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Posts posted by crutchy26

  1. Trolling thru the one-year extension ad found that the Australian Embassy now requires an onus-of-proof to be shown, before 'they' sign & stamp the Stat Dec (as required my Immigration)

    I pinged the Embassy an email, and they verified this new 'requirement' of proof.


    At the same time I asked about the possibility/likelihood of getting the Embassy to do Outreach Visits to Khon Kaen. Embassy response was basically, if enough people contact them, they will consider this option. Please, oh please, I implore all Aussies living around KK to ping the Embassy!

    I never look forward to the 1 hour drive to KK airport, the flights, taxi to Embassy and return trip for a lousy 'Signature & Stamp'. Onerous & expensive trip!



  2. Absolute disgrace. Received my update on my militairy super. Increase: 1.1 %

    Write a letter to the over-worked embassy at Bangkok.

    But especially, write a letter to DFAT Au. They are likely the ones pulling the strings!

    Getting a Stat Dec for the Retirement Visa soon lost any fun moments when you you take in travel time (from outside Khon Kaen), return flight expenses and taxi fares. 



  3. Please, oh please. Can everyone get on the bandwagon: Write a submission to AU DFAT about Consular Services provided by Au Embassy Bangkok. I have fired my email in & had acknowledgement. It's going to take numbers to get OUR Embassy to follow the UK Embassy practices I.e. Letter of Income.

  4. "Very happy that they are saving me the time, effort and money to get to Bangkok. "

    Sounds like Konini also doesn't like the 'pilgramage' to the Embassy just to get a piece of paper signed.

    At least CM, you get an outreach visit................

    I have been in contact with THE Australian Embassy, inquiring about their services, or lack thereof.

    Thai Immigration accepts embassy letters/affidavits as proof of income for the Retirement Visa.

    UK Embassy provides this service.

    Australian Embassy response; "we are looking into it:. (Mirrors response!)

    If some more Aussies were to contact the Au Embassy, maybe they might do something.


    That last bit is a plea. Thousands of us have to do this ridiculous pilgrimage every year, just to get a Statuatory Dec stamped & signed.

    Please, oh please, contact the Embassy asking when it will provide the Income  Affidavit to Au citizens, living here.



  5. OK. Here goes. A/C 'radiator' sits in front of engine radiator. it's the first to clog-up with bugs/critters & dirt.

    A/C off no pre-heating of incoming cooling air.

    My guess is you need to split the radiators, spray in some De-gresaer from the ENGINE side (maybe some dishwashing liquid). THEN hit both 'radiators, from the engine -side, hit the rads with high-pressure -small nozzle water, to flush out the air-grills.

    Happy motoring

  6. With reference to the Statutory Declaration (for 12 month visa extension) wouldn't it be great if the Australian Embassy provided the same service as the England Embassy.

    From the England Embassy:

    Services we provide in Thailand

    Consular staff in Thailand can:

    • administer an oath, affirmation or affidavit
    • witness a signature
    • make a certified copy of a document
    • unite documents
    • letter confirming pension/income for retirement visa in Thailand (Postal application only)

    Instead of thousands of Australians doing an annual and usually very expensive pilgrimage to the Embassy.......................

  7. I have had several goods experiences, I smile at' the locals BiB, wind down my window & greet them in my best Thai greeting.. They know I am legit (licenses , rego & Insurance)/

    However, quite a few times I have been stopped by a 'floating roadblock' between Chaiyahpum & Keng Khro.

    Four times in 2 years, times they have tried to 'shake me down' for a 400 baht fine. Apparently for not driving in left lane. Which is absolute BS.........

    No money has changed hands, & one of the elder 'crunchies' was feeling up my young GF, as I was have a one-sided fracas with the head of the group.

    Will it happen again? No doubt. Gotta get a recorder for the car!

  8. Recently we the voltage would drop to about 100V. This would go for hours & over several days.!

    It meant going around the house and switching off the water pump, and isolating the expensive stuff, by flipping the circuit breaker.

    fortunately my computer was still working, and the router must have been on another phase. Resulting in emails to PEA. If, everything dropped out, I would 'phone them. 'Phoned a few times, and they recognized my number, which helped a great deal. Much kudos to PEA!

    They have done very well at bringing the power back up and very promptly.

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