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Posts posted by johnhw

  1. 5 hours ago, roo860 said:

    The mentallity of these people is mind boggling!

    Sent from my SM-G920F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

    "...these people??????"

    Ever been in Texas? Mississippi? Arkansas? or for that matter, anyplace in the U.S.? The National Rifle Association there would approve highly of such manly weddings, and argue endlessly that.... if the victim only had a weapon.... he could have protected himself.

         Only difference,  is that had "these people" been "those people" they would have had an assault rifle and maybe mowed down a few more folks.

    I have NEVER run across glass houses bigger and more fragile than on a TV string.

  2. 2 hours ago, loong said:

    Disgusting. How will the monks be able to buy the latest iPads etc if somebody else steals the money first?

    Another not unusual TV post: How to manufacture a cheap shot w/tunnel-visioned adaptation, manipulation, misrepresentation and  arrogant, ignorant skill.

    Cant' find a single good thing to say, except booze is cheap and so is the replacement costs of furniture I broke at my last fun bar fight.

  3. 13 hours ago, ocddave said:

    Drag both behind the police station, and put a round behind their left ears, no trial needed here.

    Right on. Justice, TV style. But for some real effect,  televise it, do it in public...bring the kids for some family entertainment,  or advertise it as a weekly reality tv program.

    After all, ir worked in the 16th century. Besides,  if these criminals were actually innocent, the cops wouldn't have charged them and lawyers couldn't get them off....

    So what if the odd innocent gets done....

    But ME and MINE,????...we demand the best lawyers money can find to get out from under the corrupt justice system and those sleazy cops who should be catching and executing REAL criminals.

    PS: I find it  realy, realy hard to differentiate between you and the thugs in this vid.

  4. 5 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Again, Pattaya not suppose to be a place for church goobers to come and meditate,

    and no nuns are crushing grapes in those girly bars, there's no money in a place

    that's is pious and demure, and believe me no one's morality is at stake here,

    allow those shoes to continue under a guidelines of they allowed and what not,

    the world is getting more and more to be open towards nudity, sex and expression

    of sexual choices and freedom, and if Thailand will not catch up, other countries will...

    Sure hope my part of Thailand...and elsewhere world-wide...does not "catch up," and you & your likeminded stay where you are in your communal infections

  5. 5 hours ago, Alan Deer said:

    If you really think this is a serious attempt to rationalise the sex industry or "morals" in Thailand I think you need a rethink.

    I certainly agree that many of the TV members are regular users of sex-workers and the industry and are very uncritical of themselves - however this is more an example of how the police are inept at dealing with this sort of stuff and that the basic culture that prevails  towards sex within the police is unhealthy and inappropriate. 

    Nice tap-dance.

  6. On ‎1‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 9:28 AM, smedly said:

    First of all China is already bullying countries in SEA and setting up strategic military positions in the South China Sea warning off everyone and everything that interferes with their operations, so the gloves are already well and truly off and have been for some time.


    China needs its arrogant wings clipped


    ....China needs its arrogant wings clipped...

    Ooooo love that talk. Grew up with it!! You know...Duck&Cover....."Mutual Assured Destruction," "Evil Empire,"  "Commie Hordes"   etc etc. Let's not deprive our kids of that wonderful excitement we all grew up with, wondering if that plane they hear is delivering the Big One!!! Not to mention all those arms industry jobs we'll kiss goodbye if  we listen to those pinko,  libtard, hippie peaceniks


  7. 2 hours ago, jackh said:

    There it is, just like I was saying all alone. I loved the way he stood up calling a spade a spade in regards to Islam and terrorists. Obama never admitted to this worldwide problem which he says never happens in the USA.


    Obama is now a quickly fading bad memory. The rotten tooth has been extracted! Now the swamp can be drained. God Bless Trump...you da man!


    Lotsa Nazis loved the way Hitler put Germany first, drained the swamp by extracted the rotten tooth of Judaism.


  8. Anybody aware of a Thai Chi teacher...or anyone who does it regularily who is willing to put up with a trailing novice?

    Samesame with anyone/few practicing meditation? I have some experience, but missing the advantage of practicing with others.

    I'm trying to avoid spa/resort/trendy New Generation-type offerings. Prefer just a small group/individuals, preferably old farts like me.

    Would be for only 5 Cdn winter months.

    Thanks in advance.

  9. 6 hours ago, watcharacters said:



    YOU are correct about how to act in a foreign country.


    However, if you were in my home country you could spit,  stomp on,  and burn my countries flag in public and you would have the protection of the law for your actions.


    It's called freedom of expression/speech.


    If a country does not allow for  that then  anyone breaking the law in a foreign country  should realize the potential  gravity of his actions.

    My country it's also called freedom of speech, but most decent adults as well would still call it the worst kind of disrespectful, hateful, childish gross ignorance.

    Perhaps no serious criminal offense here--no right to judge a foreign country--but darned if there shouldn't be a  provision that these two no-class sleezers can be publically, humilitatingly--if not painfully-- spanked.

  10. 50 minutes ago, GaryAdriaenssens said:

    He won't be the last, dear friends. Maybe it's me but it seems so many Thais are just addicted to their iPhones, it's unbelievable. They can't even put their eyes off that screen while eating in a restaurant. I can always predict what they're going to do while entering a bus, eatery or any other place. What a world!!

    NAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, really! Sure hope this doesn;t spread outside Thailand!! 

  11. 5 hours ago, thhMan said:

    I could never just hand my phone over to some scumbag, just because he wants it...

    Whatever happens .. happens... at least I wont live my life as a spineless coward... now that is a sad way to die!


    Kudos to the kid who stood up for himself... and... RIP


    Been ages since I have heard such a manly, macho, heroic bunk of view. Seems the last time....oh yaa...I was playing in my sandbox...

    Also learned later from my military experience that such boastarrhea comes with people who are the very first to take to their heels at the first sign of any risk.

    --a spineless (but living) coward

  12. 15 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    I never mentioned anything about Thailand.  Just about the basics of this poll.  But yes, it's really easy to lie and cheat with statistics.  That was the title of a chapter of my stats book in college.  Loved that chapter.

    The item referred to initially here was Thailand 7th, U.S. 5th on level of ignorance. And you missed my point, which is we tend to unquestionably agree enthusiastically with stats that uphold our tribe/our point of view, but immediately suspect as biased/gerrymandered stats when they include us in humanity's stupidities.

    This type of 'critical thinking' is particularly obvious here on TV, as it is on YouTube strings and other social media.

  13. 6 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    I would think the size of a country had a huge impact, as well as how many are not natives.  The US has a very large immigrant population.  And is a very large country.  One end to the other is very diverse. 


    Nice tap dance.

    And lets not forget the argument presented recently by another of the usual TV philosophers here, who brilliantly pointed out that statistics can and are manipulated. I'd bet the farm that he'd unquestionately accept and confirm the Thai section of this study, but argue the "obvious" gerrymandering of the U.S. figure.     

  14. 8 hours ago, lvr181 said:

    I am an optimist.


    I just hope that someone beats the c**p out of this oxygen thief to within an inch of death. He deserves nothing less! "Official" deterrents/punishments DO NOT work.


    Psycho he may be and that may be the reason but it cannot be used as an excuse for his animalistic behaviour! You reap what you sow.

    Ought to do all that and more...... in public!! Advertise it!!! Sell tickets!!! Take the kids!!!

    Do it en mass, a Saturdays afternoon, televised. Do it, and empty expensive psych hospitals and insane asylums. Psychotics too, need to  "reap what they sow."

    Added boon would be less unneeded government spending while lowering my taxes, so I can buy that new expensive cell with  the new app that strokes my genitals as I text my brainless pals.

  15. 11 hours ago, whatproblem said:

     It's not any different this week than any other ,Thais are cruel people and they only really care about their children when the kids get to near working age .

    Odd. First thing I noticed about Thai culture is the obvious, love, care  and attention heaped on their kids. Furthermore and unlike back home in North America, I was pleasantly surprised at the many Thai males holding hands, cuddling, carrying, playing and laughing and generally taking a loving interest in their kids....more often than not, with an available  mom walking alongside.

  16. 13 hours ago, Mook23 said:


    • Repeated exposure to crystal meth seems to increase aggressive behaviour.
    • People who use crystal meth can become aggressive if they perceive that they are threatened.
    • Crystal meth can provoke episodes of psychosis, which, in some cases, can lead to aggressive behaviour.

    I think that METH/YABA is often involved when we read these sicko stories. *many* of my thai friends have urged me NOT to be out, after dark, into villages surrounding my town. i'm not in a major town and surely no touristy town. things used to be here very relax and peaceful. last 5 years there's an increase in violence, shoot-outs, aids (my buddy works at health center and there has been a substantial INCREASE amongst teenagers!), etc. a lot of stuff is kept locally (domestic violence, rape, child abuse, etc) where village honchos try to solve matters WITHOUT involving the law. there's also a sort of omerta where villagers all know what is going on but don't dare to speak out, ie. mind their own business AKA mai bpen rai. 


    and honestly, i also think thai society is more and more getting dysfunctional because of all underlying social issues and the advent of social media increasing rage, hatred, jelousy, etc.

    Right on!! Dysfunctional THAI society!!! And these folks here simply won't learn from the example of the West,  where many decades of economic success, high standards of living and godly morals has practically eliminated "rage, hatred, jelousy, etc" + corruption, greed, child abuse, elder abuse, violence, war, exploitation etc etc etc etc

  17. 1 hour ago, fish monger said:

    Excuse, but did I say "slobs and pigs".......I meant slobs and pigs...I don't care how ignorant you think that might be, but it's the truth...!

    I'm from a part of pristine North America boasting a fraction of the population of this part of Asia, with government and personal income that makes Thailand look like a banana republic.

    We boast the largest bodies of fresh water in the world, not even including countless other lakes and rivers. Many of them are polluted to the point where swimming areas are regularily posted as unfit to swim....one of them I understand has a huge mass of chemicals and waste at the mouth of a river entrance.

    Not to mention the millions of acres of forests denuded, and the subsequent flooding, and the centuries of reckless environmental rape that paid for our "advanced" standard of living.

    Yes, efforts are being made to clean up the mess.

    Nevertheless, while I, too, must walk here sometimes for blocks before finding a trashcan to drop off a wrapper, for me to call Thais 'slobs and pigs,' I would either need to be selectively delusional, or have an IQ of my shoe size.

    ...and as for the TV watchdog sensor indignantly alarmed at my IQ remark, can I suggest you develop the same indigence at the "slobs and pigs" remark??

  18. 3 minutes ago, FitnessHealthTravel said:



    Change will come...ONLY when it is exposed on Social Media and embarresses the Government. Only then they seem to respond. However they also go after the person who compains.  I guess I'll get a visit from them soon.

    Agreed. However, calling people here "Slobs and pigs" is ignorand, disgusting, offensive and counterproductive 

  19. 4 hours ago, fish monger said:

    Slobs and pigs....And there isn't any room for argument...! The people here couldn't care less about the environment. And that goes for the past couple hundred years and it's no overnight fix.

    Only on TV would you find such overwhelming, stuning,  selective, tunnel-visioned, hypocritical  denial represented by a Westerner calling people here slobs and pigs for their environmental pollution.

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