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Posts posted by Loptr

  1. I played a round of golf today at Lanna and I thought I was going to die after the turn... Golf is now off the menu until temperatures drop below those found on the surface of the sun...

  2. The US is safe. Sounds like the OP is just trying to justify the move.

    It is OK to say you moved for women. Its why we are all here.

    As for your first sentence, it depends on where you live, just like in Thailand... When more US citizens were killed by police in the month of March, 2015 than by the UK police in the last 100 years, I don't know how you can say the US is safe, especially death by police...

    Speak for yourself on the second sentence...

    You folks that have lived in Thailand and left for various reasons should identify yourselves on this thread, because it is pertinent to the discussion, like Guesthouse and Heijoshincool... Perhaps those of us that still live here and enjoy it have no mandate to justify our decision to you or anyone else for that matter... Case in point, I have never been a victim of violent crime in either the US or Thailand, but have seen it happen in both places... Does that rule out both countries due as a good place to live... No it does not...

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  3. Not sure where the OP is getting his info, but Scott recently had hip replacement surgery... No mention of a "heart event" unless this is something new...

    As far as being rendered unconscious and not being able to communicate with rescue / health care workers, that's what an insurance card is for in your wallet... As for the assertion that not everyone can get or afford health insurance, have a card in your wallet with a contact name and telephone number in case of emergency... Someone you know who can instruct medical staff what your intentions are... This person could be a friend, relative or possibly an attorney you put on retainer for this purpose... Those who fail to plan, plan to fail...

  4. This is exactly what my sports car looked like, MGB,1964 model. It had an 1800cc engine, it was fun, then they brought out a 3000cc version to be replaced with a 3500cc V8...thumbsup.gif


    I had a '66 MGBGT for over a decade and loved it, then... Now, I wonder why I subjected myself to such horror... Underpowered, Smith gauges, Lucas electrics, friction dampers and crap from stem to stern... The lump weighed more than a small-block chevy engine!!! It wouldn't start whenever it was 1) cold, 2) wet, 3) dark outside... I used to have to lay on the ground and smack the fuel pump in the rear wheel-well with a hammer to get it to start working... Having said that, I would like to have one today, just to have something to tinker with, because they always need fiddling with the get them to run right...

  5. How many retirees choose their destination for whitewater rafting etc? Think before you write this drivel..

    White water rafting may not be a good example, but plenty of people retire in areas where they can enjoy their hobbies, be it white water rafting, kayaking, golf, trekking, swimming, sailing, etc... Why would someone want to retire to a place where there is f##k all to do?

  6. These folks used to tap on my door a couple of times a year when I stilled lived in the US... After they introduced themselves at the door, I would always ask, ok, which one of the 5200 different deities worshiped on this planet today do you subscribe to...

    I flew into Chiang Mai last Saturday and caught a taxi back home... In chatting with the Thai taxi driver, he proudly told me that he was Catholic... I said, that's funny, I am Buddhist... I asked him where he learned about Catholicism and he said from a missionary...

  7. There are different types of scams in both places, all focused on naive foreigners in tourist areas... Stay out of the tourist areas and avoid the scams, simple... There is more opportunity in Bangkok due to the number of tourists and tourist destinations... Scams like the tuk tuk scam, jewelry store scam, card game scam, Royal Palace closed scam, river boat scam, etc... Fewer tourist destinations in Patters limits the opportunity for the con guys... More out-and-out crime in Pattaya IME, but more scams in Bangkok...

    I sometimes wonder about those folks that say they have been in Thailand for years and have never, ever been the target of a scam... Hell, I was hit with all the scams I listed above in my first week in Thailand so many years ago... Perhaps it's due to expats not frequenting tourist locales, thus not being targeted...

  8. Night sweats are indicative of some underlying medical condition, sometimes serious, sometimes not... I know, because I too have had periodic episodes of night sweats for many years... My condition was brought on by a combination of low thyroid and being borderline leukemic... Best option is for the OP to get routine blood work done as a precaution if nothing else...

  9. Lots of reasons to upgrade from XP, with the biggest reason being that XP will only address 4gb of RAM, along with the memory leaks, security holes, bloated registry, and on and on and on... The only way I can rank Windows 8.x is to say that it's crap... I have left my Windows systems on Win Pro 7.x...

    After being a Windoze geek for decades, I decided to buy a Mac Air last year just for giggles... Big mistake as I now no longer use any of my windows machines... I installed Parallels on the Mac and now have a Windows Pro 7 virtual machine if I need it...

  10. Just back from my recon mission and it's official, the lunatics have taken over the asylum... Everyone is fair game anywhere around the moat and in the old city... No shortage of alcoholic beverages on offer, along with barrels of moat water to reload your weapon of choice... Some brave souls were even swimming in the moat!!! I now have to gargle with kerosine to kill whatever I ingested from the moat due to a sniper hitting me right in the mouth as I was having a drink...

    Be forewarned, the BiB have the tents setup, the cones are out and the check point manned and ready for customers on the moat road, westbound near Chiang Mai Gate...

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