is apparently Pancreatic 

    5th July /24.  1 aug     26 Aug 

    56.                   63         64

     And normal range for this LIPASE is 


    Mine is 7 over !

    I googled to this ,it says possible pancreatic disease !!!


    Does anyone have this disease ,I know the Apple guy had this 



    • Confused 1
  13. 9 minutes ago, ricklev said:

    Instead let's spend the money for unneeded walls on bolstering the legal and enforcement systems.  Duh!

    I'm not sure if your serious , I hope not 

    Sounds like you expect people to go out to work when a wall could the job? +(Which is tragic)


    Work life balance is the new era ,why work when it's not needed 

  14. 3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I meant a topic on here. Posters would be welcome to add such like good things to it.


    Meanwhile people continue to burn vast areas of rain forest for greed. Funny old world we live in- on the one hand saving a bird from extinction and on the other destroying species as fast as they can light fires.

    I wonder the hypocrisy too


    We have Green Socialist politicians in power in Australia and NZ who say they want to save the planet and rainforests yet campaign for increased immigration where we have to build more houses and apartments, doesn't make sense 🙄

  15. 1 hour ago, Sorted2024 said:

    Cant change biology no matter what people pretend to be 

    Don't tell me to accept what they are when they couldn't :mfr_closed1:

    I take it you wouldn't support Kamala then?

    You may have to think about changing the way you feel about sensitive subjects such as this , people may get offended 


    • Confused 1
  16. Before anyone goes on about speak to your doctor I have spoken to my doctor (in Australia ) and I won't mention his pathetic attitude and not taking my illness'seriously 


    What I need when I go to Thailand next month is a real type  heart test 


    Now this year  I have echocardiography,EKG and blood tests (Triptonin) but I need a test that can check out my heart it may be called a CT scan?

    I have also had a liver ultrasound and body ultrasound and kidney check and colonoscopy 



    I want my arteries checked to see if any blockages ,would that be a CT scan?

    I don't want that angio gram where they put tubes in 


    I have been getting slight dull pain in the left upper chest ,I'm sure it's a heart related 




    • Haha 1
  17. 1 minute ago, Chwooly said:

    Quite honestly, I have been laughing at the world for at least 5 years. It is a major form of entertainment to me to see how the western world is collapsing on itself and I also get a great amount of mirth from reading the comments here from those that try to pass themselves off as worldly and knowledgeable. of course I also get great joy trying to pass my self off as worldly and knowledgeable as well

    Please don't flatter yaself ...some people maybe offended by it 


    There is no one now coming second or third anymore 

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