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Posts posted by Brian57

  1. I have always maintained that once we have done a 12 month visa be it Marriage or Retirement and have provided all the required paperwork and had all the checks and visits by immigration officers  that I can not see the logic in doing 90 day reporting We have been approved for 12 months so that should be enough. The time spent by immigration doing the 90 reporting could be better spent doing other follow up work. I do my 90 day reporting because that is what is required  but would be even happier not to do it.  Sometimes it feels like being on parole and having to report.  Also every time I have tried 90 day reporting online it does not work or the system is down so I have given up trying

    • Thanks 1
  2. I have never used MSG . I believe if the food is prepared and cooked properly there is no need to use MSG.

    As stated   My question is always did your mother/grandmother ever use MSG and did thier food taste great?


    My father was achef and never used it.


    My Thai wife knows when it has been used in cooking and will not eat  food prepared with it. Sometimes makes her sick.

  3. I have had shoulder rebuilds and many other injuries. Having used all the prescribed painkillers and have tried Glucosomine/Chondrioton, Nurofen,Naprosyn Voltaren etc for sore joints and arthritis pain

    12 months ago my thai wife told me to try Derris Scanden extract. I was dubious at first but have found it really works better than anything else that I have tried. Available at pharmacies in thailand. As it is a natural herbal product it does not upset the stomach like some drugs and has no side effects that I have found


    Not sure about using with blood thinners

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