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Posts posted by Sutty

  1. Flew LHR to BKK never again worst flight experience I have ever had seats are cramped cabin crew were so rude and lazy it was horrible. Thought at one stage they had gone on strike non seen for 3 hrs found them in the galley area chatting away they saw me but even then it took them 3 mins to acknowledge I was there and a further 2 to finish there conversation. The plus side was I got a 70% rebate on ticket and a full refund on return flight booked Etihad for return luxury. I guess everyone on flight must have complained as as soon as I rang customer service gave them flight number there was no argument just refund as described and a full apology.However I would never fly BA again even for free

  2. I have read the press realese above and the guilt is there he admits it has regret yes but he admitted to the crime you can not compare the other case re Chinese loggers that's just straw clutching. I belive my first post still stands he did the crime now he can do the time. And before it comes back but this and but that and he didn't intend to insult anyone the fact is he did and got caught well I say caught trapped himself on FB.

  3. Couple of points here

    First condolences to the family and children of this horrendous accident.

    Second blow outs happen and more frequently than you think in another life I drove HGV AND PCV lucky for me I only ever had one blow out and again Luckily it was in slow traffic in an Artic in London.

    I have see loads of blow outs on lorries and cars on UK roads and that's with all the Vosa laws adhered to it happens. So armchair judging that tires must have been worn/not checked or over or under inflated just adds misery to the poor family involved here don't judge or speculate till you have the facts.

  4. Recipe for disaster open the door to so called Syrian refugees IS said less than 7 months ago the would send fighters into every country to wreak havoc and spread there Islamic ideology. How ! Very easy in there words as these countries open there doors we will send in fighters pretending to be refugees.But do governments do anything to stop this NO course not that would not be PC would it. Then when not if when the shit hits the fan and the atrocities start it will be to late Rant Over. Please Thailand don't let any in.

  5. Why would you want to buy a property in a country under Military Rule and where they change the Visa rules at the drop of a hat. With rental you are in control of your capital, keep the places at home room to cover your expenditure in Thailand.

    So to go off topic sorry OP jasmine with a negative attitude like that why are you in Thailand???? Or if your not you must have visited or are you cherry picking the forums!!!!
    I live in Thailand because it's cheap and cheerful, I have an apartment at home which I rent out so more less covers my expenditure here. The OP was asking for an opinion about renting or buying, I gave mine, not negative, realistic is what it's called. I am not looking for an investment at 63 years of age or 'lumbering' my family in the UK with trying to sell a property thousands of miles away as and when I die.

    I don't understand.why you called me Jasmine and I don't 'cherry pick', forums. I am a regular to any forum which can be a benefit to me or one which I have a general interest in.

    Firstly let me appologise Jamie. I can assure you it was just a typo error on name (predictive text). Your post did come across as negative but I see after reply were your coming from. One point though Thailand cheerful I agree love the place personally but would not say cheap.
  6. Why would you want to buy a property in a country under Military Rule and where they change the Visa rules at the drop of a hat. With rental you are in control of your capital, keep the places at home room to cover your expenditure in Thailand.

    So to go off topic sorry OP jasmine with a negative attitude like that why are you in Thailand???? Or if your not you must have visited or are you cherry picking the forums!!!!

  7. Definitely a tool to change the spark plugs of my D-max diesel smile.png

    Seriously , I'm tight with my money , but sweating in this weather...if I can just go to the Isuzu dealer/service?

    With you all the way don't do services come to that don't do breakdowns either that's what I pay BHT for all in with insurance service have a contract with izusu khon kaen paid for three years up front work out a lot cheaper than singles and then a discount for cash.

  8. Never sell your Home in your Home Country. While in Thailand rent that Home and use part of the income for sensible investments.

    All too often, Foreigners come to Thailand after failed Marriages in their Home Country, are left with insufficient monies to buy a new House having lost up to two thirds of their equity and decide to move to Thailand to live out their lives. The future for them is a constant risk as they cannot easily buy a Home in Thailand without falling prey to the local "wild life". As they get older, medical cover gets either very expensive or unavailable and despite private health care being much cheaper in Thailand than back Home. When things go wrong costs can break the Bank very quickly.

    Almost every Foreigner I have met in Thailand seems to fall into this category.

    To live in Thailand comfortably without risks you need to be a millionaire, a successful entrepreneur or business person. There are quite a number of these in the Country but they are greatly outnumbered by those with a lot fewer resources.

    That daily meeting with your Friends at the Bar is a road to disaster!

    Good advise to a point problem is for instance now my home in UK is say worth 240 thousand GBP the way things are going over there boom and bust again in 6 months it might be worth 210 thousand GBP for sure it won't rise in value within those 6 months so I sell now 240 thousand in the bank minus usual fee's. Wait and hope lose 30 thousand. Then have to wait for the full circle again which as in last bust was nearly 6 years to get house back to its then value. So 30 thousand in the bank for me. Renting yes ok but the problems faced with tenants now a days unless your really lucky then give the agent there cut then the tax man no thanks not worth the hassle for me.

  9. If the worst came and it was the worst of the worst no back up plans nothing then I would live as best I could I would not worry about immigration or the like chances are you will have dropped well below there radar and if not soon would do. I would then do whatever was nessasary to be able to start putting my life back together if I had to work illegally then so be it my life and well being are of greater importance to me than staying leagal that's for sure. I'm pretty sure I could manage to get back on track given time

  10. As a good few have said always plan for the worst have enough money lodged with daughter in UK to get me back if required. Plus I have an open ended ticket which yes I paid well over the odds but it's there if needed just keep shifting dates back a couple of months before flight. But I hope and am pretty sure 99.9999999999% I won't have to use either. Unless it's to fly my ashes home LOL

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