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Posts posted by MadMuhammad

  1. 24 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

    We made tourist applications for my wife's sons with IMMI pre pandemic, then did the bio-metrics via VMF, as far as I can recall, we uploaded the docs on IMMI and paid them for the applications.


    As Old Croc has mentioned above, good luck getting in as they are now in lockdown, and what I would be more concerned about for you, is them allowing you to leave Australia, apparently you have to have a pretty good reason.


    Best of luck.

    I believe part of it is that you have to notify you're not intending to return for a minimum of 3 months (90 days?) I've got a few mates that have left Oz in the last 12 months. One on biz to HK where he stayed for 6 months and another that has been in and out of Thailand twice now (he's currently in quarantine in Oz, his 3rd. amazing). 2 others I'm not 100% aware of their plans.



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  2. 2 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

    Point taken and you're absolutely right. But having said that, you might want to opt for a own, home cooked meal as the <deleted> sold in all those culinary delights from Uncle Sam is a disgrace to the word "cooking" or "buffet" in the first place. 

    Best is to avoid such places - my buffet/sandwich comparison was not a culinary hint though. 

    I'm a home cooked kinda guy. But sometimes after quite a few beers and late at night the hankering for a greasy box of average quality breasts and thighs is hard to deny. As long as it is consumed well before arriving home and all traces of said meal has been removed with a moist towlette one only has to deal with the residual guilt of a 'cheat meal'.

    • Haha 2
  3. My wife is the HR manager for a multinational here in Pattaya. She has only held the position for a week so she is still very green. She has been requested to process the 90 day reports for 3 directors, something she hasn't had to do in previous thai company roles, obviously.

    If she is unable to complete these online is it possible for her to be authorised to do these in person for the directors (Chon Buri Immi, Jomtien). The only info I could find is referring to hospitalisation or illness.

    Failing that I will advise her to just mail them in. TIA

  4. Does it smell far worse when using warm/hot water? I ask

    because I had a similar problem just  recently. The water started to smell faintly of ‘rotten eggs’ but became far worse when heated water was used. 
    I found that running my showers on full hot for some time, I did it twice for around 10 minutes each time, cleared up the problem.

    After some net based research I figure it was a build of of bacteria/algae in either my hot water heater or the lines themselves. All is great now with zero odour 

    • Like 1
  5. 12 hours ago, Kerryd said:

    Lol - so many people whine on this forum about buying lady drinks (whether or not they actually contain booze) and here is a story about people buying "virtual" lady drinks !

    What about "virtual" bar fines ?

    Not sure where this one was filmed but I'm guessing it was somewhere similar to the one in the OP.

    One of my ‘friends’ got virtual bar fined a few months back 

    • Haha 1
  6. I herniated a disc 18 months to 2 years ago. I couldn’t walk, fart, burp, roll over or go to the toilet without vicious pain. Even tipping my head back to drink from a glass was excruciating.

    I first attended a hospital where surgery was the first and only recommendation. I got a second opinion from a quality physiotherapist where I then spent a month relieving the pain and further month correcting the problem. 
    The herniated disc was also putting pressure on my sciatic nerve which gave me pain and numbness all the way to my ankles. 

    I’m now to the point where I’m virtually ‘pain free’, as in I can function, but I need to continue to exercise and stretch and on days where the pain is restrictive I take Voltaren to reduce inflammation and ganopentin (Lyrica) for nerve pain. These meds work the well the pain is totally marked for 24-48hrs, enough that stretching and movement then reduces it to a level that is easily ignored or manageable 



    • Thanks 1
  7. 22 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    It's a technique that supermarkets use , by moving stuff about

    you have to go and look for it, and in doing so you might spot

    a product that you had not seen before, it is used to increase sales.

    it's annoying , but works for the supermarkets.


    regards worgeordie 

    Adding to your comment companies can also ‘purchase’ prime shelf space and end of aisles for greater exposure (rebates are a big thing in retail)
    I’m sure there’s other reason but these are the two I know of 

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  8. 1 hour ago, BestB said:

    There are many ways to deliver same message. 

    I do not know if it’s reporters choice of words or actual words of authorities but it sounds as if feeding leftover food to a street dog.


    final result is the same no matter what words one uses , but I wonder why send the message in this way, not in a more nicer, welcoming way

    You just have see how much it’s stirred up the hornets nest in this thread alone to understand why they word their headlines the way they do 

  9. On 5/30/2021 at 6:48 PM, scubascuba3 said:

    Are you sure "purchase property" shows up as International transfer? usually you need to select "funds for long term stay" and only works with Bangkok BankScreenshot_2021-02-18-20-04-09-094_com.transferwise.android.thumb.jpg.25c098aec66a9ea431979fe0a3ad24d6.jpg

    I transferred the deposit for my house with that method via Wise in 2 transactions. BBL were kind to enough to include both transactions on my transfer advice document as well. 
    I was even more surprised that they actually provided the form when asked as the contract and purchase for my home was entirely in my wife’s name. TiT
    Obviously the document 

     wasn’t required at the land department but it’s handy to have for future repatriation of funds if required 

  10. 5 hours ago, Kerryd said:

    Lame sensationalism.

    Did a tsunami that killed 5-8,000 people and devastated tourism on the West Coast of Thailand cause "permanent destruction" to the tourism industry there ?

    No. It didn't.

    Yes, for the year following the tsunami the number of arrivals to Thailand dropped, but a year after that they set a new record for arrivals and the numbers have gone up every year since, despite 2 coups and a short take over of the main airport by political protestors (which some claimed would be the "final nail in the coffin for tourism in Thailand as well). coffe_n_pc.gif.aebb1a2acfe0a1cd79c4de5aff131668.gif.623be10964d1c768f9215d98c617af1d.gif

    (Kind of like how some people on TV would gripe every time there was an announced alcohol ban for a day because of a religious holiday or election and claim that it would be "the final nail" for tourism. Never mind that those bans happen every year and the tourism numbers keep going up.)

    Some places will be shut down. Guess what ? That happened even when tourism was booming. Guess what happened after a place was shut down (for whatever reason) ?
    The real owners simply shopped around and found a new whale to rent/lease the business and shortly after it reopened (often doing the same business just under a new name).

    Somchai's Beer Bar and motorcycle rental business shuts down ? It may stay vacant for awhile and then there'll be Jaiyen's Beer Bar and motorcycle rental business in the same place.
    And as more tourists come back, more of those "permanently closed" businesses will suddenly decide that "permanent"  really only meant "temporary" and they'll be open again.

    It's not like all those businesses are going to close and the bulldozers are arriving tomorrow to demolish them. For every place that shut's down, there's probably 2-3 potential new "owners" already making plans for what they want to do with the place if they can get the lease.

    Once they get over the hurdle, they'll start seeing ever increasing numbers of tourists every year and within a couple years (4-5 maybe) they could be back to where they were at the end of 2019 (i.e. 40 million+ arrivals).

    Remember, the whole world didn't "shut down" and everyone didn't stop working and earning money. It was mostly the hospitality industry (hotels, restaurants, bars and entertainment venues) that suffered. Manufacturing, Agriculture, Industry and other sectors kept plugging along. Sheesh, a couple months ago it was announced that China had already surpassed it's "pre-covid" export totals as they steamroll ahead.

    Maybe with the issues India is having with the virus, Thailand will have to rethink it's decision to encourage tourism from there while ignoring the "Western" tourists that were the main catalysts of the tourism industry for decades (before Thailand decided that they'd rather have larger numbers of lower spending Indian and Chinese tourists).

    If that happens, the streets could once again be filled with "old, fat, white guys" spending money like drunken sailors and financing all new herds of "sick buffalo" in Isaan.

    I can’t like your comment enough. It’s heartening to see there are still some intelligent, reasonable folk still out there among the nay sayers, doom merchants and outright BS artists. Again, thank you ???????? 

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