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Posts posted by dennis123

  1. So Dennis 123

    Drinking and driving !!!

    I think that there are enough accidents here"........caused by the "Crazy Thai road users".....without you adding to the mayhem

    I just hope that you don't kill a child or a "good person".

    Before you kill yourself

    Imo there are 2 type of drunk drivers:

    1) The careless reckless driver that has no fear due to the alcohol and as a result of that drives as fast as possible to get to his destination.

    2) The careful driver that is aware that he's drunk and thus drives even more careful than usual as he realizes that if someone else makes a mistake that he can pay for it in case of an breath test.

    I've been the careless reckless driver in the past in a few occasions but I learned my lesson, didnt'cause any fatal accidents but once it was incredibly close and that scared the shit out of me.

  2. Cheap prostitutes

    Cheap Beer.

    Cheap excellent Thai food. wai2.gif

    Are you from a scandanavia country? No idea where the beer is cheap here, same price as in my country really.

    Cambodia, that's where you find the cheap beer smile.png 50 dollar cent for a draft!

    Sorry sprits are cheap, Vodka, SamSong, ect

    No they are not. Thailand has no vodka, so it is imported and expensive, and 270Bht for a Sangsom rum is far from cheap.

    For that money I buy a rum in my country that is produced by a company with controlled hygienic standards

    Depends where you drink it, a botltle of Absolut does about 2000-2500 baht in a club, maybe even less, where I'm from a bottle of that magical stuff would do 200-250 euro in a club.

  3. Cheap prostitutes

    Cheap Beer.

    Cheap excellent Thai food. wai2.gif

    Are you from a scandanavia country? No idea where the beer is cheap here, same price as in my country really.

    Cambodia, that's where you find the cheap beer smile.png 50 dollar cent for a draft!

    Sorry sprits are cheap, Vodka, SamSong, ect

    Thai herb is cheap, 120 baht for a bottle and delicious once you had a few beers :)

    But yeah, in my country I pay about 10 times more for a bottle of whisky in a bar/club.

    That's why I'm always so surprised that beer is so expensive here in comparison.

  4. ... why would families pick Pattaya for a holiday? The water is dirty, all kind of trash in it, can't even see the bottom of the sea, while some of these islands still have beautiful waters and beaches, and everywhere you go in Pattaya there are ladybars. Pattaya would really be the last location on earth to go on holiday to with kids.

    I think they have kids, and they have no place to put them. Where would they keep them really? So they just drag them along, making life miserably for themselves and others. But it's really a minor issue on grand scheme of things.

    I ain't moving anywhere, it's not that annoying and indeed it has gotten a lot less already.

    If the Russian families didn't pick Pattaya in the first place they wouldn't have to worry about where to put / keep them so the only logical thing I can come up with is that they are unaware that Pattaya is the most sleazy destination / sex tourist hotspot in whole south east Asia lol. Well known across all Europe.

    Would you pick Pattaya if you had a wife and kids?

    I know there are tons of locals that come here with their family in the weekends but they mostly go further down Jomtien beach, and I don't see them strolling down Jomtien complex or Pattaya beach road at night. Those silly Russians even walk down Walking Street at night with the whole family.

  5. Cheap prostitutes

    Cheap Beer.

    Cheap excellent Thai food. wai2.gif

    Are you from a scandanavia country? No idea where the beer is cheap here, same price as in my country really.

    Cambodia, that's where you find the cheap beer :) 50 dollar cent for a draft!

  6. Is it a fun place to live? I did think about moving there for 6 months.

    I'm not going there for the sex, but I like to be in a fun place. Bored of Bkk, need a break...

    If you're in for a party I think you're better off in high season in Pattaya.

    Most people that live in Pattaya (that stay in low season) are old and often grumpy so when you walk in some bar you won't find the most happy people on earth to put it mildly.

    Personally I like the places that are mostly frequented by Thai people more, more of a party atmosphere, however I don't visit many foreign clubs so can't say too much about that.

  7. Pattays is dead at the moment, very quiet, so the nostalgia trip to 1970s can be enjoyed right now, how much quieter do you want it?

    I would like to have the Chinese gone, all they do is clutter the traffic with their touring busses and the local community doesn't benefit from them in any way.

    Also I want the Russian families gone, can't even play around in a bar a bit as before you know it some family with kids is staring at you.

    I mean really, if you go with your kids on holiday, would you pick Pattaya or would you go for Koh Samui, Koh Chang, Koh Samet or heck even Koh Larn or that island near Sri Racha?

    Koh Samet is great for families and not much further from Bangkok for the lazy travellers, heck they could even go to Bang Saen and be much better of, you really want to expose your kids to 65+ heavily over weight foreigners walking hand in hand with a girl that could be their grand daughter?

    You know, when I just came here and went further down Jomtien beach I always saw Thai kids swimming with their shirts on, after I came out of the sea all itching I assumed they wear shirts cause the water is so dirty, only later did I realize they do that to block the sun, my point, why would families pick Pattaya for a holiday? The water is dirty, all kind of trash in it, can't even see the bottom of the sea, while some of these islands still have beautiful waters and beaches, and everywhere you go in Pattaya there are ladybars. Pattaya would really be the last location on earth to go on holiday to with kids.

  8. Like free live music? Take your pick of music styles played EVERY night in bars all over the city. Rock, Jazz, Reggae, Blues, etc.

    Good one, though I should frequent these places more often!

    The clubs that I mentioned don't have live music but they do have free live shows (not talking about gogos)!

    3rd road, Pattaya North, name of the club Tamnaam Isaan, mostly populated by Thai people, male is 90% gay, but also plenty of ladies and mixed shows, awesome place that anyone who lives in Pattaya should visit some time! Last April my brother and a few of his friends were here, all straight, and I took them there and they loved it!

    More specific direction, if you drive down 3rd road you go left at Ping bar or restaurant or whatever it is, then on you're right you see Hollywood, follow the road and you end up at some sort of T split, where you go left, follow the curvy road and on your left you see some bekkadin style Thai restaurants (you know the ones with the small wooden huts that you can sit/eat in), drive a little more far and on your right you'll find a club named Tamnan Isan, next to the FamilyMart, open till about 5-6am. Always crowded if you go after the bars close, very few farang, especially in low season.

  9. What do you love about Pattaya?

    I love:

    - the western style supermarkets like Food Mart at Thappraya road

    - flirting, especially when I'm drunk, and never being rejected

    - that even the straight boys smile at me when I yell NAARAAAK MAK MAAA

    - to drive around drunk and getting away with it lol

    - the weather obviously

    - being able to get any type of food 24/7

    - my fast 3BB internet

    - the affordable car repair costs when I hit a tree or something

    - the fast service that you won't get anywhere else, ever had a flat tire than you know what I mean

    - the gay clubs, not bars, bars start to bore the hell out of me

    - the police, always friendly and very affordable

    - the view of the ocean on a good day when observing it from above, yes the sea sometimes is blue instead of grey lol

    - Wong Amat beach, quite a relief not to see tons of fat russians in speedos walk by, opposed to Jomtien beach

    - Sai Kaew beach, ok not in Pattaya but not far from here

    - Blend whisky (not pure)

    - Thai herb whisky (pure)

    - Singha as it doesn't give me headache in the morning

    - Over the counter beta blockers to fix my shakyness / withdrawal symptons after heavy drinking for a week or so!

    What about you? Let's turn this into a love thread, not a hate thread. :)

  10. I have been know to let the GF drive with me on the back or get a moto taxi. Either way scary, and I think to my self I am endangering my life here by not driving myself which I know is a good deal safer, even after a good few beers. Just to avoid a problem with the police. I am safer driving myself. Fact!

    Hahaha,when I went out with my boyfriend, who drinks as well, he often said let me drive, more safe.


  11. There's a shop inside Jomtien Complex, under the parking garage they never finished.

    He rents out motorbikes but you can also buy decent second hands for approx. 20-25k baht, just have to ask him as he doesn't have a sign 'for sale' or anything on them.

    In fact I think most motorbike rental shops are willing to sell some, to avoid buying a dud you could also just rent it for a few days first.

    That's a good idea. thumbsup.gif

    You wont know the history of the bike, but still a very good idea.

    I still rent btw, the guy who rents it asked me a few times if I wasn't interested in buying it, always reclined, for the simple reason that it's little money per month, no hazard about getting it insured and if the motorbike stops working some day I just change it for another one so why bother buying one when I can rent for peanuts.

    I did buy a car though as renting a car can easily cost 20k/month, which is a bit much.

  12. There's a shop inside Jomtien Complex, under the parking garage they never finished.

    He rents out motorbikes but you can also buy decent second hands for approx. 20-25k baht, just have to ask him as he doesn't have a sign 'for sale' or anything on them.

    In fact I think most motorbike rental shops are willing to sell some, to avoid buying a dud you could also just rent it for a few days first.

  13. Talking about driving, what's the excuse of hundreds of people trying to get passed you at 2 lane roads in the day time during Songkran when it's crazy busy on the roads.

    I drove from Pattaya to Amnat Charoen, quite a drive, i can't even count the amount of times that I had to move all the way to the left cause some idiot felt the middle of the road belongs to him.

    Seriously at least a 100 times or so that I had to do effort to get out of the way to prevent a massive crash, not to mention the dozens of near bumper to bumper accidents cause a similar situation as described above happened in front of us.

    I've never seen so many accidents in one single day on that trip, at least 50 crashed cars.

    That definitely tells you something about the Thai driving style, I never witnessed something like that in my own country on a 2 lane road, sure there is always some imbecil at high speed but I hardly ever have to get out of the way, into the grass with my own car to avoid them. For the record, I used to do transport services with a mini van in my own country so I've drove an awful lot and the amount of crashed cars I've seen in my whole life, likely doesn't even add up to the amount of crashed car I saw in one single day during Songkran.

  14. Do the Farangs drive at 140km down the road after a beer ? No

    Do the Thai men drive down the road at 140km after a beer ? Yes.

    Do the Thai men drive down the road at 140km with out a beer ? Yes

    Farangs, I don't care, its a very small problem, in the big picture.

    You have proof that NO Farangs drive at 140 whilst over the limit, are you saying that Farangs don't drink and drive in Thailand, are you saying that no Farangs break the speed limits, are you saying only Thai men do this ? gigglem.gif

    As for it being a small problem, it won't be if you get pulled or are involved in an RTA with fatalities and you're over the limit, and it's not a small problem for many ThaiVisa members who drink and Drive, few admit it, but many do it, forget the denials, you're Farangs in Thailand, nearly all that drink and have a car or bike drink and drive, that is in my experience garnered over a quarter of a century ( sounds longer than since 1990 smile.png ), or are you saying ThaiVisa members are different ? rolleyes.gif

    Have another case of Chang, pickle your brain some more and carry on in your fantasy world where all Thais are bad and all Farangs are good.

    25 years in Thailand, your not very observant are you.

    Falangs on the roads and Thais, sorry mate Falangs win hands down, way more safer in a car or bike with the falang driving or riding.

    BTW people who state they don't drink are mostly made up of people who were alcoholics in the past

    and have done all the bad things long ago.

    Have a nice day.

    If you talk about averages I think the foreigner drives better than the Thai yes.

    Also some Thai don't seem to give a <deleted>, a guy I know caused a pretty heavy accident with injuries, hit a motorbike with his car while being totally pissed, motorcyclist in coma for 24 hours, and when he talked about it he didn't seem concerned at all, I mean <deleted>, at that point he didn't even know whether the guy would wake up from the coma or not, thank god he did but how on earth can you tell such story with a smile on your face. Some people are really <deleted> up.

  15. I won't drive when I'm totally pissed, but when I've had 4-8 beers I don't feel drunk at all and completely capable of driving and it's only a short ride home.

    Obvious it could result in a huge problem when some other drunk motorcyclist pushes in front of my car and a crash is unavoidable with injuries as a result

    With the same amount of alcohol I would drive in my own country as well, so it's not just a Thailand thing. In Thailand I mostly drive on my motorbike while in my own country I solely drive a car so there I could do more damage then here, however the chance of getting involved in an accident is a lot smaller in my own country as most people do abide by the rules there.

    In Thailand it just feels more 'safe' as I know I can always buy myself out, one phone call to my lawyer is enough, in my own country they're real strict, might've to join some AA club or even jail time and no option to buy yourself out of it of course, could try but I bet that would make the situation only worst.

    Anyway, none of it is any excuse, and we shouldn't drive after drinking so shame on me for treating it as a calculated risk.

    @onemorechang: If Thai people drive 140km/hour pissed than farangs as well, we're not different species. I learned my lesson in a situation that scared the hell out of me (nothing happened) but it could've killed many including myself. Since than I only allow myself to drink a little and abide to speed limits and all that (4-8 beers is a little, sorry can't make it better than that wink.png

    ps: Straight roads become real curvy at 180km/hour.

  16. I live in Thailand so I drink & drive obviously,

    What do you mean obvously !

    My boy was knocked over on a crossing. I see you pissed and driving I have no hesitation in getting you busted Period

    Sorry to hear about that.

    With obvious I mean that 99% of the Thai people I know drink & drive, and most of the foreigners as well.

  17. It will just be turned into a

    very large tea money making opportunity. wai2.gif

    Wonder what the bribe would be if a Farang faced Jail time and Deportation as the alternative, would be a massive earner for the Police, although I assume, unlike now, most Farangs wouldn't drink and drive with such draconian penalties

    Without revealing too much, 30k baht solves a lot.

  18. I really dislike going by that house at night. All too frequently a young teenage girl who looks like she just went for a swim in the ocean is in one of the windows, just starring out. Right after I see her she vanishes. True story: The house was once owned by a rich Thai family. One night the parents' teenage daughter went for a swim in the ocean with her boyfriend and drowned. The parents could no longer live in the house after that. The place is now haunted. I would never go inside.

    Sounds plausible in a country where 99% believes in ghosts.

  19. Even if they made a new rule that foreigners would be jailed and/or deported you can always work your way out through bribes, which would only make drunk driving more expensive.

    I live in Thailand so I drink & drive obviously, however if I make it real late I do take a taxi.

  20. What is this for strange rule that you can't take money out of the country? Is it really like that?

    I want to buy a condo on a short notice and move my money from my Dutch Paypal to my Thai Paypal and cash that out to my Kasikorn bank account, now if I plan to sell the condo after 10 years, would I be able to send that money from the Kasikorn bank either to my Thai Paypal or Dutch bank account or would that result in problems as well?

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