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Posts posted by johnhw

  1. 15 hours ago, Strange said:


    Never, EVER, give up that passport. 


    Single most important thing to a foreigner here in Thailand, second is bug-out cash and credit cards. They get you by the balls (or uterus).


    Also its a real chickenshit maneuver/probably illegal to take someones only travel document and hold it hostage. Let alone its wasn't even an official person, just hospital people. Pretty pathetic on the hospital and infuriating just reading it. 


    As for the rest of the topic, well, Full Moon Party, 3 months pregnant, no money..... 


    Pregnant, teaches overseas w/o med insurance, needs hospital care. Gets it, of course; entitled, superior, white, Western and FEMALE...

    Hospitals wants over 100,000 bhat. Reduces  it to 20,000 w/ negotiations, then drops all charges.

    Many TV regs here outraged over taking of passport, sleezy hospital, typically Thai,. ....chickenshit maneuver, probably illegal etc etc...

          Infuriating, just reading it.....

  2. 39 minutes ago, Linden said:

    The number of foreign men commiting suicide that have been long term staying here must be higher than most places..Who could you turn to Thaivisa hohoho.

    Its a loneley place if your not paying for your company. Or you have been milked dry. Or the little Miss Different becomes the same as the rest.Or the bubble bursts 

    Yes I know "its different for me stories" this is a pay as you go country you are paying in one way or another.

    It can be a lonely place beware.

    Chances are it was a mental issue brought on by ? probably Thailand

    Its a shame whether 21 or 71 years of age.


    Very insightful, sobering and realistic observation, but  the more I rethink it, the more I begin to suspect your describing the new human condition.....everywhere.

  3. 16 hours ago, silent said:

    No no no you seem to miss my initial point. I really don't care. I just wanted to be devils advocate making a joke about stats, not get into a philosophical discussion but you wanted to have a tapdance to show how much smarter you are. Sorry you failed miserably.

    Sorry,  shoulda known. No place for "philosophical discussion" on most TV strings. I "failed miserably" to get  your "Joke about stats," possibly because its 'humor' is as worn out as the geo-centred universe.

  4. 5 hours ago, silent said:

    No. Actually I think you must be rigged and seriously deluded. However you would be absolutely amazed at how many false fire alarms were activated in a given area where it was sausages being cooked and nothing else caused it, or the number of attempt break and enters that get recorded as Mischief to keep stats down. Always think statistics are 100 % accurate for whatever you want to prove and try not believing in the tooth fairy and Santa anymore..

    Stats can be manipulated, an undeniable fact. What I chuckle about is not the stats, but the reason we doubt some and accept others.  Nothing is more obvious to me than the statistical tapdancing that goes on when findings are counter to what we parrot, and how uncritically we agree, confirm and swear by the collective judgements of stats from sources we agree with.

  5. 16 hours ago, silent said:


    Question is are they even recording foreigners in these statics, or counting on official  police reports and not just their own success at surplus population reduction ? 

    oh for sure. If a stat, study, research or official report don't agree with our preconceived delusions...it must be rigged

  6. 1 hour ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

    thailand is a crazy place. many people who come here dont want to leave, me included. easy to get sucked into believing many things that are not true here and sobering up to the truth can lead to a big downfall. wonder if there are any support groups for  expats in need in thailand. seems there are plenty who require assistance.

    and you find this somehow unique to Thailand? I always figured  denial is a sad universal human character trait

  7. 8 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    This article last week below in a UK paper, mentions that Children from the UK are as unhealthy as children from Thailand. I mention this as the findings were presented in Bangkok Something needs to be done to ensure that the people and children do not become obese and unhealthy.



    just for the hell of it, I parked my bike at a Cdn park beach last summer to verify what I've read.

    3 out of five passers-by were overweight, 2 out of 5 or 6, obese.

    Kids seem to reflect their parents physiology, tho a little less.,

  8. 1 hour ago, lubfishin said:

    I can absolutely tell you he is taking a page out of the book of China brainwashing operations. I lived in China for 1 year and personally witnessed the indoctrination and brainwashing that not only government institutions but businesses hotels blah blah blah the majority of them always had an exercise program not designed to encourage healthy habits of its employees, but as a repetitive form of anchoring discipline and no questions asked loyalty and obedience. Good job William pointing this out and by the way thank you for your past service.

    Wrong Book. Patriot America Brainwashing is the one to copy from, because the most effective brainwashing is the kind that denies it's brainwashing, or has learned to love its brainwashing and/or no questions asked loyalty and obedience.

    ....admittedly, tho, only a slight rinse is required there

  9. 2 hours ago, tonray said:

    I am going to venture a wild guess and say that they would not allow foreign nationals access to a military base unless it was an organized tour pre-arranged and screened.

    I've a similar assumption, but you never know...perhaps an open house sometime to boost recruitment?

    Besides, the thought of a Kanuk  recce for an eminent invasion by a battalion of Mounties on dogsleds might just lead to uncontrolled laughter ...and an open gate?

  10. 6 hours ago, jaltsc said:

    “He believes the move is necessary because the government has failed to curb them.


    I agree with this move, but the logic baffles me.


    Is he going to remove road rage violence, murders, etc. from the crime list because the government has failed to curb them?

    You really think lawmakers are incapable of evaluating the level of harm between murder and these items in question?

  11. 14 hours ago, Thaidream said:

    I am not accusing the Thais of doing anything wrong. However, there is a closing time which is normally not later than 2 AM.  The owner of the open beer bars that keep selling alcohol to obviously drunk customers  are fuelling the problem.  Since the police obviously cannot enforce the closing law- it is time for the new sheriff in town to take over that responsibility. Maybe when these people who cannot handle alcohol find out they cannot get it 24/7 they will move onto other countries. Thailand doesn't need this type of tourist. The only thing a bar gets after 1 AM is someone else's drunks and problems.  If you can't make your profit before legal closing time you shouldn't be in the business.

    A nifty list of a)denials, b)accusations, c)assumptions.

    a)....I am not accusing the Thais of doing anything wrong....

    b)....owner keep selling to obviously drunk customers...

    c)...only thing bars get after 1 AM is someone else's drunks, problems


    a) is OBVIOUSLY myopic tap-dancing, stone-walling

    b&c) I have personal experiences that contradict both


  12. 1 hour ago, Jonmarleesco said:

    I suggest you try being less moronic in your observations.

    Great timing Jon, and  a big thanks for providing a perfect, timely  example of who I'm talking about in my 'moronic' observations.

     ....and, adapting the famous observation of a great philosopher: "When an idea and  some writing collide, must it always be the writing that's empty?  

  13. 34 minutes ago, ThaiFelix said:

    Oh I agree wholeheartedly but my main point was that the people who own these vans, if correct,  should not only know better but should be setting an example to others.

     I agree wholeheartedly also,  but unless I've injected my own  cynicism, I read  the main point on this particular string is not what the safety rules should be, but that some in this world cannot afford even a semblance of our western safety demands.

    2nd issue for me is the sad number on these strings of either xenophobic bigots,  or people simply to privaledged, entitled, or too moronic to recognise the need for empathy.

  14. 2 minutes ago, ThaiFelix said:

    Last time my wife took one of these vans to Isaan they sat her in the first row of the back of the van.  I refused to let them take her until they moved her to the back because they put a motorbike (not tied down) in front of her knees.  I tried to explain to the driver the serious safety consequences if he had an accident or even braked suddenly.  He just shrugged his shoulders.  My wife told me best not to cause any problems because most of these vans are owned by police!!  After that I refused to let her go in one of these vans again.

    Sure would be great if these 37 Cambodians all had a responsible, conscientious relative like you with the wherewithal to do the same.

  15. 2 minutes ago, freebyrd said:

    When your wife is Khmer, from a poor background and you personally see things like this all too often, jibes and sick jokes from well heeled Caucasians is at the very least, in very bad taste. Some people need to take a long hard look in the mirror and remember just how lucky they are they that they were born in developed countries and aren't forced into similar situations.


    I can assure you 'comedians' that these unfortunate people didn't have the option of business, economy class or 'expensive' bus travel.

    For many on too many of these strings, "comedians" is too kind a description

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