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Posts posted by dageurreotype

  1. You say she did nothing wrong... quite the contrary & lets be honest... she did everything wrong!!!


    Early hours of the morning



    Big mistake in a foreign lawless country & she unfortunately paid the ultimate price...

    PS Yes this could and probably would happen in many countries across the world.

    I'm guessing you haven't bothered to read this thread or you wouldn't be stupid enough to repeat the same tedious boorish 'blame the victim' comments some other posters have been roundly taken to task for. Would you coffee1.gif

  2. When is Prayuth going to drop his obsession with routing the PTP and get on with tackling the many many problems facing this country? All this is really showing up the real reason for this power seizure. If anyone were still in any doubt.

    The many problems in this country were created by the PTP TRT or whatever they want to be called... it's all the same. As Thaskin is a cold face liar he cannot seem to keep all his lies (like most liars) in order. Dealing with these self serving scoundrels

    is and should be the first order of business. I would hardly consider it obsessive. Thaskin took a poke and the General poked back...The obsession I see is the shin a whats? mongering for power and control.


  3. British,teenager,drunk, early morning walk alone = stupid

    Some years back, I ran into a 34 year old American musician friend who'd been playing at The Chedi on Phuket where Tiger Woods was having a party. My friend was very distressed at having to go for an HIV test as HE had been raped by a gang of ladyboys the previous week on Patong beach. And I don't believe my friend was sluttily dressed, either.

    The only people unwise enough to bother reporting sexual assault to the police are teenaged foreigners who naively believe they're going to have their complaint taken seriously/have something done about as would happen in their home countries. Older people know better.

  4. Have you contacted the bank and set the daily limit for debit purchases. I could not use mine until that was done. Since then I have done online purchases, Skype account, paid for hotels and etc.

    The first time you use it online you have to set up the verified by Visa system. You then get a one time password sent to your phone by SMS when you do a purchase.

    It works at all ATM's that I have tried to use it on.

    I can draw out as much money as I like from Bangkok Bank ATM's in 20k baht withdrawals. Indeed I have on several occasions. When inserting the card it goes through a 'verification' process, so this will not happen at any other bank's ATM. Another poster on the Phuket Forum found this out much to his chagrin also. I had already set up this verification process, as mentioned in my post, and had received several texts activating it. When I'd attempted to use it at varying ATM's from Phuket to Bangkok, none will accept 'transaction cancelled' except BB ATMs. Which is a problem as there are not nearly as many as SCB/Kasikorn/Krungsri. I then must travel to the nearest one, if I can find it.

    Homepro had the same problem and I successfully substituted my SCB card, which can't be used online. I'd already moved the bulk of my balance to Krungsri, which also can't be used online, but have better savings rates (which admittedly isn't saying much) than all the others.

    This card has been a nightmare. I'm sick of having to fag into town to my branch to sort problems out with it. as differing bank branches aren't interconnected blink.png I'm thinking of closing it and opening a Kasikorn a/c for online purchases, which I hear is easier. Even the Passport Office in the UK said they've successfully processed pp fees with Kasikorn, never mention BB, wonder why?

    Anyone with a Kasikorn a/c finding it easier to buy online? That's all I want this card for. Thanks.

  5. I recently opened a Bangkok Bank A/c and was supplied with a Be1st debit card in order to purchase online. It had taken several attempts for the staff at BB to actually figure out how to activate it. Has anyone successfully been able to buy online withis bloody thing? I ordered an item from Amazon. I received an email from them telling me it'd been declined as 'the information the bank held did not match' that which I'd inputted to Amazon. The ordering information had asked for 'credit card number', this isn't a credit card but I'd been led to believe it was possible to use this Debit Card online so I'd typed in the Debit Card number.

    I'd already found out the card could only be used at BB ATMs. Then, when I tried to use it at Homepro I was told 'cannot' and had to switch to another card. I'm at a loss to see any value in this card at all!

    So, in short, as there is no actual name on the card, I'd merely inserted the name and address I'd given to the bank. STILL this has been declined. Anyone?

  6. The beer market here isn't great due to regulations. It would be wonderful to have micro brews like most other countries have. Or at least cheaper beer! smile.png

    I think to recall that Hopf brewhouse in Pattaya is a micro brewery, but I don't think they are any cheaper than what is available elsewhere.

    They tried one on Phuket. It bombed. Even micro breweries produce shit here.

    Born pessimist. Thais can do nothing right.

    True that smile.png Great cooks and surgeons though.

  7. Yeah. Is it true they use Formulin?

    I'm unable to say with certainty they put it in the beer as, as I said in a previous post, the cost of having it analyzed was too expensive. However, it's certainly used on foodstuffs. Who's going to stop them? No health and safety here. But here's a pretty comprehensive list of it's toxic effects. I've definitely had mild doses of at least three of them http://jem.rupress.org/content/6/4-6/487.abstract

  8. I wonder what kind of preservatives they put in Thai beer? because it seems the beer can be kept forever in 36+ degrees Celsius temperatures?

    Preservatives and what else? Anyone know? None of this shit can be called 'beer'. I was going to take a bottle of Singha back to the UK to have it analysed, but the cost of such turned out to be prohibitive.

    I believe that they used to put formalin in Singha as preservative, but not allowed in EU, hence difference in flavour of Singha overseas.

    Anyone know if they still use it?

    Formulin in beer is a wife's tale.

    Wouldn't be too sure about that. Even the Thais are aware they spray it on everything from fish to veg to 'keep it looking fresh'. A friend told me he'd had a fish in his 'fridge for three days and it still looked as fresh as the day he bought it, so he threw it out. Another friend, when visiting Oz, visited a local hospital about his blurring eyesight. The doctor asked if he'd been in Thailand ..

  9. Topics on alcohol always attract a lot of responses. My observations are that a large number of Thais do not drink alcohol. The minority that do drink to excess.

    Astute observation biggrin.png I offered my handyman a glass of Absolut expecting him to refuse it (as most do) but he downed it in one, refusing a mixer, then asked for another. Next thing he was in my freezer helping himself to a third. Pissed as a newt!

  10. Excellent post, and totally agree 100 percent, but please it's not just Phuket... It's Thailand in general.....

    I have travelled north to South, and for me there is no difference, just plain dangerous and thoughtless.

    Safety of any issue is not a concern to Thai people, I see it everyday, thinks that shock Westerners , Thais don't blink an eyelid....

    The last few days, Kudos to the Police , as each time I have been out they have been stopping and checking people's Credentials etc etc...

    It's a start...

    But listen, look around some Farangs are just as bad, just yesterday I viewed about three separate family's on Scooters, with a child no,helmet on none of them ????

    How stupid is that....

    Rant over...

    Same in Laos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28lwQmtpkK8

    and Bali http://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowTopic-g294226-i7220-k4689803-Horrible_Traffic_Accident_Figures_for_Bali-Bali.html

    and Cambodia https://www.google.co.th/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=5&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CDUQFjAE&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.voacambodia.com%2Fcontent%2Ftraffics-death-toll-rising-on-cambodian-roads%2F1819028.html&ei=ZJVhVaPdG9PluQT9soCABg&usg=AFQjCNHCpn_YIlurLqhH_up9jVux4G_MpQ&sig2=H1jfU8fXgNIIuEZXIweDtg&bvm=bv.93990622,d.c2E

    and and, it's an Asian thing.

  11. <snip>

    As I have said many times before just look at what rights farangs have in Thailand. Zilch!

    What a ridiculous argument.

    "Just look at what rights people in North Korea have. Zilch!"

    Hardly apples for apples, is it. How many 'farang' are denied basic rights, to access to citizenship/landownership in Korea? I would guess none as no one wants to/could live there. Bit of reciprocity well overdue.

    There was a thread on a while back started by a poster asking whether or not he should step in to assist the Thai wife of an allegedly abusive English husband. She'd been resident in the UK for three years. Suggestions were being made as to her being eligible for free legal advice, alternative public housing. Doubt by some posters was cast on her version of events and rightly so. There are many who'd marry for the chance of citizenship in a welfare state. Should the British taxpayer be obliged to support them as well as every man and his dog from former British colonies?

  12. "None of this would have been possible, though, without official connivance. Just how high the involvement went is still unclear. But it must have been very high.

    Towards the end of last year, I was given a briefing by a senior police officer who knows a lot about the human trafficking trade. He told me of at least one huge camp, right on the border with Malaysia, where 1,000 people could be held.

    Why did he not shut it down, I asked. He laughed. "You know the border is a military zone", he said. "As a police officer I can do nothing there without military approval."

    I think that is what many thought strait off ,how can that happen in a Military controlled area ? . I doubt anything will happen internally , requires the UN to do a full inquiry

    It might be a military zone, but the frequency of bombings and killings in the South are adequate proof that the region is not controlled by the Thai military.

    No money in it from the Southern insurgency. Is there.

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