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Posts posted by dageurreotype

  1. I have been to several places in Thailand where one can have their photo taken while up close to a live, full-sized tiger. This should not be allowed. These are wild animals, even in captivity, and I hope the government uses this incident to remove all tigers from interaction with the public. Instead of the abbot, it could easily have been a child or tourist and someone could have died. Roy Horn of Siegfried and Roy, a permanent magic act at the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas, was attacked by a 7 year-old male tiger that he had raised from a cub and he was a highly accomplished lion and tiger trainer.


    See what you did just there?

  2. Erm.. yes they did in 2006..

    Thaksin was the first politician to go full term and return to an election in the countries modern history.. and second term he won 460 or 500 seats in that aspect and 61% of the vote..

    Explain how by any measure those are not majorities ??

    It was that amazing popularity which freaked the generals out, perhap he would even have had the power to restructure the military and bring it under civilian control ?? Given Thailands history of military meddling isnt that exactly what a strong democracy actually needs ?? Instead of the opposite which is being served.

    You've a short memory. everyone was sick to the eye teeth with Taksin and his megalomania. His curtailment of the press, remember that little placard he used to hold up with an 'X' to indicate he didn't like or want to answer a reporter's question? He was also a mere caretaker government. Where were all his supporters when the the door was slammed in his face on his return from the US. Not a peep out of any of them.

  3. What courageous young people. These young democracy seeking students are prepared to stand up for the basic human right to freedom of speech! They are not terrorists and yet by peacefully demonstrating they are arrested for being a threat to National security because they have a different point of view to that of the military backed government. This has now become international news and certainly does not show Thailand's military rule in a good light. I wholeheartedly support them and their fight for freedom of speech throughout the world.

    Great post! The only thing I would take issue with is your stating 'military backed government'. The military are the 'government'.

  4. Does anybody know (as a fact, not an opinion) whether these hospitals can demand that patients have to buy drugs from the hospital pharmacy?

    Maybe 15 years ago my Thai son refused to buy the prescribed medicines from what's probably the highest profile

    international ' hospital.

    He was very pissed off because of mistakes in treatment /mistakes of identity / wrong drugs given whilst his young daughter was in inpatient.

    He stood his ground and refused to buy the 'on discharge' medicines from their internal pharmacy. The hospital tried to say it was the law he had to buy from the


    He insisted they show him the written law. The hospital tried to say 'not necessary' to see the law and demanded he buy the medicines.

    He refused and, because of their rudeness and arrogance, he called the police. Before the police arrived the hospital had backed away.

    No you needn't buy from the hospital mafia. The main bone of contention is the unregulated untrammeled GREED allowed to proliferate in what should be a HEALTH service, privately subsidised or not.

  5. So their logic is that just because their were many people who encroached illegal into the forests that this means it is wrong to take back that land. Guess what Thailand. They knew what they were doing and knew it was illegal and didn't care and made their own decision to break the laws. They deserve it taken away and deserve to be fined or punished for their actions. No matter how many are affected it doesn't change the facts that these people knowingly broke the laws

    Does that apply to palm oil conglomerates too? Or just the poor?

  6. A group marching to a location is a public assembly and in violation of this current law. Maybe they will be arrested before they make it to the court house. Its a waste of time doing this anyway.

    The NCPO is not a legislative body and therefore are unable to make 'laws'. Dictats, yes, laws NO. Good someone of whatsoever coloured shirt are standing up to these bullies.

  7. With the safety of the migrants secured, Asean can then agree on their origin-identity and decide where they should live. Much of the current talk can be postponed. Right now only action will save the thousands of lives at risk.

    Before the knee jerk PC brigade chimes in further, it might do to look at the causes of poverty in Bangladesh/Myanmar. The Rohingya are notorious in their treatment of women and force them to breed like rats. Bangladesh's population is out of control and the root cause of their straitened circumstances. Stopping them breeding with an effective birth control program would be a good start. Much like soi dogs. Flame away coffee1.gif

  8. Politics here in Thailand has nothing to do with us?

    Where do you live? In a pink bubble, bouncing through space?

    I live in Thailand and so all its politics has very much to do with me!

    Right now, nothing in Thai -politics is going to be swayed by anyone, except those in power right now!

    So again: what's your point?

    Politics has very much to do with us here. A cursory glance at the Visa Forum would open blinkered eyes for starters. Daily we see Immigration offices countrywide sending applicants out for every more useless documentation, left handed spanners, requiring repeat visits for just one visa whereas before just one day sufficed. Why? The ever expanding 'visa agent' entrepreneurship should give you a clue.

    The General has made his dislike of 'foreigners' known with ignorant 'We eat rice, they eat bread' comments, immigration are having a free for all without let or hindrance by the, ha! 'Great Reformer'. Reformed what? Exactly. It's today been noted that business leaders can't come up with one solid 'reform' on this, the anniversary of the coup. 'But they like his promises'!blink.png

    This state of affairs shows no sign of abating. you think the current ultra nationalist give a stuff about individuals within the country? Foreign press who dare to besmirch LalaLand, yes, they care very much. About the effect on their bank accounts. Wheresoever they might be ..

  9. The Malaysian government has never been a sponsor of Muslim terrorism.

    An escalation of violence in Thailand's south would likely see more cooperation between the two countries.

    Confrontation is in no one's interest.

    Malaysia doesn't want to see a radical Muslim state created on its northern border.

    Even though Malaysia is becoming more radicalised. http://www.quora.com/Are-Malaysian-Muslims-getting-radicalized

  10. They seem to fail to accept and mention that Thaksin and his blackshirts have blame too. Sure the army used too much violence but they were fired upon by blackshirts who were there on Thaksins orders. If it was a peaceful protest then this had not happened. They should be honest and also blame the militants in their own camp not only the army.

    Both are to blame.

    I was living off Sathorn at the time. There was no 'bloody crackdown'. People were getting frustrated that Abhisit was holding off dispersing them. I do remember the men in black though ..

  11. Are you sure you've selected the correct drive letter in Windows Explorer (File Manager, not IE browser).

    As Chicog was mentioning earlier, many MP3 players act as memory devices when plugged into a Computer via USB allowing the user to simply place content on the device as if it were an external memory card. An additional drive letter should appear if the MP3 device is recognized as a memory device.

    Dragging (or Copy then Paste) the desired MP3 files found on your computer to the MP3 device.

    While *some* media player applications can manage files on remote devices, the app must first have that capability and also support the specific device to be managed.

    Otherwise they're only accessing the remote device for playback on the computer.

    I don't use IE. Does anyone (except Thais) these days?

    Must it be IE? (gah) When I plug in my external hard drive it shows up automatically in 'I' drive, photo uploads opens Adobe automatically. I've used thumb drives with no problem either, again shows up in 'I'. Conundrum ..

  12. You've really rather answered your own question. I always check the contents received from Lazada, given their notoriously poor customer 'service'. Not worth the hassle if anything's wrong with the purchase. Other than that, I've found Lazada to be a boon on an island with no public transport, or alternatively having to shell out the cost of the item for an extortionate 'taxi' fare.

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