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Posts posted by blackcab

  1. 2 hours ago, zaZa9 said:

    Of course , if they are recycling our photocopies and not storing them , the question has to be asked as to why they need our copies in the first place.


    Answer 1: The (quite enormous) annual budget for paper is always mysteriously empty by the middle of January.


    Answer 2: The document storage company which has contracts with multiple government departments is owned by a certain persons cousin.


    By reusing the paper in the manner you describe it means that there is 1. no need to worry about the paper budget and 2. the storage company does not need to take too much away to store.



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  2. 22 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

    I've rented a car at London Heathrow with my Thai license several times.

    Now granted, I'm an American so it was my US passport and Thai drivers license they wanted.

    Whether it makes a difference if it's a UK passport and Thai DL, well that might be up to the rental company's policies.


    I hired with a UK passport and a Thai drivers license. No problems at all. In fact it was much easier than using a UK license as there was no check of my driving history, and no need to verify my address.

  3. 2 hours ago, murraynz said:

    i wouldnt spend too much time worrying about paying taxes on profit from condo sale---i doubt if many are sold at a profit.. as i condo owner, i will be quite happy to sell at "close" to purchase price after 5-6 yrs...

    i believe a quality builing with fantastic sea view- has better chance of holding value than most -i also bought at good price.

    i also think most of the sales and purchase figures, are "reduced" for the land office, so the chances of tax department finding a profit, would be very scarce.


    You are not taxed on profit. You are taxed on the entire sale price or the assessed value, whichever is greater.


    This means you will pay whether you win, lose or draw.

  4. 33 minutes ago, lkn said:

    I can just imagine the board meeting.


    Chairman: We want to build brand awareness among Thai women for our new makeup line.


    Chairman: We can get our message out to at least 100,000 women daily by buying advertising space on the BTS.


    Chairman: We have made this billboard, our message superimposed on a great looking model. Any input?


    Board member: Shouldn’t we add English subtitles to the message?


    Chairman: Why? That would ruin our clear succinct message, and we may even alienate some Thais.


    Beard members: But I see at least a couple of females in the BTS that I do not think can read Thai.


    Chairman: Yes, but we do not care about building brand awareness among foreigners who stay here for only a week, and certainly not when it means compromising on our aesthetics and paying higher sign tax on all of our 10,000 signs…


    Another board member: I see a lot of Chinese women on the BTS who I don’t think can read English, shouldn’t we add Chinese subtitles as well?


    So in true Thai style everyone compromises and adds English to the train itself because signs affixed to vehicles are sign tax exempt.

  5. 12 minutes ago, elgenon said:

    I am not used to centimeters but by my calculations a sign 1 meter x 1.5 meters in English and Thai would incur a tax of 6,000 Baht. Not much for a high end watch company or an airline. Or a major cosmetics company or a communications carrier. I have seen ads for an airline at a BTS station that were completely in Thai. Likewise a cosmetics company at an MRT station.


    I make it 600 baht, or 400 baht per square meter for signs in English and Thai.


    Now consider the tax difference for the billboards you see around Suvarnabhumi which are quite immense in size.



  6. 1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    It could be a problem with the system not being able to access the database where the records of your last entry to country are kept that is causing the message to come up. Try again later.

    You do not enter you address and etc until you get beyond the first page (page 1 of 4).


    Thank you. If I click the green box to check the status of my application and enter my passport details, I can see the previous online reports I have completed.


    I will try later as you suggest.

  7. The website is working - kind of. When I enter the data I get the Contact Your Local Office message - despite having completed 2 previous online reports and not having left the country or changed any other details at all.


    Something is definitely wrong. The form does not ask for your phone, email or present address anymore.


    What's the point of having a 90 day report if they have no idea where you are living?


  8. 4 hours ago, Jean Laurent said:

    ... so i will have to take the bus, discover the place where is located the office more difficult to find an address in Tokyo...


    To help you out, here are the exact co-ordinates of where I believe you need to go (check the address on your documents first!)


    Copy and paste these co-ordinates into Google maps:




    Bangkok EMS Centre Lak Si Soi 5 (Postal Customs Service Division)

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