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Posts posted by skorchio

  1. ***The US are only after one goal, control of major global assets. It is a self appointed police force which propagates lies and deliberate misinformation and now having just asked Belgium operation SWIFT to collapse the payment system to Iran for oil, they are trying to force Iran to fire the first shot. If Iran however, simply refuses sales of oil to US influenced countries for a month and accepts any currency - the US will eat humble pie. Iran is a beautiful country and has a living standard far superior to broke America in many ways. Leave it alone, it is not aggressive and anyone who thinks so needs their heads read. They wish to be left alone so why try to start a war? Simple - US needs another war to keep feeding the corrupt <deleted> running it.


    I have read your post and I think you are delusional. If you can answer this question please: Should we give Ahmedjinadad (sorry for spelling) a nuke? Is he to be trusted with a nuclear device? YES or NO?

    If you can answer yes to that question, I am truly interested in why you think he can trusted with a nuke.

    If you cant answer yes, then your post is utter delusional garbage.

  2. This stinks of removal of competition. Thai mills have banded together, had a whiparound, made a large payment, and the Taiwanese is shutdown and going home. His mill will be bought at knockdown price, as it no longer has a license to operate, and the Thai mill consortium will then have a shootout deciding who gets the asset. Sounds plausible or have I been here too long?

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  3. A MAZ ING ... Thai Visa wins the "you simply must be kidding award" yet again.

    Two drunks got in a fight, even after getting a refund... returned to the scene, armed...stabbed a few people....

    wait for it .....

    It is the Thai's fault!

    P R I C E L E S S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ha, yes, was wondering when the 'evil Thais' rant was gonna end with a sensible comment. These guys got their cash back, they should have gone home. Even if they didnt get their cash back, they should have gone home. Now they are properly up brown creek ...

  4. No need to apologize for others. Yep, alot of Thais would act that way in the US if given the opportunity. Let's see, a whole lot if drop outs, misfits and individuals with weird vices leave to US to spend time in Thailand. Not exactly the most desirable individuals . . . The US, however, doesn't just let any Thai in and those they get here are usually higher economic and social standing. If we let every misfit Thai who was running from something enter the US, then we would have even more issues due to economic conditions and their inability to make a decent wage. In theory, foreign countries create their own monsters by letting any one and everyone in their borders all in the name of infusing foreign currency into their economy. Perhaps they should apologize for letting in the undesirables.

    I am not American, but I agree with this sentiment. Look at the reputation of Mexican and Filipino imports in the US. If they let all Thais in too, the gunslinging 14 yr old motorbike gangs would be the first to apply ...

  5. There is a shop with salvaged car bits on Kra Road. That's the road over the canal that leads to Robinson. Shop is located over canal lights, and 2nd shop on right side.

    Used to be a much bigger place at Fisherman's Business centre (before it became a plush trendy place). Behind the boat sales place. Don't know where they moved, maybe you could ask.

    That's the only 2 I found but there must be many more.

    LK, thanks for the headsup. Will take the 2wheeler into Phuket Town and find this place.

    @Caphant - the trade in 2nd everything in this country is phenomenal, everything has a value and little is gifted. We just don't see it in the form that we are used to ...

  6. Some Happy hour.Whoopee 45 bht for Tiger daft.A full 5 bht cheaper than most bars

    Wonder if the plastic S.A.S brigade are going to be there.

    My thoughts exactly. I don't know about some of you, but sometimes these are just the type of places which some people try to avoid. My opinion is that when going out on the town, one shouldn't have to limit themselves to drinking 45BHT draft, but hey if 45BHT draft is your thing then more power to you. I rather just stay home. I personally prefer a nice quality top shelf, but that's not to say occasionally I don't like to have a couple of beers myself from time to time. From my personal perspective selling cheap whisky or beer can sometimes attract some very unsavory characters. Not to mention they will drink more and get intoxicated a lot faster. This can lead to some problems, not just with staff, but with patrons as well. Also the profit margin on the barrel beer will almost be next to nothing. The owners most defiantly will need to offer something more to entice prospective customers to frequent their place, and make it successful. The 45 BHT beer is just not going to cut it.

    I am really waiting to see the new GOGO open. I hope they do it well, and with a good selection of top shelf liquors "Grey Goose, Patron Silver, Old Raj, McAllester", and last but not least, some very hot looking ladies

    Watch out Jeffrey GOGO coming soon to Rawai !

    Top shelf booze in Rawai?

    Read the 50 baht beer thread as an indication of the clientel that the place can expect.

    As for the girls, they we be all crooked toothed nings that don't make the grade in patong gogos.

    I am awaiting a review soon.

    Yeah, I am waiting too, is there any decent flesh?

  7. Recently took my sportrider into Toyota with a steering assembly problem, the stabiliser arm was broken. They fixed it, did a full 110k service and replaced all brakes, for the agreeable sum of 9 grand. But they told me the power steering unit is shot, and a new one is 20k. I am sure a suitable replacement part can be found second hand, but it is difficult to find with limited Thai. If anyone knows of a 2nd hand parts dealer, I would be most interested. The car is a Sportrider D4D 3.0L, 2004 model. It is the same chassis as the Tiger, I am sure the part is the same, and there must be a million of those chassis' in Thailand.

  8. Only this week I was thinking why is Thaksin so silent during a period of such distress for Thailand. If he is so concerned over the welfare of Thais, why the silence? Well it is clear now that he has been staying under the radar as he is cooking his plans for his own benefit, and using the national distraction of the crisis to re-enter via the back door. This is as low as he has ever gone. I find it disgusting, up there with the Americans bombing their own embassies abroad during Clinton sex scandal. Thais need to react strongly to this, and ensure it goes no further and also need to discredit the Govt for allowing this to happen. You are living in misery and see how they rub your noses in it? This is disgusting behaviour.

  9. The country is run by muppets and mobs. Town planning? Forget it. The centre of Patong flooded again 3 nights ago after 1 hour of rain, and the one drainage channel that still exists is right now being narrowed and built on. There is zero control over who builds what where, and I am surprised business owners in the middle of town are not up in arms about this. Same scenario as what has already happened in BKK.

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