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Posts posted by PattayaClub

  1. I just finished my marriage extension a couple of days ago. Every year, it seemed they found something, some other hoop for me to jump through. One of them was the age of the letter. I have gradually eliminated every possible hoop. I keep a three ring binder with extra pictures and copies of anything they could conceivably ask for. One of the things I now do is i go to the bank and get the letter first thing in the morning before appearing at immigration for the extension. I just make that a habit. It been a few years now since they have found a new hoop.

  2. Stop this face nonsense, pay the fine and move on. The second photo clearly shows her moving through an intersection on a red light.

    If you want to get 'technical', traffic lights at intersections here are badly configured in that the lights controlling your progress are mostly located at the opposite side of the intersection, thus it is very easy to run a red light. This also contributes greatly to the locals penchant to run red lights and jump the green ones as pretty much everyone can see everyone else's lights. In the UK and most other European countries, the traffic lights are located on the near side of the intersection with the vehicle stop line a few meters back so the lights can only be seen by the drivers coming in that direction. In the US, the lights may be located the same way as Thailand but will have longer shrouds to 'blinker' the view from the side.

    I got caught at a red light in Udon when shortly after entering an intersection on amber, I had to brake quickly for a police pickup coming from the opposite direction and making an illegal u-turn in front of me. By the time I exited the intersection, the light was red and a few yards further on, I was pulled over and ticketed for such. It did not matter one bit that the police pickup that forced me to stop was bringing the next shift of itinerant traffic ticket writers to work either.

    Whilst in Thailand and especially in the cities with the new red-light cameras, it is best to observe 'stop on amber'.

    Defending yourself is nonsense? You probably also pay bribes to immigration officials "just to get along."

    Here is the English translation of the law:

    The driver shall comply with traffic signals or traffic signs in the following cases:

    (1) Amber traffic Light: the driver shall prepare to stop the vehicle behind the stop line in order to be prepared to act according to the traffic light to be mentioned in (2), except that a driver who has passed the stop line may proceed through.

    (2) Red traffic light signals or red traffic light signs with the word stop: the driver shall stop the vehicle behind the stop line.

    (3) Green traffic light or green traffic light with the word go: the driver may drive the vehicle through, except when there are traffic signs to the contrary.

    (4) Traffic Light signals showing a green arrow to turn or go straight: the driver shall turn or go straight along the direction of the arrow. In using the way along the direction points by the arrow, the driver shall use the way with great care and give the right of way to the pedestrian in the zebra crossings or the driver to the right.

    (5) Red traffic light signal which is blinking: if installed at the road junction with opening on which side, the driver on that side shall stop at the stop line, and when it is seen safe and not obstructing the traffic he may proceed with care.

    (6) Blinking yellow traffic signal: at any point where this traffic signal is installed, the driver shall reduce the speed of the vehicle and proceed though the crossing carefully.

    The driver who is to drive the vehicle straight ahead shall keep to the traffic lane with a traffic sign indicating going straight ahead and the driver who is to turn the vehicle shall keep to the traffic lane with a traffic signal indicating turning. Entering into the said traffic lanes shall be made from where there is traffic sign indicating such.

    Section 22, Land Traffic Act B.E. 2522

    So, if her wheels were past the line before the light turned red, she was not in violation. I have to wonder why the camera would even activate before the red signal activated. It seems as if the thing is defective. I would definitely go into the police station that has the jurisdiction and have a talk about it. As in this case, I suppose red light camera can also protect you. If you can get ahold of a Thai version of the section cited above, you will be better prepared. But at least bring the English one.

    If you both dress properly, are polite, smile and not aggressive, I think you have 90% chance of having it tossed. But when you go in, or, preferably, before you go in, find out the name of the highest level officer at the station, then ask for him. He is the most likely to show his magnanimity by throwing it out than a lower level officer. If a lower level officer refuses to throw it out, nobody is going to change his decision because he will lose face. That's just the way it works here. Talk to the big cheese first.

    Of course, the next stop would be go to court. But at some point, it just isn't worth the trouble.

    And above all, don't listen to the spineless apologists on TV that always tell you to roll over and accept your fate. I have ALWAYS politely stood my ground with Thai police officers when I knew I was in the right, and have always been waved on instead of ticketed. It helps to be able to speak a little Thai; they seem to appreciate that.

    Many of the kissy folks on here are applauding these cameras. They are nothing but another road tax to raise revenue. I got one of these tickets about five years ago just outside Chiangrai (was a speed camera). Now i avoid the whole problem with a plateflipper: http://www.speedflip.com

    I just love the thing!

  3. 56.8261485 cl, if we're being picky.

    Two big Leo = 2.21728911 pints.

    Ah, you must be a Brit, you lucky dog. Your pints are bigger than ours. I seem to recall a link on this forum to a chart on penis size by country. You Brits had the Americans beat by a quarter inch or so there, too. We never should have rebelled.

  4. Yeah, I agree with Soibiker. They have been cheating you back home. There are 47.3176473 cl in a pint. But wait. You are getting drunk back home in half as much beer. Sounds like Leo is cheating you, too. You'd better check on your wife. She might be cheating on you, too.

  5. Can anyone comment if the Baht is weakening against currencies other than the US Dollar?


    I can, but I will not .. since you posted this .. obviously, your internet connection is sound, and your computer works.

    Who ARE you slack arse lazies who can not goggle your own information?

    Signed "Ain't your bitch"

    Dear "Ain't your bitch" ("bitch" for short),

    How do you "goggle" something. Perhaps you could be more clear.

    Signed "Just wondering"

  6. Yup, that will do it, you'll need to add some additional isolation valves but the basic principle is there.

    attachicon.gifpump setup 2.jpg

    You may want to add a stop in line with the non-return valve too, they sometimes start seeping and cause the pump to run continuously.

    Something else you may want to do if you use a lot of water outside for watering gardens, etc. Put in a Tee and add a pipe to the bypass line (the one with the check valve), so you can bypass the pump for watering. You would need to put it on the supply side of he check valve.

    You want pressure in the house, but it doesn't matter much for watering, so why run the pump? You can save a lot of electricity and wear and tear on your pump.

  7. thanks all, 22-30THB per SQM is fine for me. Anyone fancy doing some raking? smile.png

    Unless you are elderly or in firm it is good exercise I did 9 tonnes in 2days and I am 60 just take it steady, it gives the feeling of achievement

    I did that, too, only it was a hell of a lot more than 9 tons. I had a couple of Thai guys working with me. I think they hated working with the old farang. We were moving topsoil from a pile I reserved out back by loading it into a trailer. then I would tow it to dump site with my ATV and we'd unload and spread it.

    Normally, one Thai guy will load the plastic scoop with a hoe while the other guy just stands there watching. Then, when full, the idle guy will pick up the scoop and throw in in the trailer while the first guy stands there. I had four of the scoops on the ground and I did the filling with the hoe. I kept them all full and the two Thai guys were humping it into the trailer as fast as they could, one after the other, embarrassed, I think, that they could not keep up with the 64 year old farang.

    Similar deal on the other end. I was raking, spreading and contouring as fast as they could get it out of the trailer. When I am on the crew, I always plan it so that nobody ever gets to stand around until I order a break. We did this all day long in the hot sun for days. I kept expecting a revolt, but none came. Well there was a third guy I hired for one day, but he wouldn't come back, claiming he had another job. Funny, though, I saw him at home every day . . .

    Let's see, it was 10 cm deep over 1,000m2, so I guess we moved around 100 cubic meters by hand. How many tons is that?

  8. Archa was 5.4%, then went to 4.9% and now recently changed to 5%

    Cheers red is 6.0%, and a decent option as well.

    What I don't understand is why all these beers keep changing the ABV %

    I could certainly be wrong, but if I remember correctly, the tax is based on the volume of alcohol sold. So lowering the alcohol content of a bottle of beer lowers the tax paid by the super wealthy families that run the country and own the breweries. If they don't lower the price of the beer, it raises their profit. These people never have enough.

  9. It always amazes me when people compare beer notes and rate the one with the highest alcohol content as "the best." Reminds me of my friend back in the States that would get all excited whenever he found some new brand with an ever higher alcohol content. His company, FedEx, spent $50,000 on his rehab several years ago and he's been on the wagon ever since.

    I used to like to drink Lucky Lager because it was cheap and had only a little more alcohol than water. I could drink a case of the stuff without falling on my lips and pissing all over myself. Great on a hot day. Also had some great pictorial puzzles inside the bottle caps.

  10. They really have no idea about how to run a country or efficiency. The only thing they can do is create mountains of red tape.

    8,000 Baht, about the same penalty as causing death in a vehicle accident. Thailand is in for a real shock when Asia opens up it borders.

    Thailand won't be in for any shock when ASEAN opens up. Don't you know: "foreign guests" = farangs. Farangs are specially singled out for the 400 baht fee in parks. I have watched Chinese and other non-Thai Asians go in for the Thai rate. Do you remember the "foreigner medical card" that became available a year or two ago? For a small fee paid up front it made medical care less expensive for "foreigners" living here. I had several friends that got it. Suddenly, the government said, "Hey wait; that card was not supposed to be for farang; that was a mistake." The card has since been taken away from the farangs that had it and is no longer available to non-Asian foreigners.

    Maybe they should make us wear a yellow star on our foreheads. Oh wait a minute, don't need that. Round eyes and white face does the trick.

    Yeah, I know, I'm paranoid. I sure hope that's all it is. But of course, just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they are not out to get me.

  11. Interesting to note that you can be fined for having the bike headlight on in the daytime. Has a separate switch, not automatically on as here in Thailand.

    Only V.I.Ps can have lights on during the daytime.

    Face making wankery over logical safety.

    ... just like Thailand.


    Is that it?? Really? I was driving toward Bangkok in some heavy rain and turned on my lights. My wife asked "What are you doing; you can't drive with the lights on in the daytime." I said, "It's for safety, why shouldn't I?" She said, "It's against the law." I asked, "Why? She didn't know. I said, "Well it's safer and I am leaving them on." Shortly thereafter, i got waved into a checkpoint with the cop demanding to know why I had my lights on. I was instructed to turn them off. The wife was gloating a bit.

    This has always been a bit of a mystery to me. But if it is truly that having light on during daylight hours is reserved for VIP's, I know now to leave them on always. And I now have an answer for the BIB: "Phom bin VIP, krup." laugh.png

  12. Great post.

    Think I've got a few of those surge supressors, but don't have the pamphlet with me a the moment.

    Someone else is keen on getting some.

    Can you post a copy of the specs sheet or the Imax current rating please?


    Well, i see that picture, clear and close up. The Square D QO SPD20 is real. But I have searched the internet and can find no reference whatsoever to this product. Do you happen to have a link? It is not in the 2012 Schneider catalogue for Thailand. The 2012 catalogue shows the QO SPD225 which is rated at 18kA. Is the Square D QO SPD20 in a newer one?

    My Google finds it smile.png




    And here's a tech doc: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bx5AxGqLEJ3zdVdVTDlCM1VaV28/view?pli=1

    Brilliant! Now can you find the instruction bulletin for the QO SPD225?

    I am trying to figure the difference. Sure the 20 says it has "Maximum Surge of 20kA," while the 225 has an Imax of 15kA. I assume (but don't know) that maximum surge and Imax are the same, but why different terminology from the same company? I note further that the 20 has an Ln of 5kA,while the 225 has 6kA, the 20 has a Up of 1.2kV and the 225 has 1.5kV, the 20 has a Uc of 270V and the 225 has a Uc of 320V, etc. The 20 uses a single slot, while the 225 is bigger and uses two slots. Finally, the 225 costs twice as much as the 20. Why would this be? Is one of these better than the other.


  13. The tuk tuk folks in BKK are just too damned much trouble. Taxi cheaper! Like above, make them turn on the meter.

    Also, most drivers claim they have no change, hoping that they can keep the entire 100 baht you give them for 50 baht fare. So have change. The last time this happened to me, I told him to sit there and wait while I went to look for change (take EVERYTHING with you!). He had to wait about ten minutes while I went from street vendor to street vendor trying to get change, which I eventually got. The cabdriver wasn't happy. I was gloating.

  14. I used Rungaroon Grass in BKK . I wanted Malaysian grass directly from the farm; did not want it through a middleman. My wife found them on the Internet searching in Thai. Nothing in English. It is a grass farm. I did not like the idea of buying from a local supplier as the grass is getting old and drying out by the time you get it. Too many cooks . . .

    They go all over the country. I live in Phit'lok. They pull the grass out of their field, drive all night and show up early in the morning. The grass was super fresh and crisp. They put down 1,000m2 by 3:00 p.m. I watered the hell out of it (inground sprinkler system) and it really took off. It was well established within a month and was already 6" tall! Its now been bout three months and walking on the grass is like walking on a mattress. I have to mow it every week. While on that subject, the Honda HKJ216 is the best mower you will ever get in Thailand and it's worth every baht of the 23,000 it cost. You'll have to special order it from a Honda dealer; I have never seen it stocked anywhere.

    The cost was 18 baht/meter for do it yourself, or 40 baht/meter they do everything. When I started doing labor calculations, I quickly decided the 40 baht for expert installation was well worth the cost, and it was. I had an instant lawn in one day.

    They also bring some of that bag dirt (kind of a black mulch) and spread it around. But not much. You cannot expect them to bring much. If I wanted to use those bags to put down 2" all over my 1,000 m2, it would probably have taken 10,000 or more bags! It is best if you have the surface reasonably well prepared before they arrive. As I said above, my grass established itself quickly. But I had 3-6" of real topsoil I reserved from my land before I built (then respread it round the grass area). I also had an inground sprinkler system to keep it well watered. Without those two things, your results may vary.

    If you want contact information, PM me as TV doesn't allow telephone numbers and that is all I have. The guy doesn't do email.

  15. Great post.

    Think I've got a few of those surge supressors, but don't have the pamphlet with me a the moment.

    Someone else is keen on getting some.

    Can you post a copy of the specs sheet or the Imax current rating please?


    Well, i see that picture, clear and close up. The Square D QO SPD20 is real. But I have searched the internet and can find no reference whatsoever to this product. Do you happen to have a link? It is not in the 2012 Schneider catalogue for Thailand. The 2012 catalogue shows the QO SPD225 which is rated at 18kA. Is the Square D QO SPD20 in a newer one?

  16. I agree that Honda is the best way to go (engine wise) Briggs & Stratton come a close second.

    In regards the bump and go line feed for the weed wacker / strimmer / line cutter, I found a supply in Chiang Mai that has a good inexpensive auto head. Its at Home Mart on Sridonchi Road. Thats the road that goes from the South East corner of the moat up to Pantip Plaza, Gecko garden etc. Last time I brought a head there it was just 160 baht, the identical item was selling in HomePro for 680 baht!!!

    But I will add there is one down side to this head. If youre not careful the head may come apart if you `bump`it on the ground too hard. When that happens you can lose the internal spring which is not good. Easy to fix though. A couple of self tapping phillips head screws keeps the unit all together. I did that to mine and never had a problem since. Still works out cheaper than HomePro`s prices.

    Oh forgot to add, if you want a blade for one of these beasties go to Global House. Ive found the 3 tooth blade to be the best, the straight or 2 tooth blade is ok but can be a handful if you accidently hit something hard. The 4 tooth blade doesnt seem to cut as well. But if you have some pretty big weeds or thick scrub you can get the tungsten tipped blades that are designed for these machines. Ive got 2 such blades and they are like a hot knife thru butter. However make sure the user is wearing safety foot wear when using these blades.... toes are easier to cut through than trees and crocs (footware) are not good protection. Very good prices for these at Global.

    I bought one of those heads. It was terrible. String kept breaking off at the eyelet and I would have to stop working, take the thing apart and pull the string back out. I used the thing twice, then went online and paid $40 for a Speed Feed and then paid for the shipping (which a friend handled). It was worth every baht/penny.

    I just got in from doing my edging, borders and a little weed whacking. What a dream after that cheap Chinese POS they sell here. One of the great things about the speed feed is that you can reload it in about 2 minutes. You don't even take it apart. I have never yet had the string break off at the eyelet. Sometimes if you buy cheap, it will make you crazy. But to each his own.

    Here's a demo of reloading the Honda branded unit:


  17. Beware many Honda engines are Chinese knock offs, especially at shops on the superhighway in CM. Original Honda will cost 20k/24k for manual/self propelled - Briggs and Straton machines widely available for between 10k and 17k.

    That's exactly right and the reason why it's best to buy a 100% Honda mower from a Honda dealer. A friend bought a bastardized mower -- not Honda brand, but with Honda engine, only it turned out to be a Honda Knock-off engine and the engine shaft broke after about six months. Some of the knock-offs have skins that make it almost impossible to tell.

  18. For 100m2, an electric might be fine. I have 1,000m2. I did a lot of research and talked to a lot of people about mowers before I bought. I finally determined that there was only one decent petrol mower available in this country and that's the Honda HRJ216-K2. I have never seen one in a shop, nor spoken with anyone who has seen one in a shop. You have to find a Honda dealer and order it. The regular price is 25,000 baht, but you can get it for 23,000 baht, and that mower is worth every satang.

    It is self propelled, starts every time on the first pull and I can mow the 1,000m2 of hills and curves in 2 hours flat. It is a rear bagger with a large 76 liter capacity. It is three speed and never bogs down. It's all Honda (not a one of the bastardized mowers sold here) and should last 20 years or more with home use.

    English Brochure.pdf

    As for a weed whacker (American for whipper snipper), I assume you mean the line trimmer model. Problem is, I have never found a decent string trimmer head here. I imported a Speed Feed (many brands, all made under license from Shindaiwa, including Honda brand). You can import from the US or Australia. It is a bump feed type head and is fabulous. I use it for edging and clean-up work.

    The problem is the machine sold here. Unlike in the US and Australia, you cannot get one with a string cutter on the grass guard, because most Thais use only the steel blades on these machines. If you get the single string type, you may find yourself screwing around with it every five to ten minutes. If you have a bump feed type head, you need the little grass guard cutter blade to keep the trimmer line the right length. Without the cutter, you will have to screw with the line manually all the time. So if you import a decent bump feed head, what you will need to do is to fabricate a little cutter to attach to the grass guard (you can't buy it here). That's what I did and it works like a dream.

    I have a lot of work to do and can run through a whole tank of fuel, never having to service the cutter head. I have the backpack model, and I do not want to stop the engine and take it off every five minutes, which is what I was doing before I imported the "golden" string trimmer head.

    I have this Honda power unit:

    Honda UMR435T L2TT owners manual cover.pdf

    I have this Speed Head:

    Oregon_speedfeedhead_55-265 (1).pdf

  19. Tired to the bone of the Thai water [non] experts and one year warranties on very expensive equipment, I finally gave up and ordered a whole house water filtration system from the US. I personally designed and carried out the installation. It is fully automated and works beautifully.

    While I did not purchase Berkey, I did have the experience of importing the filtration equipment. I can offer this, some Berkey filters are small. If you can import by post, you will save yourself a lot of grief and expense. For one thing, it will be delivered to your door. Secondly, many things that come by post slip through tax free. Finally, if you are taxed, it will be 12% (5% duty and 7% VAT), with no other fees.

    If you come in through the port, you will probably have to travel to Bangkok and wend your way through the customs process to retrieve the goods. In addition to the 12% tax there will be so many port fees that the tax will be dwarfed. I had to come in through the port as my system was far too large for post. I have imported quite a few things through the port. There are some tricks to the game.

    If you would like to discuss it, PM me with an email address and phone number. I will not discuss it on this forum or further by PM.

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