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Posts posted by pattayadude

  1. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    BTW it is the end of W S as we knew it. Superbaby, the best gogo for totty on W S has indeed closed. If they couldn't make it, what hope is there for the rest?


    I also see that the child abuse that has gone on for years still goes on in front of our oh so great volunteer police. I saw a very young ( about 4 or 5 ) girl being exploited to make money by spinning a hula hoop. The long standing one where the girl does contortions is still there, except she is quite tall now. I think she has been going there for nearly 10 years.

    tall girl also started when she was 6 or 7 and she is still underage even after 8 yrs..then again, what is underage for one culture is a bread wining age for another

  2. 9 hours ago, JSixpack said:


    Love it, great photography. Priceless dystopian look well-suited to our beloved cesspool. Think movies like Dark City, The Matrix, District 9, Johnny Mnemonic, Mad Max; novels like Neuromancer; games like Deus Ex. Hate the clean homogenized pretty wrapping paper look so many here yearn for. Sarasota, FLA has that if I want it. :)


    utter disgrace!.. an image could not have illustrated better the condition most of the city is in nowadays! No need to say more.Unfortunately, this picture is worth 1000 words....

  3. 14 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    If this place is bad then anyone has the choice to go back to their home country.  Unless in many cases they cannot afford their home country, which is why they are here anyway.

    maybe a group likes the young chicks,relatively cheap booze and accommodations they can find in pattaya.

    maybe another group likes the combination of  the beach life(average quality) during day and the bar life during the night with it's relative affordability.

    Pattaya does have all  mentioned above with average quality IMHO and this combination with the relatively low price tag probably doesn't exist  back home, wherever it may be.

    At the end of the day, some are happy and can even afford to travel around but some can't, some are bored because of the repetition or lack of friends, some are getting old, some have gotten old,some can't go back, some already went back, some on their way in and some on their way out.

    and some, (including myself)have too much time to type away their complaints.

    life is a roller coaster.Enjoy the ride! :partytime2:



  4. 1 hour ago, bkk6060 said:

    If one does like to drink a little, likes girls (young or old), likes freedom. like the beach, decent food, decent infrastructure,  decent priced accommodations then... go home

    why go home?

  5. "Other than the fact that Pattaya has ALWAYS ( since it came fun city ) been on the "down side" what with the decrepit infrastructure and the rubbish beach "

    "Sure, at 7pm the bars were virtually empty, and loads of closed bars everywhere"

    "I did notice that the girls are now less attractive than ever I saw before"

    "Definitely many drivers are cretins, thinking they have a right to speed down narrow sois with people walking in the street, and there seems to be plenty of unfriendly, unhelpful and frankly nasty hotel staff about "

    "Certainly, prices are on the uphill, and the girls are charging 4 times monger accommodation prices"




    "There is nothing "going downhill" about Pattaya "



  6. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Other than the fact that Pattaya has ALWAYS ( since it came fun city ) been on the "down side" what with the decrepit infrastructure and the rubbish beach


    1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Sure, at 7pm the bars were virtually empty, and loads of closed bars everywhere


    1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I did notice that the girls are now less attractive than ever I saw before


    1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Definitely many drivers are cretins, thinking they have a right to speed down narrow sois with people walking in the street, and there seems to be plenty of unfriendly, unhelpful and frankly nasty hotel staff about


    1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Certainly, prices are on the uphill, and the girls are charging 4 times monger accommodation prices

    no comment

  7. 4 hours ago, Global Guy said:


    I think Thaivisa should have an auto delete for any comment that states "if you don't like it , then leave." 


    Just because many of us do not tolerate being treated like dirt where we spend our money does not mean we have to leave the country. How about this crazy idea....not have staff treat customers like they are trying to steal their newborn? How about basic human decency that can be reasonably expected almost anywhere in the world?


    I don't care if someone walking down the street is rude to me. I'm only commenting on places where they treat you poorly that you spend money. And I'm not referencing any of the adult themed places, taxis, baht buses, or anything like that either.


    Just because we have some self-respect and are aware of our surroundings, again, doesn't mean we have to leave the country. Where did that reasoning come from? That same comment comes up in almost every thread on this site.


    It's possible to stay but want it to change. We all know it won't change in 100 years. But this is a discussion board...so, we discuss.

    that's what I said

    • Like 1
  8. 44 minutes ago, Global Guy said:


    That kind of shows you the mentality of business people. Kind of like hiring a lifeguard that doesn't know how to swim. But they would rather lose 10-50% of potential profits than hire real English speaking staff. I noticed far, far less business people in the Pattaya area speak English than comparable business people in Bangkok. I had similar experiences at two Jomtien banks and I had my Thai gf with me to translate. Asking detailed questions about their investment products was too much for them so we left without doing business at either of them.


    44 minutes ago, Global Guy said:


    That kind of shows you the mentality of business people. Kind of like hiring a lifeguard that doesn't know how to swim. But they would rather lose 10-50% of potential profits than hire real English speaking staff. I noticed far, far less business people in the Pattaya area speak English than comparable business people in Bangkok. I had similar experiences at two Jomtien banks and I had my Thai gf with me to translate. Asking detailed questions about their investment products was too much for them so we left without doing business at either of them.

    Once a gf(35yo) of mine told me  "at our school we were taught  that we are superior to other nations and races". if this is true they may view farang as inferior race and have no interest in learning English or other language for that matter IMO

    • Like 1
  9. 48 minutes ago, bamukloy said:


    I think the why? is pretty obvious.


    Tourism is at  a majour low. Many of the regulars from certain countries have gone, or are not staying as long as they used to.


    Also many tourists who would of bounced to Lao for a DE visa are now going home for a METV.

    Probably a good deal of those have decided Thailand isnt the dream destination it once was, and are staying home or going elsewhere.


    In also guessing the  tourists who are here have less disposable income nowadays, and are not throwing money  around as flippantly as  they used to.

    Certainly they are more clued in on how to save a baht (airb&b and the like) and are becoming aware of all the tricks,

    Many Thais relying on tourism for income havent the luxury of the  safe weekly wages or the same comfy salary every week that we get, or even any real social security for that matter.

    This puts real stress on them..JUST to survive. 

    And its that stress you are seeing.


    Many of us should think again (myself included) when we start up with the "Rude/Greedy Thai" thing.


    Many are doing it a lot tougher than we ever had to. 

    you are dead on!Good points..when the going gets tough, i realize the stress they feel rises but that in no way should give them the license to almost "butcher" whoever comes across.

    Just like how most of us learned to say " kap kun khap" and " sa wa dee khap, the least I personally expect is a smile in return in the land of smiles and not the "what the hell are you doing in my country" look.

    If not, pretty soon the local small businesses are gonna close down one by one and the rest of the LOS  (Land Of Scowls)will suffer from the "butterfly effect"

    • Like 2
  10. 10 minutes ago, neeray said:

    Face !!! And "saving face", OMG. 

    This has been a tuff cultural aspect for me to get a grip on. 

    But I as sure as hell have come to understand that it exists, though I will never understand why. 

    hard to understand this double-standard on all-important saving face for the same people who surprisingly perceive prostitution simply "helping family"

  11. 19 minutes ago, Kaoboi Bebobp said:


    If you wore a loud, striped vest over a flowered shirt, giant goggles, and a flower on a stem planted on top of your head, they would laugh then. Sad but true.


    The lack of friendly contact is one of the great detractions of living here. While my current neighbourhood has its friendly folks, I find I've had to go the extra mile just to get anything resembling a civil, polite transaction completed.  I find it somewhat exhausting having to step up my game when entering an office or shop. Here it's just plain work and I'm pretty tired of it. 

    haha I hear you brother!..this is something that bothered me the most in my first a few years living in LOS..but in my case, after a couple of trips to Colombia, I knew where I would spend most of my retired years and that is exactly what I do at the time being.I now only visit pats once a year between my twice-a-year Philippines visits

  12. 1 minute ago, morrobay said:

    Yes the attitude is for sure going downhill. So the next question ^ is why. What is the source of their anger,? What is their problem !

    Interesting that you did not notice this in Philippines and  Latin american countries.   

    " Thai people  like to save face, and getting angry in public shows a lot of disrespect and will make you look like the bad guy"

    I am sure many of us have come across this overused phrase "saving face"

    I believe the problem has a lot to do with this.

    Just like what "honor" is in many middle eastern countries (that are notorious with "honor killings"). In some societies where everybody buds in everybody's business, protection of honor(saving face) is probably as important as staying alive.


    It's a cultural thing and to understand it, you need to be Thai(I guess)

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