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Posts posted by PattayaClub

  1. Crossy is absolutely right. That's why the transformer did not work well with a n electric drill where speed and power is important. It would probably destroy the motor on a refrigerator.

    But with your coffee grinder, no problem at all. It is a good match because most of the consumer grade burr grinders available here are crap, so importing one makes sense. A coffee grinder is only used once or twice a day in a short burst. And the slower you grind coffee the better!

  2. Does latex make everybody sweat badly or is it a person to person thing?

    Actually, I saw that. Latex is natural and known to be one of the cooler sleeping mattresses because it is open cell and breathes. Memory foam is closed cell and much hotter. Perhaps the guy above actually has memory foam (made from polyurethane).

    Most people that have true 100% pure latex mattresses report high satisfaction. Latex mattresses typically last much longer than most other mattresses as well -- up to 20 years. In the US, a good 100% latex mattress is very expensive. They are less expensive here because the rubber grows here and the mattresses are made here.

  3. I have a latex topper on my bed .....

    Latex? That's like, er...waterproof, right? Like if you got some kind of liquid on the bed, it would not soak in, right? Like if you spill your lemonade or something....

    Latex in an open cell foam.

  4. I have a US made Sealy mattress.

    Very 'Hard/Stiff' lower section and a soft 'Top'.

    Most comfortable mattress I have ever had.

    Mind you it cost B22K, my best investment for a good nights sleep.


    "Very 'Hard/Stiff' lower section and a soft 'Top'."

    Are you talking about a ladyboy or a mattress?

  5. UNFORTUNATELY, I cannot tell you hwee it is, but there is shop in Chiangmai that specializes in selling mattresses to hotels. It was recommended to a friend who went there and bought one. He was very happy with both the price and quality. For location, you'd have to ask around . . .

  6. It's easy, have a thai bank account.

    That works if you are employed here and generate cash for that account. or you have a stash in your mattress. But if you intend to transfer monies from your foreign account, there is also a transfer fee up front.

    There is no fee if you wlk into the thai bank and do an over-the-counter cash advance with a debit card drawing on a foreign account.

  7. A kilo every ten days would have me bouncing off the walls like a squash ball, caffeine tolerant my system is not.

    I've just come back from Doi Chaang Coffee after two cups of their Americano and I know it's gonna be a late night.

    I don't drink the kilo all by myself. Every Thai that has tried it has given up the old 3 in 1. Have a lot of converts.

  8. I was in the Royal Project store yesterday and noticed Arabica Coffee beans for 315B for 500gms.

    Irresistible at that price, I'm just sampling a cup now and it's very drinkable. coffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gif

    Almost double what I pay for an outstanding coffee roasted to order and delivered to my door!

    Carry on.

  9. I hate to sound paranoid, but I am very careful about not downloading free programs, going to questionable sites, etc. My computer has never slowed down in the three and a half years I have had it (with WIN 7). My Win 7 is fully licensed and I get all the security updates. Suddenly, since around the time of the announcement of the "free" Win 10, my computer boot-up and ther things have slowed way down. It has even completely locked up several times, requiring a hard reboot. It never locked up even once before the slow down started. Coincidence? Has anybody else experienced this?

  10. I used to drink DoiTung. It's great coffee! But I looked at the link. Do you see the problem? It's up to 1,600 baht a kilogram! I love good coffee, and I suppose if you have more money than you know what to do with, the DoiTng is a good bet. But after I found Landoy, I found it to be every bit as delicious as the DoiTung and I get it delivered to my door fresh roasted at one-fourth the cost.

    I go through about a kg every ten days or so. The DoiTung would cost me 4,800 baht/month, while the Landoy costs less than 1,200 for the same amount and same quality.

    And, by the way, the DoiTung price is with shipping NOT included.

  11. My favorite coffee is Landoy Coffee, delivered fresh roasted right to my door (by post). I have been buying form them for over five years now and I have been completely satisfied with the quality and reliability. I have referred many people to Landoy and they now have a fairly strong mail order business through word of mouth alone. Give them a try, you will not be disappointed, and will never buy stale coffee in a shop again. I love my morning coffee. If you want to read a little coffee essay, see the PDF.


    Purchase and Store Coffee in Thailand.pdf

  12. Both are ketchup. For crying out loud, turn the glass bottle with the Thai label around. It says "Ketchup" in plain English on the back.

    As to why there would be such a price variance, I can only assume you have not been in Thailand long. Once you have been here long enough, you will not come to understand the logic to the pricing system, you will come to understand that there is no logic, it makes no sense and you'll stop driving yourself crazy trying to figure it out. Okay, maybe the last part isn't true. Afte nine years, I still do that.

    One pattern I have noticed that is different from Western style marketing. If a product is selling well, a Thai will suddenly jack the price up so high the product stops selling. I think the "logic' must be that, "Wow, this is selling so well that if I double the price, I'll get rich and be able to retire." I suspect that the plastic squeeze bottle of ketchup was selling much better than the glass bottle, so the price went up. I have the glass bottle. I would rather have the plastic squeeze bottle but I refuse to pay 3x for the same product in a more convenient (and probably cheaper) container.

    Makro, here in Phitsanulok, had some delicious 2kg butt hams for 500 baht, which is a very fair price. And let me say, they were some of the best ham I have ever eaten. They weren't selling. A friend and I tried them and spread the word to our friends and those hams started rolling off the shelf. They had a hard time keeping them stocked. They also had some thick slices of exactly the SAME ham in one kg packages for 300 baht. That sounds like about the right premium for a smaller package, and sliced, too.

    These 2kg/500 baht hams had been selling like hotcakes by word of mouth for about 6-8 weeks. Imagine my shock and chagrin when I came in and saw that the price had been suddenly raised a whopping 74% to 870 baht! And in case you are thinking that the price of pork went up or something about the processing went up, the identical thick sliced ham in the 1 kg packages remained at 300 baht. The same five 2kg hams have now been on the shelf for the five weeks since the price increased. They are no longer selling any. Maybe I can get a deal on one when they reach the expiration pull date. I think I'll check the date next time I go in and put it on my calendar.

    Now if you can put some logic to this, you're a better man than I.

  13. Makro in Phit'lok sells a concentrated formulation specifically for use in automobiles. They also have a lot of car "shampoos." You have to look hard to see the glass cleaner. It is blue and in a rectangular plastic bottle. Been using it for years, and it seems okay.

    Auto glass cleaner I buy at Makro is Sped. You can see the product here: http://www.spedcarcare.com/webpage/miscellaneous.html

    I can't read the label and don't recall what my wife told me it said about dilution, but I don't worry about it. In its concentrated form, it is quite viscous like dishwashing detergent. I just dump some into the washer reservoir in the car or truck them top up with water, at least 2:1, H2O:Sped. It works great. No steaks or apparent residue and even takes off bugs with the wipers (with enough persistence). Great stuff; I'm very satisfied.

    Here is what it looks like (front and back):


  14. Aaah, but does it withstand the thieving proclivities of the Thailand Post staff, I wonder?

    Over many years, I have received hundreds of packages from both domestic and overseas locations. I have never lost a thing and the Thai Post has always provided me with exemplary service. The US Postal Service could take some lessons.

    The reason some of you have problems is that you choose to live in moral backwaters like Pattaya. What do you expect?

  15. If the growers use contact pesticides then washing may wash off some of the pesticide but if the chemicals are systemic pesticides that enter the vascular system of the plant then only strict observance of the withholding period will /may prevent contamination. How many farmers would wait ,say, 21 days between the last spray and harvesting ? And how safe is the withholding period if recommended dosage rates are not used ? .

    This is a big problem here.

    And note that even if the fruit is bagged and the grower sprays the leaves with a systemic pesticide, the bag does nothing, The pesticide will permeate the fruit. Washing it won't do a thing. Ask the woman exactly what she is spraying, then do your research and report back here.

  16. I have seen this done. The problem is, regardless of what the law might be, what are you going to do about it. The Thais have a saying, "Before you go to court, fill your mouth full of dog feces. If you don't like it, you should not go to court."

    Once the work is done, it is a fait accompli. What I would do is that at the moment I realized what was happening, I would talk to them and try to reason, maybe even pay them off to preserve the peace. If that did not work, I would intimidate the workers and stop them from laying blocks. If they called the police, I'd have it out with everyone over what the law is and demand that the police stand behind the law.

  17. I was going to send a link to this to an American guy I know that is going down that road right now. I already had the URL copied, then thought, "What am I doing?" I (and many others) have talked and talked to this 68 year old guy who is now set on using all his savings to building house "with" his lovely 30 year old wife. He never listens. If I sent him a link to this it would just make him angry for the negative implication that his wife might have less than pure ulterior motives or that he might be in financial risk.

    I suppose it is possible that this beautiful 30 year old woman really is madly in love with my half-bald, fat 68 year old friend, whom she finds to be an utterly sexy hunk.

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