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Posts posted by skorchio

  1. Too funny. You, not me, suggested they ODed an diazepam and booze. I said should wait until mass spec or gas choreography run and let science not forum room speculation decide it. So how the heck am I now the one speculating.

    I guess you were just trying to save face by flipping that on me, otherwise I am communication with alzeheimers patient. Conversation we had went about like this: Dad, want go for a walk today. No, I am not hungry. I already ate. . .

    <deleted>, "gas choreography"? I laugh out loud. In Ireland these words would describe an amusing dance. If you have enough time on your hands to read and comment on a forum which is dedicated to those with not enough things to do, pls use some of that internet time to research the terms you use. You are supposedly referring to 'gas chromatography', a process used in identifying chemical compounds. Earlier in this forum I read 'obnoxious fumes', perhaps that was a reference to a fart?

  2. A certain odious and controversial convicted criminal politician in Asia, seeking his own return, comes to mind. Two peas in a pod.

    Yeah there certainly are similarities, both have a neck like a jocky's b0l0x, and really do not give a flying duck what the international opinion of them is. They both see themselves as above the law, and allegations of corruption are plentiful. They share vanity, enormous wealth and a refusal to let go the reins of power.

    • Like 1
  3. Well it can be blocked in Thailand, but doing so will likely just massively INCREASE the viral nature of the video internationally .... where the international tourists come from. coffee1.gif

    Yes I hope they block it and watch the hit rate go through the roof after the blocking becomes an even bigger scandal in Europe and elsewhere. Go on Minister, just do it.

  4. If someone really wanted him dead, he'd be dead already ...... end of.

    I don't think so. He has departments managing his family's online image, you can be dam_n sure he has a team of crack commandos working 24/7 on keeping him upright. He has extensive connections in the police and military and access to intelligence. I think it would be quite difficult to take out TS, he can employ serious resources to ensure he stays alive (and I am sure he does). I think only someone in his inner circle could make that happen, or a high ranking police or military officer.

  5. I'm an expat in Singapore, and I can see how it would appeal to some, especially if money is not an issue. But the place doesn't have much 'soul', and they're killing more of it each year in their bid to turn it into an upscale disneyland. There used to be dirtier, edgier places here where things went on that you wouldn't want your mother to know about. But those places are being squeezed out by shiny new shopping malls and condos. So yeah, a great place if your priorities are on efficiency, predictability, cleanliness, safety, education, air conditioning, being able to speak English with people, and shopping for branded goods. Some of these things I appreciate too. But I find that I'm much happier when I go to Thailand (usually Isaan) where there is a rich culture and more warmth and openness to foreigners... and where my money goes so much further.

    Fully agree. In the last 20 or so years, I've lived in Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Switzerland and the UK. Thailand is bottom of my list as far as conveniences, cleanliness, efficiency etc is concerned but still where I would prefer to live (and do) because of it's uniqueness and character

    I have been around the block a bit too, and agree with much of your comment, but have to disagree that conveniences are lacking in Thailand. The interval between 7-11s where I live is down to 50m, and I cant think of a service that I am unable to pay for (including plenty for which LOS is famous). I find conveniences are one of Thailand's selling points.

    Oh, and I contributed to the survey. And <deleted> you HSBC for closing down Thailand arm, caused me a lot of hassle .....

  6. How many girls get raped at those full moon parties and nothing is ever done. They are very dangerous place for young women yet I rarely see a warning.

    Too true, these events are a free-for-all for imported scum and local scum to victimise young women. One of my staff went to the FMParty, young Irish guy very fit well able to take care of himself told me he was never without a bottle in his hand there for reason of wanting it to defend himself the whole time. He said the atmosphere was entirely menacing, and he hated it.

  7. LOL, what countries have you been in? A 25km ride in Norway would cost you probably 8,000 baht. There was a story about a family of 6 people, taking a metered taxi to downtown Oslo in the worst possible time (red-letter-day and nighttime), which set them back about 30,000 Baht.. Talk about expensive..

    And the minimum wages, in Norway, is 57 NOK (~300Baht), a day? That would really make it expensive.

    Come on, a 'Taxi' from Patong to the Airport cost 2.66 days of work, for a normal Thai

    A 'Can', from Patong to Kata cost 1.66 days working, for a normal Thai

    That IS expensive, for this country. Also, the capitol has cheaper taxi fares, as this province!

    Phuket is a tourist place. Tourists use the taxis, hence the price is market price. You can't compare it to BKK

    Why can't it be compared to BKK? I see absolutely no reason whatsoever. There are Thai nationals living in both and there are tourists in both. I see both locations as very comparable, what are you talking about?

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  8. Artists fantasy more like. I was leaving Phuket airport 5 weeks ago, on the redeye to BKK, and then following on to Norway. I checked in an 90 mins before flight, grabbed a coffee and had a few smokes outside. I went into the immigration hall 40 mins before departure, there were 5-600 people there waiting, there were 4 Imm Officers working. It was chaos, bedlam. Luckily I had my Priority Pass, went back out and got one of the chicks to fast track me.

    These moron know there the expected passenger numbers in advance. There were 2 large aircraft of Chinese departing at the same time, 0650am. 600 ppl, it is no secret, and the muppets cant staff the desks accordingly. Will a computer be any smarter than its operator?

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