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Posts posted by pattayadude

  1. Such things happen everywhere, but here we have THAIVISA to report about them. This makes appear Thailand as a place a lot worse than it in fact is. But it would be the base for a movie, of the type HILLS HAVE EYES or similar...

    Actually they do not. Can you please provide an example of this type of incident in the past year in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Canada, Cuba, UAE, or Denmark. A diverse combined population several times the population size of Thailand, and yet no such incidents reported, right

    The fact is that no one needs to make Thailand seem worse than it is. The locals have done a good job of it already.

    Unfortunately 10s of this crap happens almost any 3rd world country daily..Even More vicious murders take place in the countryside.Honor killings in I.e. Pakistan,turkey,Afghanistan where 15 or 16 yr old girls are killed daily by underage brother who is forced by older relatives.Motive: she is spending too much time on Internet. Verdict: couple of years in an underage penitentiary. Benefit: family gains back their honor
  2. Such things happen everywhere, but here we have THAIVISA to report about them. This makes appear Thailand as a place a lot worse than it in fact is. But it would be the base for a movie, of the type HILLS HAVE EYES or similar...

    Actually they do not. Can you please provide an example of this type of incident in the past year in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Canada, Cuba, UAE, or Denmark. A diverse combined population several times the population size of Thailand, and yet no such incidents reported, right?

    Unfortunately 10s of this crap happens almost any 3rd world country daily..Even More vicious murders take place in the countryside.Honor killings in I.e. Pakistan,turkey,Afghanistan where 15 or 16 yr old girls are killed daily by underage brother who is forced by older relatives.Motive: she is spending too much time on Internet. Verdict: couple of years in an underage penitentiary. Benefit: family gains back their honor

    The fact is that no one needs to make Thailand seem worse than it is. The locals have done a good job of it already.

  3. In western,eastern, northern or southern countries there are inspections throughout the process. The City makes sure that the builders stick to the plan throughout the construction. If a violation is found at any stage, they stop it before it gets any further. This protects everyone so it doesn't become a giant mess in the future. With the waterfront, the city made its inspection after the building was topped off. And if it wasn't for the public protests, they would never find out the 5090 sqm overage!. And the source of the violation was at the ground level!.This is crazy!

  4. It's the City's responsibility to inspect day ONE that the floor area matches the plans.This goes for every city and every country,let alone Thailand, even for a Banana Republic!.

    And same for every aspect of life. You warn a kid not to steal early age if you don't wanna end up with a bank robber in his adult life.

    They could have measured the freaking floor area with a cheap tape measure during the first stage of the construction to avoid such disastrous ending!

    So the City of Pattaya or whoever is responsible with the issuance of the permits and inspections are equally or even more GUILTY.

  5. build a bungee jump between rotting towers, let the stray dog population between mafia boat parking area double or triple, let the new marina pilings rot even further and watch this gorgeous view from the viewpoint at top! i am sure tourists as well as local Thai and expats will appreciate all these positive improvements and brilliant solutions...LOL

  6. a Myth perpetuated by those that spent all there time in Falang Owned bars

    They Fly to Thailand- Airline Earns money

    They stay in Hotels usually better Hotels than the cheap charlie Bar/guesthouses

    They eat whether its restaurant/supermarket/ 7/11/ Food cart

    They drink again whether its 7/11 / Beach or Russian owned establishment

    They Shop

    They sit on the beach and Hire chairs, buy food from vendors and beers from 7/11

    They get taxis/Buses depdning if there on an organized tour

    They use Baht buses/Sky Train etc

    Every time I go to a tourist attraction I curse because its packed with Chinese/Russians

    see the pattern?

    They are spending money on flights, Hotel, food, beer, entertainment s, difference its they are not spending in any British/Australian/US/German owned semi legit Bar

    A guy I know who owns a bar in Pattaya told me there is a general consensus amongst bar owners that if the Russian and Chinese trend continues to build their bars are all short lived. They do not visit the bars. Girlie bars or normal bars. Mayne in their hotels? Maybe. The bars in Samui are closing left and right. Few punters anymore there.

    That's true.In my opinion most if not all Chinese do not come to Pats for girlie bars or beer bars.They do all their tourist activities in large groups and it's probably a cultural thing for them.I don't even notice any single Chinese dudes in WS bars either.Maybe traveling as single dudes is not as acceptable as in western cultures.Chinese are family oriented people and divorce is almost non-existent

    On the other hand, some Russians I have talked to in the past made some jaw-dropping comments about them.

    They claim they "have some of the most stunning women on earth" and most Russians "don't come to Pats for its sleazy bars and girls".

    Of course they like to party and drink( a lot) but not in a Soi boukhao bar at 3pm under scorching sun like some of us.

    They like Russian food and Russian music and to be and party among Russians.(i am not judging them btw)

    And most russians come to pats with their russian gf or wives anyway.

    So for those beer bars that count on Chinese and russians? i say, they have to go back to the drawing board!

  7. So how many expats in Pattaya sit inside bars where a beer is over 80 Baht?? Not too many! So obviously they don't spend much either. Maybe a new post should be started asking why so many bars are going bust by being forced to offer rock bottom beer prices to the expats. If no cheap beer then no customers and go bust.

    the reason they go bust isn't so much rock bottom beer prices

    The city expanded inwards and sideways over the years.New condos got built on what used to be vast vacant lots (i.e between 2nd road and soi buakhao) without much or any demand.Of course the beer bars followed this trend, again, without much or any demand for them!

    In short,? Too many condos and beer bars than a handful and rather dwindling number of expats need!

  8. t would be wrong to generalize.Chinese and Russians are culturally different..the middle-class Chinese prefer to travel in huge groups obviously it's cheaper and more fun.Russians roll differently.On the other hand,the rich from both countries can hardly be seen where average people hang around.If they are not traveling around the world in their private yachts, they probably stay in very expensive resorts(i.e $1000-1500 a day).And that goes for both countries as China and Russia do have mega millionaires and billionaires.Its true that Russia is suffering after $30 barrel of crude oil but an economic downturn wont even put a dent on these folks as that much accumulated money usually lasts a few generations.

    I have been to both countries.Just to get in some of the night clubs in Moscow, a $200 tip to the bouncer isn't enough.

    And inside the club $200 tip to a pretty waitress is not unusual.

    In an upscale Shanghai restaurant, $5000 for a bottle of french wine is standard issue.

    In other words, "Chinese do this" or "Russians don't do that' type of generalization will just mislead people.

  9. Immigration is full with queues out the door, Beach Road is chocka from 5pm onwards, I struggled to book a room for a friend arriving tomorrow....guess its quite...oh the bars are quite

    guess its quite...oh the bars are quite

    Quite what?

    quiet(I guess)

  10. bla bla bla bla bla bla....we all gonna die some day! maybe some of us will go this way, some are born dead, and some live too long and die miserably because everyone else died before them.Those who blame this poor guy for having done this or that when alive, you can't tell me your $hit don't stink!!!..and especially those who blame these unfortunate accidents entirely on a girlfriend factor, take a better look at your own sweetheart next time when you are sober!..You may very well be the next TV topic yourself!

  11. because Muslims do not drink alcohol, I have to assume the bar was serving tea, milk and various juices.

    I also have NOT seen any arabs or iranians drinking booze, male to male dancing on counters of bars to extremely loud music and totally wasted,having fun with groups of shemales off Walking street near Insomnia!

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