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Posts posted by mrrizzla

  1. For all those whining about how the rich get away with murder: if it was your son or daughter and you had Red Bull money you would move heaven and earth to keep your child out of prison.

    That's how life works.

    Anyone who says they'd throw their kid to the wolves is a liar or hates his kid.

    In the case of the Mini van murderer I would at least raise her to show compassion for her victims and actually pay money from my vast wealth to the victims.

  2. Why do they pay bribes to the police? If you don't do anything wrong they won't fine you. (since the army is in charge).

    And you think it's fine if huge groups of people protest every day and bomb/shoot eachother as long as it's not in your soi lad prao? They even block mainroads for many months in row but as long as it's not in lad prao it's all great? And it was getting worse by the day, remember when the Central World was put on fire or the airport occupied? Great that they didn't wait for that to happen again!

    Also i don't care about tourists still coming or not, it's about people who live in BKK and want to be safe in their daily live.

    It was getting worse by the day, we had the black dressed men here carrying machineguns and use them during protests, people hitting monks, bombing crowds it almost was an internal warzone. But of course you didn't see that in lad prao so who cares?

    I lived in Victory Monument during the protests of 2013/4. You make it sound like it Syria.

    Yes there were lots of <deleted> up things going on. But you know that the military was backing the PDRC right? They were complicit in all of the things you said they have stopped. Well yes, that is what they been planning since 2011. And Suthep himself admitted as much.

  3. This punk will never spend a day in prison for his drink and drug fueled reckless (murder in opinion). His family is one of THE richest in Thailand. They will pay whatever is necessary.

    Same with the little wench that murdered 9 and showed no remorse. Her family may not be redbull rich but with her daddies military connections (he probably has the PM and his whole cabinet on speed dial) - she will never, ever face justice.

    Jenthpob will probably get a token prion sentence as while he is rich, he is not redbull rich or as connected as the tollway murderer.

  4. Perhaps this is partly due to the apathy of the citizenship. Or, if not apathy, an unquestioning acceptance of a class system where the ruling elite dictate what the norms will be. I grew up with a different way of thinking, and do not pretend to think I know the answer. But history has demonstrated that western style democracy does not seem to work in Asia, the Middle East, or Africa. So, it may be best to allow other cultures to adapt to whatever form of government works for them. At present, the entire world is experiencing economic slow down. But during growth periods, some of these countries do quite well. Yes, there are less freedoms. But there are a lot less freedoms in Singapore also, yet most consider it a successful country.

    What about Japan, South Korea and Taiwan? It has certainly worked to a huge degree in those nations in Asia. Taiwan and Hong Kong fiercely protect it from mainland influence.

    I know many Thais of this generation unhappy with the status quo.

  5. The reform that will be in place after a civilian government is in power and the 5 year period passes is that the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government will actually run by the rule of law and not be influenced by power. money or corruption. All people will be treated the same. the rich and powerful will not be able to buy their way out of trouble or buy their way into power. The police will actually be reformed and do their job. A National budget will be approved and the actual budget be spent as allocated without 20-30% skimmed off the top. An educational system that works will be put into place which makes Thailand competitive in the World arena. The economy will improve and the income level of the average Thai will rise so its sons and daughters do not have to go into the entertainment industry to stay alive.

    I do not think this will all happen overnight or in 5 years, but I believe that if the reforms that this government wants to make are put into practice- there is long term hope for the country. There is also planning for the expected and unexpected and the military believes it is most suited at this time in history to manage those changes.

    As far as economic reform- industry really needs to be encouraged to move into Isan and not into the Current industrial areas of Rayong; Chonburi; and Bangkok-Samut Prakon. The red shirts exist for a reason and part of this reform has to be a reconciliation between the disparate groups. They have been hijacked by the Shin Group for their own selfish purposes but the current Junta plans on breaking that connection. The prior civilian governments couldn't or wouldn't do this. Too much money politics- which will no longer exist as part of the reforms.

    I do not think the military government is perfect and without flaws, but its only chance for real change is what is happening now. No elected civilian government will make the changes. let's see if the General can make it happen.

    This as been the nineteenth...NINETEENTH! Coup since the first one that implemented democracy way back in 1932. Those military regimes changed NOTHING i the grand scheme of things and the status quo remains very much the same. All the military are doing now in consolidating their power.

    Stop drinking that kool aid!

    Nineteen coups must also mean nineteen elected governments which were also unable or unwilling to create change?

    How about the military constantly interfering then? Wouldn't Yingluck's term of been finished this year? She could well of been well on her way out of office and the Dems or hell maybe even another party could of had a crack of the whip.

    I am not even truly a fan of the party system in my own or most western countries (in the USA it could be between Killary Clinton and Donald $%^&head Trump for Christ's sake) but military rule is going even further back into the dark ages. Democracy has had some degree of success in places like South Korea, Taiwan and Japan (after some growing pains). Here the traditional elite forever war with each other or grab power through the military. It is like something from the medieval times!

  6. The reform that will be in place after a civilian government is in power and the 5 year period passes is that the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government will actually run by the rule of law and not be influenced by power. money or corruption. All people will be treated the same. the rich and powerful will not be able to buy their way out of trouble or buy their way into power. The police will actually be reformed and do their job. A National budget will be approved and the actual budget be spent as allocated without 20-30% skimmed off the top. An educational system that works will be put into place which makes Thailand competitive in the World arena. The economy will improve and the income level of the average Thai will rise so its sons and daughters do not have to go into the entertainment industry to stay alive.

    I do not think this will all happen overnight or in 5 years, but I believe that if the reforms that this government wants to make are put into practice- there is long term hope for the country. There is also planning for the expected and unexpected and the military believes it is most suited at this time in history to manage those changes.

    As far as economic reform- industry really needs to be encouraged to move into Isan and not into the Current industrial areas of Rayong; Chonburi; and Bangkok-Samut Prakon. The red shirts exist for a reason and part of this reform has to be a reconciliation between the disparate groups. They have been hijacked by the Shin Group for their own selfish purposes but the current Junta plans on breaking that connection. The prior civilian governments couldn't or wouldn't do this. Too much money politics- which will no longer exist as part of the reforms.

    I do not think the military government is perfect and without flaws, but its only chance for real change is what is happening now. No elected civilian government will make the changes. let's see if the General can make it happen.

    This as been the nineteenth...NINETEENTH! Coup since the first one that implemented democracy way back in 1932. Those military regimes changed NOTHING i the grand scheme of things and the status quo remains very much the same. All the military are doing now in consolidating their power.

    Stop drinking that kool aid!

  7. The fact that meth was found with a van driver says a lot about how these drivers keep awake on their 25 hour shifts....

    This is especially bad around the new year period. The drivers will be iced up to their eyeballs in order to do as many shifts as they can. The trip I took for BKK to Pattaya was white knuckle to say the least!

    The Thais in the van were all sleeping. I was scared stiff! I am used to it now though.

  8. "...rooting out underworld influences and unduly “influential people” in the economy and society."

    This is exactly what most people have been demanding for decades.

    Using soldiers to arrest heavily-armed underworld groups and crime-bosses, is just basic common sense, because many serious gangsters have the kind of firepower that would put the lives of normal policemen and policewomen in danger.

    So I will wait and see, I hope that they do break up underworld gangs, and apprehend the crime bosses.

    I know I will be barbecued for writing this.

    The other alternative, and in my opinion the correct one, would be to improve the police force and other investigation depts. Danger is what one should expect if signing to be a policeman anywhere and hardened gangsters don't just operate in Thailand. This move, imo, is just an excuse by the junta to have more power over the people. What's the next one, dismantling the judicial system and have all army tribunals?

    although your idea is a sound one there is a major problem, what you are suggesting takes time - a very long time, probably talking 10+ years to even make a dent, the other problem is that soon we will have an elected government back in place and any ideas of wiping out corruption and the pursuit of reforms will be very quickly forgotten, greed and thieving will take over and the cycle will begin again

    And the greed and thieving isn't happening with this current mob?

    How is Prayuth any different to any coup leader before him?

  9. Here we go...you couldn't make it up..again !! ...the military giving the military the power to do what they want without warrants..

    Looking forward to hear what Human rights organizations have to say about this 'Democratic' decision .

    You mean the Human rights organizations who give themselves huge salaries from the gifts of civilians? And they use students to collect the gifts who get a bonus (percentage) of it?

    I can't be bothered what they think!

    The Police doesn't do their job so it ain't strange that now the Army is ordered to do it.

    After all Thailand became what it is dued by the lack of (real) Police.

    Yes and no.

    The police generally don't do their job, agreed, and a lot of Thailand's issues would be sorted by a reformed, properly functioning police force, that's for sure - but, the RTP and the RTA are generally regarded as competing mafia-like organisations with competing allegiances.

    If, and that's a huge 'if', Prayuth is doing this in order to root out the criminals, then great carry on, but I fear this is just another move in his power grab. He already has assured himself control of the government for pretty much as long as he wants, his minions are on the boards of most, if not all, of Thailand's state-run agencies, he commands the military, and now is sidelining the RTP.

    There will inevitably be a massive shift in Thai society, which could occur any day, so the elites need to have the right people in power, and have full control of the country. This is, in many peoples' opinion, the reason for the coup in the first place.

    It's becoming an increasingly scarier time to be in Thailand.

    Guess you still don't know how it works here. Prayuth didn't assure himself control of the government, the real boss did.

    And if there has to be change of power to get things changed here then i'm all for it. We know how good the police is so at least it can't get any worse.

    And since the army is in control i didn't see any big protests, occupied roads, bombings, shootings like it was before he came in charge. It was a warzone in BKK.

    He ordered the police last week to arrest 6000 criminals, how many do they have in custody today? So it's smart to give the power to another team, lets' see what they can do.

    And i haven't heard of big scandals about the army other then a soldier smuggling 6 cartons of cigarettes.

    The microphone scandal, very recent park scandal and some generals fleeing after being implicated in human trafficking passed you by then eh?

  10. I can't believe some posters here actually think this is noting more than a huge shake down of "certain" types.

    Look at how the park scandal was "handled" rolleyes.gif

    Now for me a huge test will be the South. We all know it is absolutely infested with mafia but is in a military friendly geographical location. If skulls started getting cracked down there is a bit of merit in this.

    Pigs will fly before it happens though.

  11. If she had shot him there'd be 5 pages about how bad guns are by now.

    RIP to the guy.

    Trying to use this to score points for gun ownership? Really?

    Have a word with yourself.

    We really should get all these knives off the street.

    A case is easily for the more dangerous types of knives being sold in open in places like Thailand yes. But knives actually have other purposes than killing people, while guns only suit one purpose, to kill.

    Unless you cut your steak by firing at it with a machine gun rolleyes.gif

  12. She embodies the disrespect the normal Thai people have had to endure for generations. Because she is connected she got away in court and are able to demand where she must serve her community service. If she was poor or middle class she would have been in jail. In a normal democracy she would have been arrested when she refused to do her community service. The one question I have where is the generals voice ? Her connections was RTA, why is he not intervening ? Is this case not more important than cheaper lottery tickets ?

    On a more interesting note. Look at the photo in the article, she was standing texting after the accident. When she however appeared in court she was brought in on a wheelchair ???

    The general's voice? The little princess's daddy probably has him and his whole top brass on speed dial!

    She used a wheel chair to feign injury to try and garner some sympathy.

    The above poster is right. She is, and is from, a family of sociopaths.

  13. And the taxi driver? Happily back at the airport? whistling.gif

    His driving licence was confiscated for 3 months, he was not working for a company but owned the car, so 3 month without working.

    Because the hotel put the story on FaceBook and guess what, the police is reading FaceBook every days, and they found it...Happier now? smile.png

    That is a good first step. However, I think he should be banned from collecting passengers at swampy and Don Mueng for life.

  14. The poor thing has to live with her bad conscience for the rest of her life, isn't that bad enough bah.gif

    From what I understand and have read she has no conscience.

    She was told to visit the injured in hospital. Ok she did that, but she didn't say a word to them.

    spoilt little bitch

    On one visit she wanted a wheel chair (which she didn't need AT ALL) to try and fake her injuries before going to visit (but not speak, oh and had to be instructed to wai to) the victims.

    Deplorable human being raised by abhorrent people.

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