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Posts posted by Srikcir

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    ........I just don't get it! Why on earth would we want to finance the support of 5 million Mexicans into this country? We all know the reason is the Demo vote. And most states only require the paid water or electric bill as proof of residency. What about citizenship? I thought it was a law you must be a US citizen in order to vote. And what about proof of citizenship?

    It wasn't long ago in North Carolina, I had to register to vote, and brought in my birth certificate as proof of citizenship along with a Drivers License. Social Security Card is not a legal I.D. Although it would be a good idea to have your picture on it in the future, with the labeling US Citizen or Alien.

    I believe in a national ID card. Which clearly states US citizen, and must be presented to vote. Drivers license should not be used to verify Citizenship. I also believe we should have a National American Drivers License. Each of the 50 States will conduct testing and regulations, and issued licenses. With one data base. This will prevent someone with a DWI, or DUI from get a license from a different State. There are simple solutions to simple problems, and only when Lawyers get involved do we have problems.

    We have all heard this time and time again. illegal entry into this country is a criminal offense. It is the responsibility of border patrol to round them up and send them back across the border into Mexico. I don't care if they are European, Asian, or Mexican. If they were picked up at the nearest border, return them back. Let the Mexican government deal with it.

    Some say, they are just poor workers looking for a harvest to pick. I say, lets invest in Mexican farmers across the border and help them establish good farms with good crops. Let the poor Mexican pick the crops in Mexico.

    When my wife became a naturalized citizen of the United States, she was required to speak English, take a written test on the Constitution of the United States, and understand the branches of government. Coming from Asia, she had to take a TB test, and bring along a chest X-ray. for Immigrations. She had a green card for two years before granted citizenship. I was in the Military at that time, so the waiting list was shorten.

    There are thousands of people around the world, waiting for a chance at immigrating to the US. All are in line waiting. To allow these 5 million to walk in this country, bumping the long line is an injustice to those who respect and obey the law.

    I strongly feel we should remove the statue of liberty, or turn it around facing the world. With the inscription stating, "Turn around and go where you came from! We are full. Return to your own country and change the government to fit your needs of freedom. We can no longer afford the costs to support you and your family."

    Yet you live in another country as an expat? You have an odd sense of patriotism.

  2. Something must be Lost in Traslation.

    The EU says Thailand must approach each member with a separately negotiated trade deal as the previous Free Trade Ageement with the EU expired. Thailand does nothing. Then the EABC offers to mediate Thailand’s efforts to restore its Free Trade Agreement with the whole European Union.

    And Deputy Commerce Minister Apiradee's response is, "both sides must be well-prepared before negotiations can commence." That sounds more like a "Don't call me, I'll call you." Then she comes back with Thailand will "reap economic gains from the integration of the ASEAN nations." Yeah, Thailand doesn't need an EU trade agreement as it has its own captive trade partners next door.

    I'd say Apiradee is clueless.

  3. How the mighty have fallen.

    In the beginning we had -

    "A GDP expansion of 4 per cent in 2015 is definitely achievable ..." , Deputy Prime Minister in charge of the economy Pridiya Devakula, The Nation 2015-01-15

    Then recently we had -

    "Deputy Prime Minister M.R. Pridiyathorn Devakula told CNBC news during his participation in the 2015 Asian Investment Summit that Thailand’s economic growth this year would likely be around 3%" - Bangkok Bank’s Kosit expects this year’s economic growth at 3-4%, 2015-03-27.

    Now we have -

    "Mr. Sommai said that a growth rate of 2%-3% will be acceptable for Thailand when the global economic slowdown still continues."

    Sommai said on 2015-02-02 that the negative inflation rate would not lead to a deflation. Looks like the Junta will be put to the test very shortly.

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  4. "all income earners must be registered so that the government will know exactly who are really in trouble and need help."

    Why do this moronic, bureaucratic exercise that will cost more than what it's worth? And in the end it will be imprecise anyways.

    If someone is really in trouble (whatever that means) and needs government help, then they apply for help. The government then reviews and/or interviews to see if the request is valid. Aid is then provided in proportion to need. Make the program proactive for the applicants. Maybe it could even set up an online request process - you know, do the digital economy thing.

  5. When the Chinese government becomes concerned about human safety, you know things have gotten out of hand.

    But maybe the Chinese, who seem masters at long-range planning and misdirection, are using their action as leverage to get a better deal on the dual rail project or get further concessions through their 2014 military security agreement with the Junta. If you see the Junta make some sudden economic or military concessions to the Chinese and the flight bans are coincidentally lifted, you'll know.

  6. "Right now we are proceeding in accordance with the laws, and the laws do not side with anyone."

    Excuse me.

    The nation is in lockdown under MARTIAL LAW that is being imposed by the military. How does that NOT side with the military?

    "Police said they opened fire after encountering resistance [not gunfire] from the suspects...it later emerged that none of the victims had any pre-existing criminal records of participating in the secessionist movement."

    Under martial law the police are under MILITARY COMMAND. And the military wonders why it still cannot wipe out the Malay Thai insurgency.

  7. "including genuine efforts to keep the world informed."

    Hasn't that been the problem for the Junta? The world has been well informed of the lack of any REAL progress to interdicting and preventing human trafficking in Thailand. Unfortunately for Prayut, he cannot control information beyond Thailand. You can almost feel those defamation lawsuits being filed against all the world's news media for putting the Junta in such a negative light.

    The good news is that Thai seafood may become very cheap in Thailand later this year if it cannot find new foreign markets to replace the US and EU.

  8. The airframe is about the last obstacle to aircraft longevity. Everything else can be retrofitted, updated, or replaced. But once the airframe which includes the tail and wing assemblies begin to show micro cracking or stressing, the aircraft is finished.

    However, some countries have found certain military aircraft have such a demand for specific mission support like the A-10 Thunderbolt and B-52 that they will go as far as to reinforce or replace even major aircraft structural components. The alternative is a complete redesign that may take a decade to put into service and at 10x the cost.

  9. A deal between the P-5 and Iran is solely in the hands of Iran. The P-5 led by the US KERRY'S NEGOTIATING TEAM has enjoyed an unusual concensus with the other P-4 countries to push Iran into an uncompromising position that it would consider blasphemy to its Supreme Leader and to its sovereignty in general.

    With Saudi Arabia and Egypt blocking Iranian expansionist, Iran as a weakened economic state cannot hope to gain further political influence over the Middle East if it decides to continue its nuclear weapons program in the face of even greater sanctions and possible surgical airstrikes against its nuclear industry. The best course for Iran would be to rejoin the global economic community and reward its people for their patience with economic rejuvenation.

    Given 10 years of increased prosperity, the Iranian Supreme Leader may discover what the Chinese discovered: Global Strength through Economic Growth. People respond better to an improved standard of living than they do to threats of nuclear devastation. And a country's foreign policies are much easier to promote than military threat.

  10. The beheadings are disgusting. But being Shiite victims, ISIL will further align Shiite Iran against ISIL.

    There is almost a crude irony in the barbaric behavior of ISIL that is attempting to unite Muslims into a caliphate. It is instead uniting Turks, Arabs, Persians, and Africans against it. That has been a unity long desired by the West to bring stability to the Middle East through a united Middle East league. And ISIL is making it happen without blood being shed by the Western armies. It's no wonder that some conspiracy theorists believe that it is the West actually behind ISIL.

  11. Finally after 10 months of being Thailand's ruler, Prayut reveals himself as a champion of the oligarchy. He longs for a return to a feudal Thailand with an absolute ruler who is venerated, obeyed, and feared. It is a role he relunctanly accepts, as he confers that role unto himself.

    Hopefully with exercise of Article 44, Prayut will at least cease his pronouncements about following any roadmap to democracy. He is not bringing democracy of ANY sort to Thailand. An absolute ruler doesn't need to disguise his power for the sake of public relations. I am sure his subjects will appreciate such objectivity and put aside that foolishness called "democracy" out of their lives for the better good of the oligarchy.

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  12. "This government is not saying that the previous government did not act on the issue, but it did not solve the problem on the spot, did not amend regulations required ..."

    "previous government" should have been stated as "previous governments."

    I didn't see the Thai military ever express a concern of human trafficking through the sovereignty of Thailand that it was sworn to protect. It certainly never came forward with its own solutions as it seemed satisfied with the status quo. The only action the military took was to file defamation suits against Reuters and two Reuter Thai reported for SUGGESTING that the Thai navy may be implicated in human trafficking activities.

    Now the military is the government. It can't continue to ignore the issue, especially since the imposition of foreign sanctions would damage the miltary's reputation.

    At a time when the Junta is struggling and losing to recover the economic downturn it and the anti-Yinluck government protesters brought onto the country, Prayut cannot afford further economic challenges while he tries to sell the Junta as the Hero of the People.

  13. The injunction had no legal standing.

    I'm sure a brief contact by Universal legal council with the court was able to make the court understand how contract law works. Otherwise the judges may be sued individually (this is Thailand afterall) for any revenue losses resulting from the injunction. It's a sad commentary of how poorly the court operates in the legal environment.

    It would seem that when it comes to global defendents like Universal, the court is way out of its legal element. This is especially so where many Western-based companies are subjected to anti-bribery laws that apply to bribes paid to foreign parties.

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  14. And yet just a few days ago:

    "The Tourism Council of Thailand (TCT) has indicated that the confidence index of tourism operators is still at a normal level but admitted that this year’s tourism revenue could be lower than targeted due to economic slowdown ...the revenue generated will likely be around 1.28 trillion baht, falling short of the target of 2.2 trillion baht [for 2015]."

    Mr Krisda better plan on LOWERING the economic growth rate forecast presently set at 3.9% for 2015 to something more realistic, like 2.5%. In comparison, on 3/27/2015 Deputy Prime Minister M.R. Pridiyathorn Devakula stated in the 2015 Asian Investment Summit that Thailand’s economic growth this year would likely be around 3%.

    Thailand has become the Hub of Economic Cheerleaders.

  15. Uninteresting.

    The NLA Vice-President makes a proposal that is consistent with his own unelected appointment by the NCPO to the NLA.

    The military has made Thailand the Hub of Political Clones.

    The NCPO has repeatedly stated that anything that conflicts with its agenda for reforming Thailand's electoral and governance systems is considered a crisis of a national security magnatude. And in the face of continued conflict with the NCPO agenda, Prayut has threatened to activate Article 44 which will trump any provision of the constitution a la Supreme Leader.

    Who cares about unelected PM's?

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  16. The NCPO told the media last year not to criticize the NCPO, its staff and related persons. Failure means an immediate ban and legal action.

    Social networks cannot invite or interview former civil servants, scholars, former court employees, independent organizations or former judicial office workers in any manner that can confuse society, create or escalate conflicts, or lead to violence.

    Also, no one is allowed to post confidential government agency information, including video clips, images or voice recordings. Further all channels must broadcast and inform all viewers of all information issued by the NCPO.

    So what exactly did the two stations do that displeased the NCPO?

    Confuse society?

    Create conflict?

    Not broadcast Prayut's lectures?

    Criticize NCPO, et al?

    So closed with no due process of law. No freedom of expression nor freedom NOT to be part of Prayut's propoganda machine. NCPO's idea of national unity is a nation in lockstep with the drum of the military machine that controls their sovereignty, their rights and liberties. So for the sake of NCPO's reconcliation and reformation, the tiniest bit of democracy must be be dissolved in the acidic vat of absolute power.

    Well done General and Democratic Soldier Prayut.

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  17. Wow, the police suddenly woke up and are proposing to do their job as they are supposed to do, but never did.

    A kick in the ass by the army seems to do some good to some services in this country. alt=thumbsup.gif>


    Read the article again.

    "The Royal Thai Police is expected to propose to the Prime Minister a move to make anti-human trafficking efforts a national agenda."

    Of course as an item on the national agenda, human trafficking becomes the responsibility of the Junta. Meanwhile, the police will scurry under the nearest rock lest they are tasked with any participation - let the army do it!

  18. "They touched down 1,100 feet (330 meters) short of the runway."

    It's either pilot error, instrument failure, or both. Although with instrument panel or even runway guidance failure, the pilot should have still landed well inside the runway using visual flight and not 330 meters short! What were they thinking? They had circled before and knew the layout. Even if they had the wrong runway data, what you see is what you get.

    Thankfully, the area before the runway was somewhat clear and level for the aircraft to literally snowplow through it. It seems all passengers and crew were able to leave the aircraft by themselves despite injuries.

  19. "White House spokesman Josh Earnest said it was up to Iran to make that happen."

    For once the Iranians must face up to a final decision that they do not fully control and has adverse restraints of their sovereignty. This is out of character with Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution. Failure of acceptance by Iran does not require any action by the P-5 to merely keep sanctions in place. And each of the P-5 are free to INCREASE sanctions. For example, the US Senate is already prepared to impose harsher sanctions that will likely be supported by the EU and ME allies. Russia and China cannot reverse the UN imposed sanctions without unanimous vote of the permanent UN Security Council members.

    The recent solidification of the Arab Council to provide active resistance to Iranian political incursion into the Middle East (Yemmen and Lybia) presents Iran with another Great Adversary to its expansionist goals. Iran's best strategy now is to clear itself of the nuclear weapons program and focus on rebuilding its economic fortunes. Strength through domestic wealth. However, that would mean the evolution and increase in an educated middle class that may not be so quick to lose it all for the wishes of the Supreme Leader who wants to become the dominant political force in the ME.

    Either way, nuclear deal or not, Iran has pinned itself into a political and economic corner without a shot being fired.

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