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Don Chance

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Posts posted by Don Chance

  1. I went here Shining Smile Dental Clinic recently it was pretty good. There is a older man who is the main dentist, also a young girl in training. I ask for the older man. He spoke english well and the price was right. He seemed to be well experienced.

    There are few other places in the area which seem also good.  Such as 66 dental, rim dental and blue dental. But they were all booked up. I walked into the blue dental place but nobody could speak a lick of english including the dentist.

  2. 3 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    Not a lot of money for immigration bosses. They make huge money from all the illegal immigrants  20/30k a time. 

    But if you invest it to earn $2,300 a year, you will not be able to spend the invested amount if you die in Thailand. 


    Maybe the govt should copy the US and make retirees invest in Thai companies to get their visa. Currently $500,000 in the US. 


    Where do you get 10 %? 



  3. 23,332.12 United States Dollar.

    That's a lot of payola.  If you invest that money you should get 10% a year, so it is costing you $2300 a year. in 20 years almost 50k! to retire in Thailand. In most cases you will never get to spend that $23k if you die in Thailand.  So it is way expensive. doesn't even make sense when a 1 month extension is $60, why would a retirement visa be more?

    • Confused 1
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  4. 40 minutes ago, Tropposurfer said:

    a furthering to you diagnosis; chronic xenophobia hahahahaha ????

    People expect a lot for nothing. Cheap accommodations and food is not enough. Thailand is just not multicultural. 100's of thousands of people seem to be raised and live almost exactly the same, same tastes, same habits, same customs etc. It is like watching a huge flock of birds of one species fly together and just turn at the same time like magic.

    For us, opposites will never attract. We will never be Thai and probably never understand what it is like to be Thai. No matter how long we wait they will not become like us either.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 2 hours ago, ASEANTraveler said:


    The dinner dates have been great:   laughing, smiling, good conversation to the extent possible given the language barrier.  I think the woman have enjoyed the evenings as much as I have.

    NOW comes the challenge.  These women seem to get “very attached” after just one date.  They say things like “will I see you tomorrow.” They text me on LINE, etc.  


    So, how do I handle this is Thailand?  





    Before you get involved with someone you need to ask a LOT of questions. How many farangs have you had, how many children do you have etc. A lot of hard question so you do not waste your time and emotional energy. 


    For a relationship to work you need 1 ) Love 2) Sex.  So you had better get to know them first.

    • Haha 2
  6. 21 hours ago, Trip Hop said:

    I met him a few times briefly a few years ago before he relocated to Cambodia just before Covid.  He used to come to eat and have a few beers at the g/f's restaurant because he was sweet on a girl that was renting a room from her.  He wasn't the most talkative guy but those in the MC world rarely are to outsiders until they get to know them.  On the other hand, he didn't immediately come across as an obvious bad person.

    He seems childish.  You can see who club house motiff of skull and cross bones, it is like teenagers room. There he was hiding in the corner, again like a child.


    This is what happens, people do not grow up, he was stuck in his childhood, in a psychosis, unable to comprehend reality fully.

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  7. 3 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    If you had to wash them twice to get the smell out, most probably naphthalene, the chemical used in mothballs. Dry cleaning fluid would be eliminated in the first wash.



    I don't think it is naptholene because i know what that smells like. This chemical is same one what they used to spray in the airplane cabins before landing.  I think that the clothing is getting sprayed when it arrives in Thailand.

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