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Posts posted by dageurreotype

  1. Ready for action.... What does it mean? Kind of warning for people who are on the list. Pay or we release the list.

    I don't think that is what the article or the government is saying at all. I think that they have probably done their homework on this first list to the point of air tight cases against to those on the list. I would very much doubt given the political climate in Thailand at the moment that anyone on that committee is looking for a payoff.

    Agree. However, this is yet another Big Show/eliminating political opponents and very little else.

  2. Of course Thailand is making ' great ' progress and it must be true as it's the Thai govt that's saying it.

    Let's wait to see if the EU says anything about this now and crucially as the ban deadline approaches.

    Let's wait and see if the EU does anything about all the other products that they import that are sourced from Asia where companies use cheap labor, bonded labor, underage workers in primitive conditions with little if any rights.

    No doubt the Thai Fishing Industry has literally got away with murder over many years - abusing humans and the environment for the profit of a few rich fat cats.

    But so are many other industries, Why the sudden move on Thai fishing?

    Just a guess but, because it's off shore and much easier to hide? huh.png

  3. IMA_FARANG: The TT rate at Bangkok Bank - which is the rate you'll receive for your transfer - was well over 33 yesterday (It's 33.18 this morning.) 32.8 was undoubtedly for cash.
    If you think Bangkok Bank was deliberately delaying the deposit of your transfer "hoping for a better (lower) dollar Baht rate today or tomorrow..." then you think Bangkok Bank has the ability to predict the future since the rate could go either up or down. Doubtful, huh?

    However, this was the first time ever funds to my account from overseas were delayed coffee1.gif

  4. Apologies for reviving this well worn topic but have trawled through 11 pages and haven't located a definitive answer as to whom to contact re this Life Certificate. The number given on the form is +441912187777 I'm unable to locate any + sign on my 'phone and a search on the net has, as suspected, revealed this + sign should be replaced with the full country code, ie 0044 for the UK. However, I keep getting the 'no have' in Thai. Same when I've tried other overseas call centers for banks. I contact friends in the UK this way, so am nonplussed as to what to do next. Anyone can help?

    There have been several different email addresses posted, can anyone please post the one successfully receiving? Thanks.facepalm.gif

    Never mind, done. Hold down the '0' on your 'phone.

  5. I've tried to call a Call Center using the code 0044 for the UK. An internet search threw up this advice if your cell doesn't have a + sign. I keep getting the 'mai mee mai lek' - number unavailable, and then it dies. I've had this with other Call Centers in the UK in the past. No problem using it to call friends et al.

    What's up? Thanks.

  6. Apologies for reviving this well worn topic but have trawled through 11 pages and haven't located a definitive answer as to whom to contact re this Life Certificate. The number given on the form is +441912187777 I'm unable to locate any + sign on my 'phone and a search on the net has, as suspected, revealed this + sign should be replaced with the full country code, ie 0044 for the UK. However, I keep getting the 'no have' in Thai. Same when I've tried other overseas call centers for banks. I contact friends in the UK this way, so am nonplussed as to what to do next. Anyone can help?

    There have been several different email addresses posted, can anyone please post the one successfully receiving? Thanks.facepalm.gif

  7. I would hope that people living in Thailand can actually meet the minimum income or cash requirements. I think the standards are reasonable. It basically is $2,000/month. It is of course possible and many people do live on less than that, or spend down some or all of the 800,000 baht cash in a year, reload and go another year. The whole idea is kind of that the Thai government wants to have some assurance that you can support yourself and not be a burden on them. OK, of course they probably hope you spend a lot of money too.

    Remember, they are not asking that you certify you have a Net of 65,000 baht income left over to spend. They are just asking that you have the income. That alone is a generous relief. Your end of the year tax liability in your home country is not considered, nor is any other outgoing payments you may have to be making (child support, alimony, car payments, insurance, etc.)

    How so?

  8. If you want to live here, you have to get used to it.

    I've lived here for twenty years and have become increasingly intolerant of all of it to the point where I'm now teetotal. First their awful chemical laden local beers (they should have been colonised to at least educate them on brewing) or a trip to Villa and pay through the nose, (interestingly, I was told by a Thai vendor my favourite beer, Guinness, was once sold here at 40 baht a bottle but didn't catch on as the Thais didn't like it. Bugger), so switched to wine for a while but still can't get the taste of vinegar out of my mouth or spend just 200 baht less for a bottle of Absolut. As to there being no decent vodka anyway, someone had brought over a bottle of Absolut Gold, in a gold plastic bottle, so he didn't notice when I'd drank the lot biggrin.png Very smooth!

    Absolut has the same effect as that cheap and nasty (therefore popular here), Archa beer. Even the locals will tell you 'it for sleeping', so presume the same as yet unknown ingredient used in that also. Rather like purveyors of cannabis lacing it with heroin in the UK for that 'zonked' effect. Not my cup of tea, which I will be drinking even more of now laugh.png given no one's actually answered my question. Ah well, sobriety's a Very Good Thing thumbsup.gif Cheers. Or not.

  9. There is a lot of fake Absolute here. ......I was told that years ago by a guy that worked for them......now I would not think Villa would sell it. Anyways best buying a premium Vodka thats not popular enough to counterfit.......they are here.

    Which premium vodka and where? I've also searched for Grey Goose and Belvedere, but alas non existent here. My guess quality alcohol is too difficult to copy, thence, the best of a bad bunch (Absolut) is seized upon, and is indeed sold at Villa. A viewing of a Thai made documentary many years ago appears to bear this out. I've oft wondered why the constant 'crackdown' on copyrighted goods includes everything from to software to cd's to handbags, but never a mention of alcohol. Could this have anything to do with the fact that the wealthiest families here appear to be those whose businesses deal with alcohol?

  10. Like many here, the only way to access the real McCoy is for a friend to pack it in their luggage. And THEN, the second of just two measly bottles (of Captain Morgans Spiced - tellingly not available here) is 'confiscated' upon entry.

    My preference for an Over the Yardarm is vodka (no. I'm not Russian) but having noticed it has the same effect of whateveritis laced with the ingredient used in Satou/Satao (sp), have given up on the ubiquitous Absolut, Where else to go? Tried Villa, same.sad.png

  11. Via ouija board laugh.png

    WOW. Your post count is going up quicker than a rock climber on yaba.

    I wonder what your name was before you were banned last time?

    i wasn't. Next? coffee1.gif

    You know, you really overestimate yourself/are oblivious to your obvious standing. You really should be ashamed. Alas, alike many a shill before you, you aren't 'dj'jamie laugh.png

  12. Indeed.

    Hard to avoid being cynical when "verified bank accounts" is in the same sentence as "Royal Thai Police" and "Donations".

    The amount of money and supplies leaving the country, and that being poured into buddhist temples, is staggering when you consider folks still live on dirt floors here, and farmers kill themselves out of despair.

    Why's that then? D'ya think?

  13. Can overthrow the elected government in an illegal military coup but can't hold a referendum on the new constitution?

    Funny boy.

    Why on earth do you think it was an illegal military coup ? and do you know the difference between a legal military coup and an illegal one ? This coup had the backing of the Big man...... So , nothing was illegal... jamesjohnson, go look in your mirror and tell that fool looking back at you better to keep your mouth shut and let people Think you are stupid, than to open it and prove them right..! thumbsup.gif

    The coup was illegal but he gave himself amnesty. Brave warrior.

    Via ouija board laugh.png

    • Like 1
  14. Sack the lot of them, institute proper training, with the emphasis on the fact that "they" serve "the people", not just the top man, better salaries (reasonable ones for the jobs they do), better uniforms ...

    oh, forget it, sack the lot and just put the military in charge of it all. They are (on the whole) nothing more than an extra "tax" collection service (apologies to the very few that actually do the jobs they are paid to do and are not corrupt in some way ... and that will be only a very few).

    I would suggest the military are just as corrupt.

    I think a massive clearout, starting at the top. It will require enormous political will, and I suggest a strong mandate.

    It can be done, The Hong Kong police was known as the best police force money could buy. During the 1980s it was cleaned up.

    No mention of the 'Hong Kong military' then? laugh.png

  15. Dont blame the Tories: all parties would probably end up doing something similar.

    Like it or not the UK has a debt of GBP 1.5Trillion, which is still increasing at the rate of GBP45 per second. And that doesnt take into account future pension liabilities, which could be several times more.


    Whichever government is in power will have to do something about the mess that Labour under Blair and Brown caused. I just hope that Labour dont return to power as they would probably manage to knock the final nail into the coffin.

    And dismantle the fundamental right of everyone, particularly those who'd been made to relinquish a not insubstantial proportion of their salary to their elected government.

    BTW, why are 'expats' so reviled?

  16. I think that when you strip away the poor translations, what this is talking about is rebuilding the existing Northern line to Chiang Mai, doubling the track and realigning some curves to allow higher speeds and increase the capacity of the route.

    Incidentally, whilst it is a joy to follow the developing relationship between ExPratt and NongKhaiKid, I trust we will be spared the details of any subsequent consummation?

    We don't kiss, we don't tell and it could never happen. i believe the charming Ex P is English and I'm a card carrying Scottish Nationalist.

    See U Jimmy !

    Ahh, a union by any other name?

    Which is wrong, how? Discuss.

  17. One year into the 'reform' and yet not one 'reform' has been carried out.

    I think we can drop the 'reform' crap now, even the feckless morons who supported the coup and actually believed there was intention to 'reform' are starting to see there was never intention to 'reform' anything for the benefit of the people of the country.

    Forgive them, because they are mindless and many saai.gif

  18. Perhaps they can at least postpone reform until the Police have finished collecting money for the Nepal earthquake victims!

    Hmmm. 'Reform'. A word often used but never implemented here. BTW, if you truly believe the RTP are the sole 'beneficiaries' of all charitable contributions here, you really need an 'attitude readjustment'.blink.png

  19. Meanwhile, in other old news, infrastructure every bloody where is in desperate need of maintenance/upgrading and the purportedly 'International World Tourist island ' of Phuket STILL has NO public transport. Lots of soldiers going around threatening the tourists they're constantly banging on about the need for, having their armed thugs (from an outsiders' perspective), ordering them to take up their folding canvass chairs and go' laugh.pngPathetic.

    Really looking forward to this year's 'High Season' coffee1.gif

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