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Nick ZepTepi

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Posts posted by Nick ZepTepi

  1. I've noticed many farangs having selling up and moving sales on Facebook.
    Couple this with the 25% or more devaluation in the £ to THB. Not sure how the dollar is doing but it's definitely worth less now than it was a few years ago.

    I can believe it is happening, perhaps the frequency is over stated.

    The taxi man will remember and talk of the one that did a runner for a long time.

    I have less THB in my pocket than 2 years ago but I adapt & adjust, not steal and defraud.

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  2. I looked at a apartment last year. The big let down is the building, common areas general upkeep etc . Plus the area is a bit off putting for people who are newish to living in Thailand.

    things might have improved.

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  3. I've just completed b my visa run. Thought I'd yeah the report on here rather than a new thread.

    Air Asia fight from CNX was on time, express resin to Hong Kong island was easy & had free WiFi.

    Thanks for the advice to find Lippo centre exit, there's a copy shop below.

    HK is a bit of a maze of interconnecting walkways going through shopping mall with not that much signage. I got the wrong exit when I went to collect the next morning, (yes it was ready at 9.30am!) And got lost in the next of shops, going to ground level I could see the building but all the roads are fenced.

    All they wanted was application form, photocopy of the passport data page and HK entry slip. 30 mins wait to put in the application 5 mins to collect the next day.

    HK is recommended

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  4. Mai sai can be done in a day. Greenbus from arcade bus station.

    They have a website.

    The border town is an experience.

    And you can overnight in Chiang Rai if you wish to look around there. There's more going on at weekends.

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  5. Things might have changed since last time.
    Not sure on the flight out of Thailand as this seems to be a new stricter rule
    Email a question about the 60 or 90 days - local rules apply HCMC are happy to do 90 days but Yangon might not.

    the hotel is, if you are traveling futher within Myanmar and will stop at a land border before crossing into Thailand.

    The 40 dollars HAVE to be perfect. No tears no creases. There's a money changer behind the Embassy so not a big worry.
    Yes next day and there were no queues.
    Was a nice experience.

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  6. I could taste the difference when I swapped from tap water in a modern condo to water from a newish water cabinet machine in my cooking & coffee.

    Before options pour in about those water machines. Locate one that looks newish 1-2 years old or find a old one that has a record of checks stuck to the outside.
    Machines have filters & reverse osmosis and if new or well maintained the water quality will be much better than tap for cooking where the item absorbs any water, pasta & rice inc.

    I brush my teeth with tap FYI.

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  7. My friend used the flight itinerary that he had from entering the country with air Asia and used word doc to change it to say different dates to suit the visa application.
    Do you really think they are going to call the airline to find out?
    It's the same as those temporary tickets, it's a risk and who knows what flags they might attach to your passport number if discovered.

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  8. I'm 34 so that's a long way off. 
    After Phnom Pen I was going to do the 2nd one (not including the US one) in Vientiane which I take a bus to from Chiang Mai. My ticket back to the US won't be until 6 months from now so I need to buy another ticket for the Phnom Pen visa I guess. Can I just buy a one way ticket to wherever is cheapest and not get on the flight? I'd just assume fly to Laos but it's like $300 which is really pushing it after the ticket to Phnom Pen. My girlfriend was just telling me about some discount tickets to Taiwan for $30, which would be cheaper than flying to Laos. Ideas?
    There's direct flights from CM to Hong Kong that has had some good reports of not requiring ticket out

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  9. Last year same pattern: 1 from USA, 1 from Vientiane and 1 from Phnom Pen for a total of 10 months (one visa exempt entry also). My feeling is I can maybe get away with this again this year (just barely with a warning) but I don't think I should come back to Thailand next year unless I'm prepared to get denied. This is basically what I've been doing for 10 years now but I got 3 entries in the past so I avoided all these single entries and embassies.

    I agree, getting the SETV shouldn't be a big problem. You've also got back up visa exempt entries at a land border.


    How far away are you from a retirement extension?


    The fact that you do leave is also a good argument that your are a tourist and not a worker.


    Plus you might full up your passport and be needing another by next year. [emoji6]


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  10. "Looking into HCMC Vietnam for my visa run next week.
    But apparently they require an onward ticket. 
    [emoji34] I don't want to plan where I'll go 3 months ahead of time. [emoji34]

    So a couple questions:
    What can I do?  How to circumvent the onward flight requirement?"
    And then some people wonder why consulates tighten-up the regulations.  Why not follow the rules that everyone else has to?

    And consistent application of the regulations across all Embassy's would help people follow the rules.

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  11. My friend tried to use a flight booked for after the 60 day tourist visa period expires. The manager at the Thai consulate in Yangon explained that the tourist visa is for 60 days, not 90. He said the 30 day extension is for those who have a particular reason to extend their stay in Thailand, not for those who want a 90 day tourist visa. He said a tourist can’t say to the consulate he is applying for a 60 day tourist visa but intends to apply for a 30 day extension so will in reality be staying 90 days. The applicant was told to book an onward flight for within the 60 day visa period and had to hand in the print out of this new booking before a tourist visa could be issued. 
    It depends on the Embassy - I got email confirmation from HCMC that they were ok with more than 60 days.
    And the op is asking about applying at HCMC.

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  12. yes this is what I understood also but the time period is unspecified so I'm really pushing my luck. I was back in the US just 1.5 months last summer where I got a TV and so I need to get 2 more before going back next summer. Since they stopped doing the 3 entry TV's and I don't have the 7k for the METV I think I need to go back home  and get a new plan.
    I'll wait for some replies before starting a new thread but I really need to confirm about that date of the exit ticket because there's apparently no official policy. Buying my ticket 3 months from now is going to be a good $300 more expensive then if I buy in the summer like I usually do, even if I just change the date after getting the visa.
    You should be ok to do 3 SETV in a row this time, 2 is pretty much certain.
    What was your length of stay prior to that?

    Some one said a SETV is issued by a higher level of government than a immigration officer. So it's harder to deny entry of you have one but you still maybe given a friendly warning.

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