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Posts posted by saminoz

  1. So you point is what?

    Its funny how the original RTP fanatics have gone from having half decent arguments/cases, to spreading out right lies.

    As said before repeat something often enough someone might believe it. When that someone is GB oh dear.

    Why don't you go back and try to find these 2 Mobile Phones of David's that don't exist, or the evidence about this mobile phone thrown out of court, which never happened as it hasn't been presented yet. At least then you showed small signs of hope and some logic. .

    Have to say I find it strange that the phone has not been presented as evidence already seeing as the investigating officer has already answered questions on it, maybe they forgot to put it in the trolley?

    They better be quick though as the prosecution is now two thirds of the way through their presentation, they've only 3 more days left to reveal any further evidence and witnesses before the defense then gets to have its turn!

    Given the general level of intelligence in the RTP, and their rush to get this embarrassment out of the way, I think they opted for the "10 items only" strategy with their supermarket trolley! cheesy.gif

  2. A thought for people on the side of this debate that are actually seeking real justice.

    I would suggest that the actual conspirators on this thread are actually those on the other side of the table.

    There seems to be a fairly apparent conspiracy to bolster almost everything the RTP holds forth as evidence as well as deflect and divert any attention the moment the spotlight is turned back towards the head mans's family and two members in particular.

    I have never before known of the majority in a community being labelled the conspirators. That is usually reserved for those misfits who concoct weird and fabled stories to promulgate their version of a story that the wider and more reasonable public can see as more reasonable and believable.

    I just thought it worth mentioning.


  3. "that an unnamed Myanmar friend who got the phone from the suspects told police he destroyed it, before putting it in a plastic bag and discarding it at the back of his home."

    Can you spot what is wrong with that statement?

    Pol Maj-General Suwat Jaengyordsuk said

    Given the RTP behavior in the case to date, any statement that has the words Police and said in it, is highly dubious and can most likely be regarded as false or a fabrication.

    No surprise that the "Myanmar friend" is unnamed eh?sad.png

  4. Hi guys , had a few days holiday thanks to a word I used

    Surprisingly, the apologists seem to have forgotten my questions, so I will, at the risk of appearing Old n Grumpy, like our new verbose poster, I will repeat and add to them:

    1. Why did JTJ blatantly lie about the original investgators transfer, we know it was not mistake because he is so meticulous in his research.

    2. Why dos he quote ad nauseum the familys statement that was issued so long ago when they have issued new statements that indicate change?

    3. Why is AG so concerned about the life of an original suspect?

    4. According to another poster AG has started telling porkie pies too, is this a new apologist trend?

    5. Why did the headman say his son had left early in the morning to get back to university for exams?

    6. Why did he retract that statement and insist his son had not been on the island for 2 weeks ( or 1 month in another news report)?

    7. Why was the original suspect so hard to get hold of fo almost a week?

    8. Where did he go?

    9. Why did his inseparable gf complain on her facebook page that she could not contact him?

    10. Why did his relative make a statement that he was with her in Bangkok when it was proven SHE was in Pattaya?

    11. Why is there so much weight being given to the DNA tests when they have been shown to be absolutely without any credibility.

    Trial by social media is not pleasant for anyone who is innocent and one has to feel sorry for NS if indeed he has had no part in this terrible crime but, he is the architect of suspicion, he has done nothing substantial to prove his innocence and has had many opportunities to do so. Similarly the Scottish Paedophile who when panicked let some phrases slip that cannot be retracted and he needs questioning, seriously.

    Thats all for now folks except to mention that I will not supply links to our new but prolific typist old n grumpy or anyone else.

    Reason: There are 2 types of posters on here, The genuinely concerned and the simply curious.

    The genuinely concerned know where the links are.

    Welcome back Dennis, I have been the victim of a holiday or two myself! thumbsup.gif For dog's sake don't misspell the apologists' names or you may be censured againsmile.png

    Anyhow, the answers to your questions may go something like this:

    1. I don't think he is a liar, but a pretty clever manipulator of the truth. He will quote a passage from an article and exclude points that don't send the reader the way he wants. Selective quoting. He's a master at it.

    2. Because he has absolutely nothing else, besides (1.) above.

    3. I have asked the same question severally, of him, JTJ, GB et al. Their position of unflinching RTP support makes no common sense, so what is their intention. Vested interests?

    4. New? cheesy.gif

    5. It was early and they hadn't yet had time to circle the wagons and concoct a more plausible story

    6. They had circled the wagons by then (but still no plausible story!)

    7. I suspect that he was sh***ing himself in hiding, hoping and waiting for daddy to mobilise the funds to clean the situation up.

    8. Who knows? Unfortunately, after the RTP's needs had been taken care of (rolleyes.gif ), they don't seem to have transparently employed any of the normal methods of finding POIs (credit card/ATM usage, cell phone records, legitimate CCTV etc.

    9. Because of (7.) above

    10. Panic causing a momentary departure form the official script.

    11. It's all they have and, given the way that the RTP have conducted themselves (multiple allegations of them trying to elicit perverted testimony) and the piss poor performance at the crime scene and after, the handling of that crucial evidence is highly suspect.

    My 2c.

  5. Here we go. smile.png

    "Police in Thailand said today they had identified two men they wanted to speak to as part of the inquiry into the murder of two British tourists. One of the suspects had been questioned while the other had left the island where the killings took place.

    In the latest in a series of claims from the police investigating the murder of 23-year-old Hannah Witheridge and 24-year-old David Miller, Lt Gen Panya Mamen, a senior southern police commander, said the suspects were related to the village leader on the island of Koh Tao.

    There is more than one, said the police chief, according to the Thailand Public Broadcasting Service.


    VIPs gather for opening of second Suez Canal - but doubts linger over security

    Reports said one of the men had been detained and questioned before being released, while the other had gone to Bangkok. The police chief said they were liaising with officers in the capital to try and detain the second man.

    The questioning of the possible suspect came after police said forensic tests had revealed DNA samples recovered from Ms Witheridges body belonged to two different Asian men and that these people were now their main line of inquiry.

    Post-mortem tests carried out on Ms Witheridge and Mr Miller showed the young woman died from severe head wounds while the man had suffered head injuries and then drowned in the ocean after being attacked in the early hours of 15 September.

    David Miller, 24, and Hannah Witheridge, 23 David Miller, 24, and Hannah Witheridge, 23

    Their bodies were found less than 100 metres from the location of where a beach party had been held the night before. Police said a blood-stained hoe was found near the bodies and officers suspect it was the murder weapon.

    Thai police have been criticised for the swerving nature of their investigation. Initially, migrant workers from neighbouring Burma were said to be the most likely suspects before police said they believed other British tourists may have been involved. They now again believe the killer, or killers, were almost certainly Asian.

    Read more:

    David Miller's father: My son died a hero

    Hannah Witheridge's family 'broken' by tragedy

    Police said they were also looking at evidence that may suggest the killings were carried out as a result of sexual jealousy. Police said they looking into claims Ms Witheridge and Mr Miller had argued with a Thai man in a bar before they were killed.

    News of the arrest came as a British man living on Koh Tao revealed he had been forced to flee the island after being threatened by local mafia.

    Sean McAnna, 25, who comes from near Glasgow, was a friend of Mr Miller. In a series of posts on social media he claimed local thugs he believed were responsible for the killing of the tourists had threatened to hang him.

    I genuinely thought that was the day I was going to die, he told the Daily Telegraph. I genuinely thought that this was me dead. That I was gone.

    At a press briefing on Tuesday, Thai police denied the existence of a mafia on Koh Tao, an island in the Gulf of Thailand that is known as a diving resort."


    (Mod's... Not sure if independent is ok, if not apologies!)

    Ok GB... Read it slow and then try and offer your take on this news... I would be worriiedd!

    DK, that is a very old story from September last year I believe..

  6. Just a quick question, if Sean had David in a headlock would their wounds match up?

    Interesting question. Sean had a similar looking wound to the one in David's left shoulder on his lower right forearm.

    I suppose if he was holding him from behind, with his arm across David's throat area, then it would be possible that someone with a small puncture blade could hit his arm as well as David's shoulder in that position.

    That would be an uncomfortable amount of speculation.

  7. The taxi guy says he was beaten when he didn't take the money and lie about what he saw that night. Essentially he was treated the same way as the B2.... Patterns, Man.

    Proof from Hospital Records he was beaten? X-rays showing broken bones? Testimony to a Doctor how this happened? Witnesses who saw this? Witnesses he said this to shortly after his beating? Bruises or marks on his body to show any sign of a beating?

    Yes! You are Right! The same as the B2 are claiming.

    The man went to a village headman (Note, Not NS pappy) for protection FROM the police. He went to the media so if the police retaliate there is documentation of the incident. He also said he didn't want to take action against the Police he just didn't want to pretend to have info on the case because.... He didn't see anything.

    So GB, why why why, would the taxi driver make this up? To help the B2? Lmao.

    Can you give one form of motivation for this man to publicly call the police out for corruption? Try GB, at least

    Additionally, don't forget that this seems standard MO for the "Police" on KT, remember they also tried to get the gardener who owned the hoe to bear false witness too.

  8. I think we can conclude that this thread will lead to nowhere. Take a break guys and gals.

    I agree there's a lot of dross. However, even if just some posts clear up some points, it's worthwhile. There are 3 basic things in balance right now.

    >>> Justice for H and D, and a semblance of closure for their families,

    >>> Justice for the scapegoats (they too have families),

    >>> rounding up and prosecuting the real perps, thereby (among other things) making Ko Tao a bit safer for tourists.

    RTP aren't doing their jobs. That's a big reason why there's so much discussion going on.

    Even a wider issue of challenging Thai authorities to establish the (much-hated) police force as a Royal Thai police that is morally robust. As it stands, the rampant corruption and scapegoating is an insult to the monarchy. Hopefully, this trial will see the start of a sea-change in opinion.

    That's actually a very good point ST. Calling them the Royal Thai Police is an insult to the monarchy and their actions probably constitute Lesse Majeste on so many levels.

    One thing is for sure, as the RTP they bring the monarchy into disrepute on a daily basis.

  9. What happened to your reading abilities? I posted a quote from an article as a link. f you can bring yourself to stop trolling to avoid facts you don't like you may give this another go:

    "2 October: Zaw Lin and Wai Phyo are arrested. Zaw Lin is apprehended at Koh Tao and Wai Phyo at a ferry terminal in Muang district in the Surat Thani province on the mainland."

    So, who got arrested at the ferry terminal then? I thought that Win Zaw Htun and Zaw Lin were on trial so who is Wai Phyo?

    Intellectual honesty?


  10. Actually yes, I got confused, it was Wai not Win that got arrested at the pier in Surat Thani, something you would know if you'd care to be more informed and less opinionated:

    "Wai Phyo at a ferry terminal in Muang district in the Surat Thani province on the mainland."

    LMAO!! cheesy.gif

    You just admit to making an error in your damning post and then tell me to be more informed? What a dumb comment!facepalm.gif

    It is the fact that I do tend to delve into the back story and actually post the relevant bits that pisses you apologists off so much! clap2.gif

    You are in an exceedingly dumb, exceedingly marginalised minority of deluded shills. I understand why you try and come out fighting but you just don't have the ammunition.

    In short, the lot of you continue to bring bananas to gun fights and then wonder why you get roundly smacked each and every time.thumbsup.gif

    You are trying to defend the indefensible and failing at that.gigglem.gif

    I kind of admire the fact that you seem to be trying to rally as a group, albeit unsuccessfully. Wasn't it this time last week when you were all called in to the office and told to raise your games? FAIL!!!!!cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

    At this time you're all embarrassing yourselves again.

    edit: I forgot to say thanks! At this point in time I am at 65 likes just for today, no doubt because the majority of the right thinking folks on here also think I am just opinionated and ill-informed! biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png

    In short, you are trolling for "Likes", so much for the righteous cause for "Truth and Justice".

    All that because you can't bring yourself to accept that one of the men was arrested after fleeing; there's denial and there's... well, whatever that thing you did there is.

    I am very like-able, what can I say? wub.png

    Now, back to your intellectual honesty (wink.png ), you earlier admitted that you got confused and that it was not Win but someone called Wai ( is Wai?sad.png ) was the one arrested while fleeing.

    So, not Win and not Zaw?blink.png

    Now I am confused, what exactly are you trying to say? Maybe a little more smoke and mirrors? First you say Win was the one , then you say Wai was the one. So, which is it? What happened to your "intellectual honesty"?

    Do you now understand my earlier point? Go peel another banana.cheesy.gif BANG!!

    You seem to be having as much trouble getting your story straight as the RTP. Are you sure you are not in charge of all the evidence?thumbsup.gif

  11. You must be oblivious to loonodingle or the other and others campaign of harassment again Sean McAnna; or you are aware of it and don't see anything wrong with chasing someone around accusing him of being involved in either the murder of his friend or in a supposed cover-up for the "real killers".

    I wonder what Human Rights organizations would think of such beheaviour?

    Ali G...................

    Just do this one thing... Name one other person who was on the Island who has fingered the killers. Just one Falang??? Can you??

    And tell me this on what grounds do YOU have not to take seriously his allegations.

    You all discuss this person or that person however that's fine hey as you have a special pass on here is that right. You have don't Jack Sheet. Absolutely jack to assist anyone in this case.

    So you and I are in a different league. I have information I cant put on here you don't. you have nothing. You know nothing about the work done in the UK and Italy. Nothing.

    Yes, who is this farang that fingered the killers? You think it was Sean McAnna?, if you do you are wrong.

    Indeed we are in a different league, I have standards of intellectual honesty for starters.

    Very, very low standards? thumbsup.gif

  12. You may call it fiction, but then it would mean you are in denial. Win Zaw was the one arrested at the pier, you may have noticed that he is one of the two men on trial. The third one was released because he was not involved in the murders.

    I think you are as confused as the investigators and the reporting at that time. Where does it say that it was Win who was arrested on the pier? I am not saying it wasn't but I just need some clarification please.

    You see the link you provided says that the two who were taken to the safe house were the ones who confessed. Yet the story also says that Win implicated them.

    If you then follow the link from that PBS page entitled "Myanmar suspect confesses to the rape- murder of British tourists" it says that this suspect was a construction worker and yet we all know that Win and Zaw were waiters. Confused? I thought so. "Pol Gen Jakthip Chichinda, deputy commissioner of the Royal Thai Police who was just appointed to head the investigation team, said one construction worker has confessed to the murder".

    You see, the story your post pointed us to said that "Originally, two of the three suspects, all Arakanese from Arakan state in Myanmar, were apprehended by police early in the morning hours. These two men were currently being employed as waiters in a restaurant on the island."

    You can see that the whole mess is confused and that the Police did not seem to know who they had, where they had them and whether they had confessed or not.

    I would think that the lead investigator's job, amongst trying to carry out an impartial and professional investigation, would be to get the RTP's fiction story straight so that the rest of the goons could at least attempt to stick to just one story line.

    Evidently, he failed miserably at this.

    Now, we know that Win and Zaw were waiters which would kind of point to the third one, the "runner" being the construction worker. Now, at this time Police general Somyot was saying the latest DNA testings confirmed the two suspects, Newin or Win, and Cho (?!!), are the murderers, while the third suspect known as Mao confessed only he played guitar with the two on the log near the scene.

    Actually yes, I got confused, it was Wai not Win that got arrested at the pier in Surat Thani, something you would know if you'd care to be more informed and less opinionated:

    "Wai Phyo at a ferry terminal in Muang district in the Surat Thani province on the mainland."

    LMAO!! cheesy.gif

    You just admit to making an error in your damning post and then tell me to be more informed? What a dumb comment!facepalm.gif

    It is the fact that I do tend to delve into the back story and actually post the relevant bits that pisses you apologists off so much! clap2.gif

    You are in an exceedingly dumb, exceedingly marginalised minority of deluded shills. I understand why you try and come out fighting but you just don't have the ammunition.

    In short, the lot of you continue to bring bananas to gun fights and then wonder why you get roundly smacked each and every time.thumbsup.gif

    You are trying to defend the indefensible and failing at that.gigglem.gif

    I kind of admire the fact that you seem to be trying to rally as a group, albeit unsuccessfully. Wasn't it this time last week when you were all called in to the office and told to raise your games? FAIL!!!!!cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

    At this time you're all embarrassing yourselves again.

    edit: I forgot to say thanks! At this point in time I am at 65 likes just for today, no doubt because the majority of the right thinking folks on here also think I am just opinionated and ill-informed! biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png

  13. This must be the "glee club" I keep hearing about.

    One of the men was arrested trying to flee the island the day after he became a suspect, the Bangkok Post article "Koh Tao murders: DNA matches, confessions obtained, crime re-enacted" points out the police began following Win on the 30th.

    October 2nd: "another team of police officers arrested the third man at a Surat Thani municipal pier after it was discovered that he had boarded a boat and left Koh Tao Island late last night (thus October 1st).

    He was escorted to 8th Region Police headquarters for questioning."

    It's quite telling how the armchair detectives seem to forget small details like these.

    Of course now some new spin must be concocted to explain why in that case fleeing (actual fleeing, not Boomerangutang's fictions) is not indicative of guilt.

    That makes a lovely little fiction. This must have been the RTP's first run at a "confession". It bears no resemblance to the story that the two were supposed to have told the lawyers, doctor, human rights abuser and banana roti seller.

    Thai PBS, the hub of retractions. If this tale is supposed to be true, why is the third suspect not on trial too?

    You may call it fiction, but then it would mean you are in denial. Win Zaw was the one arrested at the pier, you may have noticed that he is one of the two men on trial. The third one was released because he was not involved in the murders.

    I think you are as confused as the investigators and the reporting at that time. Where does it say that it was Win who was arrested on the pier? I am not saying it wasn't but I just need some clarification please.

    You see the link you provided says that the two who were taken to the safe house were the ones who confessed. Yet the story also says that Win implicated them.

    If you then follow the link from that PBS page entitled "Myanmar suspect confesses to the rape- murder of British tourists" it says that this suspect was a construction worker and yet we all know that Win and Zaw were waiters. Confused? I thought so. "Pol Gen Jakthip Chichinda, deputy commissioner of the Royal Thai Police who was just appointed to head the investigation team, said one construction worker has confessed to the murder".

    You see, the story your post pointed us to said that "Originally, two of the three suspects, all Arakanese from Arakan state in Myanmar, were apprehended by police early in the morning hours. These two men were currently being employed as waiters in a restaurant on the island."

    You can see that the whole mess is confused and that the Police did not seem to know who they had, where they had them and whether they had confessed or not.

    I would think that the lead investigator's job, amongst trying to carry out an impartial and professional investigation, would be to get the RTP's fiction story straight so that the rest of the goons could at least attempt to stick to just one story line.

    Evidently, he failed miserably at this.

    Now, we know that Win and Zaw were waiters which would kind of point to the third one, the "runner" being the construction worker. Now, at this time Police general Somyot was saying the latest DNA testings confirmed the two suspects, Newin or Win, and Cho (?!!), are the murderers, while the third suspect known as Mao confessed only he played guitar with the two on the log near the scene.

  14. Me too 100%'agree.

    This must be the "glee club" I keep hearing about.

    One of the men was arrested trying to flee the island the day after he became a suspect, the Bangkok Post article "Koh Tao murders: DNA matches, confessions obtained, crime re-enacted" points out the police began following Win on the 30th.

    October 2nd: "another team of police officers arrested the third man at a Surat Thani municipal pier after it was discovered that he had boarded a boat and left Koh Tao Island late last night (thus October 1st).

    He was escorted to 8th Region Police headquarters for questioning."

    It's quite telling how the armchair detectives seem to forget small details like these.

    Of course now some new spin must be concocted to explain why in that case fleeing (actual fleeing, not Boomerangutang's fictions) is not indicative of guilt.

    That makes a lovely little fiction. This must have been the RTP's first run at a "confession". It bears no resemblance to the story that the two were supposed to have told the lawyers, doctor, human rights abuser and banana roti seller.

    Thai PBS, the hub of retractions. If this tale is supposed to be true, why is the third suspect not on trial too?

  15. As I was searching for info on the Human Rights Commissioner that"heard" the confessions from the B2, I came across this old post from a previous post. Says a lot for the veracity of his claims, I'd say.

    I was curious about this human rights commissioner - turns out he is one of the charter drafters of the 2007 constitution and a member of the (dubious) NHRC in Thailand - an organization which has no respect among human rights organizations.

    In addition, I found this statement regarding his appointment to the NHRC - a real gem.

    Parinya Sirisarakan is a businessman whose only known previous connection with human rights was being named by the previous Commission as a violator of human rights

    The above quote comes from :

    2011 ANNI Report on the
    Performance and Establishment
    of National Human Rights
    Institutions in Asia
    so I am not posting a link to it.
    Clearly, the gentleman is closely aligned with the current 'administration' and has been identified as not having any experience in human rights.
    Take this OP with a grain of salt - or maybe an entire shaker of salt.

    So much for their confessions eh ladies?


  16. I have never said the police were not abusive to them ... unlike you though I do consider their admission to their own representatives relevant especially when the police were not there and they showed no fear of the police by saying they were abused. Further I find it relevant to the fact they changed their story. To not consider their free admission to embassy officials, lawyers and rights workers is to bury ones head in the sand and clearly shows a lack of being honest about the facts in this case. At the very minimum their credibility needs to be questioned but I personal believe combined with the others facts, you choose to ignore or discount, their admission is a clear indication of their guilt.

    LMAO!! cheesy.gif

    JTJ questioning someone else's credibility!! Ironic or what?giggle.gif

    JTJ, you keep forgetting that it is the same two lawyers that are alleged to have said that the B2 confessed the crime to them in an open meeting who later (within a couple of days) very publicly declared their innocence!!!

    I would think that the latter statements hold more weight, don't they?

    Early on you claimed to have no vested interest in this case, but pretty much all the dribble and claptrap, old posts and misrepresentations, blatant misdirection and nonsense you have come up with since, clearly have more give a truer picture fo your role than your earliest nonsensical claims statements.






    One of the biggest problems in this case is the translations.

    For example they may have said yes we admitted to do the crime.

    However this was in the context of their confession made under duress.

    It goes to be replicated and twisted each time its reported until you get to totally unrepresentative quotes from the original statement.

    Just a thought to add to the Mix. You know how it is one paper will take a slant on a story to fit their political agenda. the UK papers do exactly the same. Spinning as they say. You also have to remember that in the recent years the news has had to tow a certain line in many instances or risk being shut down. You will note the Thai TV channels aren't present at the court 3 5 or 7 I read somewhere. well there you go again hey. Propaganda and distortion all to repair a crack in the tourist industry coffers that lets money seep away to other destinations on the back of what seemed a shambolic investigation.

    The $$$$$ has been a major factor in the trials speed and that's been confirmed by the Police.

    In the UK they will shut down major motorways in the event of 1 death until a thorough investigation has been forensically carried out. In Thailand they drag you to the side of the road and start blowing their whistles and wave you through. We have all seen it. Well the ones on here who have actually spent time in Thailand. Serious time and not 2 weeks with Hayes and Jarvis.

    This Human Rights Commissioner,Mr Prinya Sirisarakan, is an internal appointee and his appointment was met with a lot of skepticism as he had no experience in Human Rights and, by definition would be biased towards the government that appointed him.

    "the former charter drafter Prinya was a businessman and former vice president of Nakhon Ratchasima Province Industrial Federation. He has no solid record of human rights work".

    Just the kind of chap you'd want to send in to hear some scapegoats "confess". Ask yourselves who the translator was between the B2 and the non-Burmese speaking commissioner. Roti anyone? wink.png

  17. Nobody to my knowledge has said they do not have the "Chain of Custody" concerning the DNA Tests. All that was said is that the Defense doesn't have that yet. Just like they never had the Hoe, which has been reported that they do now. But time will tell.

    They said they lost things (the hair, etc), and they said that DNA 'was all used up'. Add to that, RTP have been dragging their feet in every ridiculous way - trying to avoid any re-examination of DNA. Oh, and RTP's lead investigator said he never saw results of Nomsod's test, didn't know if it was really done, didn't know if it was compared to DNA from victim, and didn't know if the sample still existed or where it was. And even if they did know anything about NS's DNA, they certainly wouldn't share that data with the Brits. If that's not screwing-up 'chain of custody' ....then what is? Everything RTP are doing screams cover-up and screw-up and shielding the H's people.

    And then there's a 600 lb gorilla sitting in the middle of the room, which RTP are determined not to acknowledge: I'm referring to DNA comparisons (with victim) of those who should be prime suspects. Besides Mon and Nomsod, there are their tough-guy buddies who like to pose with weaponized rings and guns. There's only one reason none of those people have been looked at by RTP: COVER-UP!!!

    You are only saying that this NS DNA was never checked because you did not see it. As this was not handed over to the Public to inspect and scrutinize, and which was pointed out several time that this is common practice of the Police Force not to do so.

    Wasn't it you who claimed over and over again that the Police could easily check NS Telephone Records, and since they did not you claimed there was a big cover-up? Then Bingo! You found out they did check and your eyes were like a Deer caught in the Head Lights.

    As to Lead Police Inspector on the Island not knowing if NS DNA Sample was completed, why should he know that. NS lives in Bangkok and not on the Island. Do you think the Lead Investigators in Thailand all sit down every morning and read up on all the crimes that take place in different areas of Thailand and have full knowledge of every crime?

    He turned this over to the Bangkok Police Division and as he was supposed to. Any information he gets after that is to settle his own curiosity. Unless of course it matched the samples from Hannah. Also asking the wrong guy questions about something he shouldn't know also makes no sense at all. Unless of course it is on purpose and trying to shoot holes in his testimony.

    The bodies where shipped to Bangkok to Forensics to exam, take samples and, do the autopsy. He doesn't preform the autopsy or testing in the Lab their. The Forensic Expert was scheduled to take the Stand for the Prosecution. They could have asked then, or anything else related to the storage and handling of this DNA. .

    NS DNA is not screwing up any chain of custody as he is not accused of anything, charged with anything, nor will he ever be. Get over it already. .

    I would expect, as he was the Lead Investigator for this case and the one that was called to answer questions for the prosecution that, yes, he should know pretty much everything about the case!coffee1.gif

    He either performed particularly badly, not knowing anything about the case under his command or was deliberately being vague and dodging questions that the RTP didn't really want to (or couldn't) give answers to.

    This was in one of the prosecution's sessions and it seems like they really lost out to more professional questions from the defense?

    I am sure you can agree that as Lead Investigator, he hardly covered himself nor the RTP in glory, can't you?cheesy.gif

    Looks like a case of someone having paid for his promotions or being set up as the fall guy.clap2.gif

  18. If these 16.9 million users did not register within the six months they were allocated, what makes the NBTC think they will do so by allowing another 30 days. Some prepaid cards are used for criminal activity such as drug trafficking and insurgency, so lets give them another 30 days.This country is all talk and no action.

    isn't it highly likely that a large number f these SIMs were bought by tourists who used them while on holiday and then discarded them when they left?

    Another shambolic show.

  19. Goldbuggy, some reports stated that the B2 were sitting on the beach, whilst others reported that they were crouched there. A third source said they were hanging out at the beach.

    I think we may be about to uncover some of the largest discrepancies in the case so far. I mean if they were hanging at the beach, well, you do the math buddy, look up hanging in the dictionary and then things will start to look even more sinister.

    Also if you could expound on the possible motives behind the media carelessly using different synonyms to explain the same things we'd all be better informed.

    ............ to say nothing of more amused!! biggrin.png

    K++ Rykbanlor

  20. The taxi driver thing was the RTP trying to influence the case with a bribe (it's not s reward when you give false testimony, as this taxi man would have to do if he agreed) it's corruption! There's no way to spin that story boys, RTP got caught out trying to unjustly influence the case.

    So you are saying almost a Bribe? Isn't that like say you are almost pregnant?

    Don't you find it a bit strange that this "So Called" Bribe money you keep mentioning just so happens to be the same amount of Reward Money offered at that time? Or is this just another "coincidence" in this case which are many of them?

    So let me see if I got this straight. "If" the Police offered 700 K to the Taxi Driver, which so happens to be the exact amount of the Reward Money Offered at that time, and "If" the Taxi driver took this money, and "If" he lied about it and accused the Footballers, and "If" this 700 K wasn't the Reward Money, it is a Bride?

    Well, here is another "If" for you.

    "If" my Aunt had Balls, she would be my Uncle!

    Okay, I got rid of the non-relevant part of the post from Darkknight above as Globby record seems to be firmly stuck in the "taxi driver bribe" groove.blink.png

    Globby, do you realise how badly formed your argument is? There was, according to the taxi driver, an attempt by the RTP to get him to give false testimony in order to influence the case. Had he done this, he claims that the RTP would have paid him from the THB 700k reward money.

    That money was to reward real information leading to the arrest and prosecution of the real perpetrators? Are you still following? The taxi driver refused to give that false evidence (pretty bravely in my book) thus the bribe was incomplete.

    In most professional Police Services, the incidence of bribes occur where suspects try to bribe the Police, not the other way around! cheesy.gif Well, TIT and we can all understand (most of us that is) why the Police would try this.sad.png

    This one incident shows the level of desperation on behalf of the Police to come up with someone - anyone - as a suspect to divert attention from those that were first identified by the then Police Chief Panya Mamen.

    No matter how you to try to spin it or cloud the issue with your ridiculous smoke and mirrors, this one little incident damages the credibility of the investigating Police a lot.

    That is the classic definition of an attempted bribe. It only failed to be a bribe because the taxi driver wouldn't play along. For the life of me, and try as hard as I might to see your point of view, I can't see what possible point you are trying to make here.

    one other question you might want to ask yourself, is where was this reward money meant to come from? If it was from the headman's offered pot of gold, then you can surely see how bad that would look for the NS/Mon camp, right?wai2.gif

    I'm afraid you're not really very good at formulating these arguments. For that you could learn a lot from JTJ or, say, Balo. In the meantime, you should revert to your better role as head cheerleader of the apologist camp.clap2.gif

  21. Did anyone happen to see the second murder weapon in the trolley (I mean the evidence shopping trolley, not the trolley that Gobby is off)?

    While chasing down the story on the taxi driver attempted bribe, I came across the story from Asia One where the top cop confirmed the second murder weapon on the 23rd September:

    Deputy national police chief Pol Gen Somyot Pumpanmuang said yesterday that officers would have to widen the search to be beyond the island.

    "We have now confirmed that the killing weapon is not only a hoe found stained with blood, but also a wooden club. This made us believe that there are at least two attackers," he said.

    - See more at: http://news.asiaone.com/news/asia/koh-tao-murders-police-confirm-2-murder-weapons#sthash.gpcBDinS.dpuf

  22. I know if I was 22 Years Old again I would take offense if someone kept calling me a Boy. Especially if my Skin Color was Black!

    The Burmese Embassy team referred to the B2 as kids in their various releases and press conferences.

    Someone calling you a boy would not be trying to offend you but more likely commenting on your level of maturity.wink.png

    You'd have to be a pretty insecure weed to take such a thing to heart, wouldn't you?

  23. To be fair there is a report that it was a bribe and was related to the Football Team... not condoning it of course, in fact i am sure there are several versions of the story depending on which media you read.

    No, he was asked to give false information by RTP for the reward money. Big difference GB. I can find the story of you like.

    To be fair offering someone the Reward Money is not the same as offering someone a Bribe, in anyone's books.

    You see a Murder, you report it to the Police, he is caught and tried and sentence to jail. You are given the 700 K Baht Reward Money. Can I now say you were Bribed?

    Now if this same murder went unsolved and a Police Man came up to you and showed you some photos of a couple of guys they suspected and asked you if you had seen them and you said no. Then he asked again to take another look but this time he asked if you are sure, as there is a 700 K Reward Money offered for the arrest and conviction of the Culprits, is that a Bribe?

    A Bribe would have been if the Taxi Driver made false claims and said the Foot Ball Team did this crime, and then was paid by the Police to say that. Since this never happened there was never a Bribe involved. Just some twisting of words by the Media.

    It is not humanly possible that you can be this dense, unless you are seriously cerebral-compromised (remember your stellar performance about that?cheesy.gif ) we had some fun with you there, thank you.

    Like your circle jerk buddies, Aleg, JTJ and the rest of the thicket, you decide to ignore the printed reports and interviews with the people concerned in favour of your own little fantasies. Let me take you there one more time, try to keep up child.....

    Koh Tao Murders: Taxi driver accuses police of intimidation, bribe for false testimony - See more at: http://www.phuketgazette.net/thailand-news/Koh-Tao-Murders-Taxi-driver-accuses-police/36060

    I guess the beating he got for not playing along was just a sweetener huh? Do you ever think before you post your drivel?

    I nominate you the site clown! cheesy.gif back to the zero cred bin with JTJ you go.thumbsup.gif

    Edit: To Mods, I am not sure if the link to the Phuket Gazette is allowed. if not - apologies.

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