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Paul Laycock

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Posts posted by Paul Laycock

  1. I'm a 10 stone 5ft 10in slim built person. Yes I like my Chang beer, eat twice a day all veg and cheese (vegitarian).

    Love Thai girls/women but have stayed faithful to my wife.

    My wife as I have said is based and works in Bangkok and really unconcerned as her sister helps me, as far as she is concerned she has played her part. When I had my hip op she showed up about 5 minutes before surgery, she was still there after but left the next day.

    I could exercise more but don't like doing this without someone around. Plus I have some discomfort and pain.

    I take Warfarin to prevent blood clots and Losartan for hypertension, nothing else.

  2. Nancy,

    I'm considering emailing them with a few questions. As for my wife's sister joining me not sure she would be able to because of other commitments. Single mother with two children - husband died in January suddenly.

    I also had a problem with my wife's family accepting my therapist when she came, she is married, seen holding my hand, all part and parcel of the therapy but too intimate for the family's liking.

    Perhaps I should just take the bull by the horns and do it rather than sit around waiting for some sort of permission to come.


    Ps the joys of living in Thailand?

  3. My wife's sister comes 7 days a week when possible, sometimes for 1 or 2 hours in the morning, late afternoon she spends 1 hour with me while I train/phsyio. She brings her 2 children and we try and have a bit of fun.

    The children watch cartoons and when possible I give them little snacks and drinks.

    She receives 4,000 from me per month but sometimes won't take it all.

    A real diamond as we say.

  4. I have no axe to grind or have a chip on my shoulder. Yesterday when I went to Lao, was the first time I have been out since April 7/8th. I thank my wife's sister for that, we also managed to go to BigC and Makro but boy am I suffering today. My right foot on the leg I have Thrombosis in and had my hip replacement operation has swollen right up so much it is now hard and painful to walk on today.

    Believe me I appreciate the comments I have received and I have a few ideas for the future.

  5. I don't want to get into a visa war on this topic. What I do suits me. Yes I am married to a Thai and each time I depart Thailand from Mukdahan I receive a new stamp in my passport giving me 90 days before I need to do the same.

    As for money I have never been required to show evidence or proof of any savings or income.

    Just for the record I received my new visa on 7/8th April without having to show my face at the Embassy/Consulate in Lao - I waited outside in an air conditioned taxi while my wife applied/ collected.

    Back to topic please.

  6. Thanks,

    My walker in my country (UK) is also known as a Zimmer frame. I use the tripod walking stick to try and improve my posture. I have a plastic garden chair in my modified bathroom. I had hip replacement surgery after my last fall which then became infected. I still dream that things will get better and perhaps one day I will be able to walk and drive with some sort of normality. I train every day to keep my leg muscles in working order.

    I purchased parallel bars for walking and other exercise, my next mission is to buy a exercise bike.

    Frankenstein would be a good picture of me trying to walk unaided, only thing is, he doesn't fall over.


  7. I can't really say anymore. Just for readers interest, I did my 90 day report in Lao. I employed the service of a private driver at Baht 1,200.00 I have used his service before and would recommend him to anyone with problems like mine or are shy of the bus service. All done and dusted in 45 minutes.

    One thing I can't understand is why they (Imigration) wanted to take my picture on departure from Thailand and on return, don't they realize those Kerbs are a problem- bit like a mountain climb.

  8. I feel rather pathetic now, my downstairs bathroom has been modified so I have grab rails to hold my balance. I purchased a single bed for downstairs as I can't make it upstairs.

    Cooking is a juggling act with a half warm meal at the end of it. During the day I use a tripod as support and a means of stability, night time I use a frame for safety, no one here to pick me up.

    Due to incorrect medication I have collapsed twice resulting in, broken left arm, broken elbow in right side and seven stitches in my head.

    What do you think?

  9. I have been thinking about this for some time.

    Two strokes, deep vein thrombosis, hyper tension and a recent hip replacement op. Which later became infected has left me partially disabled. My wife lives and works in Bangkok and has little to do with me.

    I receive some help from my wife's sister, washing clothes, ironing, house cleaning and help with my cooking.

    In return I pay her some money.

    This will undoubtedly end at some stage. My question is how much would professional home health care cost per month.

    I live in the N/East - are there professional companies out there who may be able to help.

    I'm not looking for a hooker or new wife but someone who can help in other requirements, driving, companion on 90 day notifications etc. must speak English.

    Thanks for sensible replies.

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