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Posts posted by MRH1959

  1. I get similar symptoms [as been like that all day today] and not just from Thai but Japanese also.

    Limit the intake of the sauces. Many foods don't need them added,especially when not used to them.

    Also be aware at 'Subway' with the works and sauces, as you may be allergic to pickles or spices.

    Let me know of any new outcome.

    I also stay clear of any eating facility with open air cooking next to a road. With all the vehicle fumes and lack of food/personal hygiene, you don't need to increase your problems.

  2. There can be many reasons for this proposal from the Government, both good and 'not so good' reasons.

    Having 'teachers' hitting on students, or similar problems, would be understandable.

    Looking after their own 'Thais' that may be proficent in doing this teaching is also understandable.

    I converse with some 'Thai English teachers' and help to correct 'their' mistakes and offer some advice. Good teachers are never paid enough for what they do [no matter which country they are in] and Thailand won't be able to hold any capable teachers, as they will migrate to a better opportunity.

    I have been involved with advertising for the Thai Ministry of Education, and although it may be due to the present Government situation, I feel there is a loss of interest in 'spreading the wings to engulf a better future with the improved presence of the English language'.

    Not everybody is capable of teaching good English , as not everyone has an open understanding or attitude that the students crave for.

  3. Have had good and bad experiences including: feeling sick after all the unnecessary lane changes, denial of a pick up due to the expected heavier traffic around Paragon from Ladprao, driver using phone, unpleasant smells, unknown direction, wanting to restart meter as one person was dropped off.

    Had one driver receiving a phone call from his sister shortly after starting off and explained he needed to drop us and go pick her up. No major problem as dropped us on main road with no charge, though we paid some, and we caught another taxi.

    When using taxis it is mostly from Ladprao to central city for meetings or somewhere where no parking is available.

    Good write upon FB my travels.

  4. I have a similar sensation with my left foot, consisting with numbness and tingling from big toe and next 2 toes, and a slight swelling under the front of the foot.

    This symptom first appeared 2 weeks ago at friend's new house in Korat while we have been painting and tiling the floors. I'm ususually quite robust and shug of 'minor' things as a 'possible insect bite, or similar', although, as this hasn't changed in 2 weeks I plan to visit the hospital in Ladprao tomorrow when not busy.

    I noticed some skin itches when rubbing against the cement and the rubber backing of the tiles and also wonder about any chemical reactions my body may have.

    Being so hot doing the renovations and either wearing jandals or having bare feet may also be of some factor.

    The insect bites have also been annoying as the bites come up like blisters.

    I have been using a lot of 'BALM' to limit the pain annoyance.

    Please stay in touch with any updates, and I'll do the same.

    At the end of the day, I think we are our own worse enemy and need to look at what we do daily.

  5. I am sorry Pol.Lt.Gen. Sriwarah, but surely your stance on this is wrong and the officer in charge should be commended on his actions, not repremanded.

    Every driver that is stopped at a 'Drink/Drive checkpoint' should be checked by breathiliser no matter who they are.

    I have been stopped several times, sometimes checked and others not, and somewhat surprised how gullible some officers were in believing the driver instead of testing them.

    When an officer is seen as not performing his duty, 'we all complain', yet in this case the officer was doing what he was told to do, 'check drivers for DIC'. Let's be fair and recognise that the right thing was done.

    There are worse things happening on the roads and if the Police Department can't see what they are, I am sure the readers of Thaivisa forum can write up the list.

  6. You are doing the right thing by discussing the topic and 'offering' editing advice to the speech that 'your son' has written.

    Be sure to state wether the speech is in American English or British English [especially on the written speech presented to the teacher].

    I would suggest forwarding a copy of the written proposed speech to the English teacher and the School Headmaster with an inserted 'copywrite' mark on the page. You can upload this from the internet.

    It is hard to offer advice on how to 'approach the problem of less educated English Teachers' without belittleing them. There are good teachers out there that are trying to improve their students standings and education, and then there are those that believe they are above all else.

    Take the line of New Zealand's teaching style that is, 'to make the students think for themselves instead of making them follow exactly what (you/teacher) tell them is the only way to do things'.

    If you son was asked to do a speech on a topic of choice, then it is 'his' speech and not the teacher's. If the teacher wants to write a speech, then let 'him' speak to the audience.

    Good luck to your son, and I hope that the group of students you spoke about are better appreciated in the future.

  7. Think of it like the 'Fishermans' belief of throwing the first caught back, so you have a better catch for the day.

    Blessing the spirits, Buddha, The King with food/gifts, is a belief of giving a little whilst asking for those 'required needs' of life [happiness, good health, peace, long life] and believing that by offering these 'goods', your life will become 'plentiful and worry free'.

    This is just a minor insight to the beliefs.

    As for the food-sometimes it is given to the local needy, or just takes the 'usual' way of being discarded.

  8. New Zealand run Taxis and Super Shuttle vans for bigger groups.

    As for Thai Taxis, if people buy/run vans, of which have 7 plus seats, then anyone would expect that they will take more people [simple sense], so sureley it is a matter of a higher charge[or individual charge] for any surplus number of passengers or more than one drop-off made.

    On an individual note, I am not impressed by many Thai Taxi drivers due to their poor attitude, fast/disrespectful driving and pure arrogance, though was pleasantly surprised by my last taxi driver to Suvarnabhumi International Airport who showed true professionalism and definetly got a tip.

  9. When is the Thai gorvernment going to enforce 'new' safety laws to help prevent such accidents?

    When will people living in Thailand start to use some common sense with their own safety?

    A man working 'under' his van on the roadside with his feet sticking out where traffic is passing-STUPID!

    Contractors clearing lines or trees without using controllers for vehicles or coning off a safety area-CARELESS!

    Contractors hanging over the edge of buildings without the use of safety harnesses-CARELESS!

    Workers using cutting tools without the use of safety glasses/helmets/gloves/covers over blades or cut-off switches-THOUGHTLESS!

    Bosses of workers that don't enforce strong safety standards-ALL THE ABOVE!

    Sorry to the family that have lost a loved one.

  10. I must have my hazards on when driving 'straight through' the intersection-because I'm a hazard. Don't think about the drivers on the side that believe you are turning and turn in front of you.

    I'm on my Motorbike 'with passenger' racing between cars and curb-there is no way someone wants to turn 'right' into the soi I am about to cross, since the cars have left the correct gap for cars to cross.

    Learn to merge people- One on One like a zipper, the traffic flows better.

    Stop being ignorrant, arrogant and impatient on the road. Learn the road rules, learn to drive safe or stay off the road.

    The one that really S***s me is: Motorbikes believe they own the road and drive on 'your' side of the road forcing vehicles to drive along rough edges etc.

    How many others have noticed vehicles with bent chasis [including buses and trucks], vehicles with broken lights and other faults?

  11. Any woman that has children, looks at them as being the ones to 'look after' them later iln life. Not knowing (or wanting to know) her previous relationship break-up problems, whatever the reason is 'her' problem and not your gf family concern.

    If a baby came into the picture, maybe we would think differently.

    The brother needs to be honest and tell her 'it's not working out and he wants her to go'.

    Given time the family will set her on her way.

  12. The trouble with many mere men is, they just want to keep 'junior' happy.

    Bob is retired and the lady knows he won't be around forever.

    There are some honest, loving Thai ladies with family qualities that are now long forgotten by many Euro woman. If you are lucky Bob- then good for you.

    Talk to an honest lawyer before proceeding further.

  13. With dogs wondering freely and the lack of concern [by some Thai and visitors] over wastage dumping, it would be common sense to treat any cut with anti bacteria medication and this would have been expected when the wound was cleaned. Was the cut area properly covered/bandaged after the stitching, or was it a matter of 'she'll be right'?

    Accidents can happen to anyone and it comes down to how we prevent possible accidents, and what action we 'personally' take after an accident.

  14. A simple matter of poor media coverage [out to get a story] where miscommunication between government laws and 'possible' arrogant tourists become an issue. The Government is trying to 'clean up' all problem areas of past issues. The use/ownership of beach areas has been a problem where Resorts take all the beach area in front of them as 'belonging to them' [Pity they don't clean this whole area up of rubbish]

    Some countries use the 'high tide' mark as belonging to the residence bordering the beach area. Thailand uses the 10% figure as an area useable/responsible by the bordering residence/Resort. So what is the problem? If you want to sunbath outside 'your Resort area', then it should be allowed so long as you are not impeding anyone else from walking past safely.

    We saw last year where a Resort employee confronted a tourist sunbathing on her towel and this sort of action is what the Government doesn't want to see, so it is good to see them trying to put these issues to rest.

    Stop being hot-headed about this and work with the Resorts and Police to format a positive future for all.

    I have been asked to shift from a beach area and it was explained about the 10% zone. No dispute involved and we moved outside the area.

    The media should use headlines like: Misunderstanding of beach chair use. Though I suppose that doesn't catch the eye.

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  15. I have been stopped at a drink drive test spot and had a reading of 55. Wasn't impressed as only had half a bottle of LEO with dinner 30 minutes before. The police tried to wrangle money out of me starting at a ฿20,000 max fine down to a ฿3000 road side payment. I stayed stubborn and mentioned dealing with anti corruption department. Was promptly retested and let go without payment.

    Hard to believe? I have cab cam proof!

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